C/C++ IDEs

What are the best C/C++ IDEs? I'm on Linux so I'd prefer to refrain from using Visual Studio, but I'll virtualize it if there's really no other option.

Until now I've just been using vim, but when the projects get thousands of lines long, even before touching up documentation, it leaves things to be desired (most notably the dropdown on class methods and function signatures).

So what do you guys use? NetBeans? Eclipse? Code::Blocks?



visual studio or vim

I've always used VS, but netbeans is what a couple buds of mine use

>not writing code with pencil and paper at the lowest possible level of ones and zeroes

sublime text and compile using g++

For editing I use Atom with the following packages:
linter + linter-gcc

It's far from perfect, the prediction from autocomplete-clang is haphazard and while the error reporting from linter-gcc is very good, it precompiles header files and won't realize they've been changed until you manually open them and make a trivial change to force a recompile. There might be ways to fix these problems, I haven't really looked very hard.

I compile using cmake -> make -> g++ separately.

I debug with gdb separately.

vi + uxrvt + 2 yuugggge 4k monitors + i3 wm

Add some plugins to Vim.


I () tried this for a while before discovering Atom, as bad as the Atom plugins are, the Vim ones are far worse.

I've used Netbeans in the past. I like Netbeans because of the variety of languages it supports, so I can go from Java, to C/C++, to PHP on the same IDE and have things work reasonably well.



Not vim

xterm tmux make vim + some vim plugins

Qtcreator or kdevelop.

visual studio code?

Why is it nobody ever suggest something concrete and just say vim?
It takes years to make the perfect IDE, it might be worth sharing the setup.
Or do you just run make from the editor and call it an IDE?

So far I've used Netbeans and Qtsomething on Loonix and VS on Windows. I don't know what are you looking for, but Netbeans was bretty good. I've heard IntelliJ is best choice tho

Op you should try qtcreator.
Even the debian version is pretty good despite being old as fuck.
It's not visual studio, but you can try it.
It doesn't force you to use Qt, by the way


No love for Code::Blocks here?

I like the IntelliJ IDEs (CLion, Pycharm, etc)but those things are fucking memory hogs.

Atom tbqh

: ^)


Clion for bigger stuff, Kdevelop for quick little tasks

qt creator

VS code

VS Code with clang plugin

Yes. This might be worth noting.
Qtcreator does not make you use qt, but it does make it easier to use it.
You can use the qt designer with or without qtcreator.

But qtcreator does use qmake per default and is better to handle qmake than it is handling cmake.
If you are a beginner, this may not mean anything.

I normally use Code::Blocks. Started using it for some C++ tutorials and it hasn't bothered me. I don't do large projects though.

I personally can manage with just sublime text and gcc/g++ if you're just after a c++ ide I've personally use code::blocks and enjoyed it. If you can manage it visual studio is comfy but it's also botnet tier so pick your poison. As far as C the only ide i found is pelles c that i only use on Windows for some c11 features if i need them, otherwise I go with text editor and compiler. You can also keep using vim and add plugins to it and it can pretty much be an ide.

Eclipse is what I use for Java and C++ on my windows partition. I really enjoy it.

>Not scrawling binary onto the flat face of a rock
Tripfags btfo

because they are just memeing

Notepad++ on Wine

fite me

Clion ist fuckin slow, eclipse sucks, use Emacs + irony + rtags + company