Attacks on Indian Developers in America

Why can't America educate it's own people to fill technology related jobs? Companies are forced to import workers from India then locals get jealous of them for earning a lot more money than them.

Latest incident:

`You brown or Indian shouldn`t be here` - Indian man's house trashed with dog poop and hate messages in Southern Colorado

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Good, keep them out so they can improve their own country and not ruin mine.

Because children born after 1990 are all borderline mentally retarded.

America has spent 40 years educating its populace to whine when they're behind instead of working harder. It's a cultural problem.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

The American race of """""PEACE AND DEMOCRACY""""" strikes again

why are the Indian people so devoid of character they can be "imported".

Talented people cost money. Easier to employ modern day slave labor from Tata.

America isn't failing to fill these jobs. Companies in the US are using imported labor to fill jobs at lower prices than comparatively skilled/experienced american workers.

I know plenty of h1bs and they don't get paid as much as the people who used to have their job.

It kinda sucks for their countries too though, but it rocks for them and the employer. They get a better life in America, the employer gets a cheaper educated worker who cannot negotiate for more pay with any leverage.

Meanwhile American workers have more competition and the "home" countries suffer brain drain.

There is a caveat, when it comes to poaching top talent H1bs do get paid the same though. Usually the guys who get paid aren't making shit-apps or working for microsoft as a codemonkey, they are people with PhDs and patents. H1b program almost seems like economic warfare really.

Actually it's more like companies figured out it's cheaper to hire nothing less than the best of the best, wherever they come from, than to hire and train up fresh employees themselves.


That's sad but the truth is that the most indians that we worked with were sloppy twats with 0 documentation and work ethics.

Of course not all of them but most was from my experience.

Nah. They generate unmaintainable, procedural spaghetti that scantly meets requirements. All the same to me, keeps me employed.

this is sadly accurate. The reason is that most Americans are entitled as fuck, especially the average white ones.

White people are too content, soft and have nothing to struggle for. Indians and other people of color are strong willed and driven to succeed. Get over it, shitlords.

Oh, absolutely. The consultancy firm slave labor with no bargaining power are rising through the ranks. Hurr.

Unfortunately, these "people of color" are struggling for the same sorts that used to run plantations. Shareholders, sharecroppers, it's all the same racist ownership.

That's fine.

>they don't get paid as much as the people who used to have their job

That means nothing. They still earn over double the average American salary.

This is a dumb argument. It means that for a specific level of skilled worker companies are depressing wages with imported labor.

It means the imported worker is also being screwed because the market says he should get paid more but he can't really shop around for better paying work if his employer can get him deported.

>the ``they get paid less that's why they get the jobs'' entitled-fucker's excuse

They get brought to the UNITED STATES where they're paid what they would pay American workers with same benefits and everything, because you know, that's the law. Americans quite literally, could not do an Indian's job in their own country, competing for the same pay and affirmative action laws that require employers to give them priority over importing foreigners on visas. Sad!

this. i work at a fairly large software company and i admit that some of my Indian coworkers definitely fail to impress (and some are straight up bad), but i'm willing to bet it would be even worse if we just swapped them all with americans.

i'm pretty sure most americans think they are better than they really are, and even more are significantly worse.

Why can't Indians industrialise it's own country to employ technology related jobs? Indians are forced to move away from India then the locals of the host country has to deal with their stinky curry smell .

Except, sadly, that's not the case. The majority make scantly more than the ~60K-ish that prevents a company from eating a penalty. Further, the consultancy services that import these poor bastards rarely provide permanent citizenship, ensuring the same cycle of dependency on the firms and their parent company.

>Indians calling other people shitlords
Irony, Pajeet.

>muh generation meme

Because the type of American who complains about this shit are the same ones who go to college and major in Psychology or Women's Studies or some shit. I have never met a single American STEM major that couldn't find work in this current economy.

>Companies are forced to import workers from India
Oh yes, I hear stories all the time of start-up tech companies crying out for workers, and after months of stalling, are simply FORCED to hire Indians...

Oh no wait, my mistake, Microsoft and Google aren't start-ups.

Oh those poor Indians making 200k a year at Microsoft and Google.

Vast majority of H-1B visas are filed to replace existing workers, not to fill empty positions.

>yfw there is no pajeets in your country
streets are clean as fuck

Nah. The market actually says that American programmers should be paid less.
And that is becoming a reality. The market never fails.

Not true

west coast wages are too high and those companies don't want to relocate. they spin the yarn about needs for engineers and bring in foreign work to depress and stagnate wages. the last 4 indians that left my team all went to a big 4 and their sharing an apartment with 3-5 other people. americans won't work for wages that force you to live like that. they aren't making 200k by they way. an h1b can expect between 95-120k starting.

no, we're paid what the market says we should get paid today. companies don't like that so they so they change the labor market, which changes wages.

This is everything wrong with the expat indian.
plenty of indians that live in india are optimistic, hard working, and realize their need to be more independent of western markets. the cowardly ones that want to scrape by in other countries and openly admit to "fuck you i got mine from massa". they ruin it for the rest of them.

you're a coward, and you should ostracized

just like the engineering meme, somehow going outside to get their masters and then cozying into a high paying job is emerging as another meme among young indian students

Is absolutely correct.
At my university 99% of white people I see I my care about partying and drugs. They're performing terribly in their classes, but they don't even care.
Compared to Asians, I see only about 75% of them acting this way.
I think the reason for this is that most asian kids were either the first of their family to be born here, or moved with their parents, so they have seen what kind of struggles they had to undergo. Little Timmy however, has not seen what his parents have had to go through and so is fine blowing his monthly allowance on weed.

That's not true at all. You offer low pay and the pajeets line up.

its a tax loophole

the h1bs dont pay taxes so you can pay them less

then you cover it up with the lie that no american can become a code monkey (really no white person can get on the job training)

I am thinking of pursuing my masters in US. mainly because universities are better. I already am working here... so I would come back after studies. Would that be a good decision guys?

yes people don't understand that "lower wages" doesn't mean asking "are you indian, then we'll pay you less". It means wage stagnation.high inflation rates mean real wages for devs hasn't risen in probably a decade. Also, the way the visa system works is that the COMPANY gets a visa, not a PERSON. This is important to understand because it means that indian workers never negotiate for better wages or even "job hop" their way up the career ladder. It's basically impossible for them to have economic freedom because they can be let go and shipped backed to india. 10 years ago, an entry dev made 70k, pajeet gets offered 68k and takes because lmao american life. 6 years, later he literally gets kicked out of the country losing his job and pajeet 2 comes along, the company offers 64k because that's what the market was saying before minus some negotiate space., it is to the benefit to the company to get positions at below markey price. pajeet 2 won't negotiate the salary up because lmao american life for 6 years.

Now imagine this happening yearly instead of every 6 years. Quality issues aside, the h1b is depressing wages of the tech sector

I help do engineeri hiring at a medium (3k developer) company. This is exactly what's happening. american's coming in are getting less than i did when i came into the market 10 years ago and they can't negotiate the salaries up because pajeet will come in right behind him and take whatever number is written on the piece of paper.

i realize i type like a retard, but basically it is easy to argue any visa holder in the US is a salary TAKER not a salary SETTER

A lot of the h1b talk get's muddled with racism, muh america wuz built on immigration, and butthurt indian consulting firms but at the end the day the visa system need to be reworked so that pajeet gets the visa, not microsoft so pajeet can actually be competitive and help drive up wages instead of being a salaried slave.
This way, americans win, pajeets win, and companies have to be smarter about recruiting.

In Europe, gypsies are Indian immigrants.

This. The generations that came after the boomers are spoiled and mediocre.

Millennial westerners are the biggest sacks of entitled shit on earth. It's ironic they voted for trump and then also are the biggest group who hate on him publicly. They know China and India has them cornered when it comes to actually performing a useful function in the world.

I hope more Indians and Chinks realise they are better off staying in their own countries and building economies that stomp the fuck out of the USAs.

brown people are cool
indians can fuckoff for all i care.

indian isn't a race, and it's always been encouraged to hate on other countries.
so fuck india and fuck your anti nationalist, anti patriotic self hating faggot self OP.

Holy shit learn math you fucking retard.

Yes it is

They can, indians just work for less, that's their competitive advantage
Good thing they'll get Trumped soon

The asians in my school are all fags and retarded as fuck. Literally party about the same too.

Weird the Asians in my Operating Systems class are always asking the white kids for answers to homework questions at my school. I'm guessing you're a freshman.

Except pajeets would be out of jobs since as anyone he has ever been a project manager at a company that employs these retards, they are incompetent but cheap.

If you are not from New Delhi you should not be in the US period.

*I don't know what i'm doing*

>t. mad he can't leave his shit country

This is 100% true. I've never once considered immigrating and have been successful in building 3 intellectual properties in Media and Arts. Most of the H1B engineering exports are nothing more than worthless individuals from smaller towns who are told that "Doing engineering and getting a greencard in America is your only destiny" These same guys with no personality and character have wives who end up fucking other men when they "come down to visit mom and pop" Lets not forget the woman either ended up with him a.) Arranged Marriage B.) Greencard C.)Both
Look at this guy, he has sold his company to Dentsu and won countless Cannes Awards yet he chooses to stay in India. What about the richest man in Asia? Trust me if you live in the cities you need not consider migrating elsewhere

People are blaming White Americans for being lazy, but that's not the case. American companies are CLEARLY replacing American staff, explain what happened with Disney? Why is Zuckerberg down here all the time at engineering colleges?
Lastly Indian is not a race, I'm Portuguese, Satya Nadella is Telugu, Sundar Pichar is Tamilian, hating Indian immigration is not racist, you're actually supporting your country

Then only pajeets that are actually qualified enough to contribute get in and get more than slave wages for their work so they don't bring down standards. Sounds good for everyone

Yes, only the indians from New Delhi. All indians from Mubai are scammers and retards.

Delhi is cancer. Isn't it overrun by Biharis?

It's not about education.
Same shit with the mexicans
They'll work longer and cheaper than an American that's why.

New Delhi is where all scientists and smart rich people living

The rest is retards

>Why can't America educate it's own people to fill technology related jobs?

They can. Not enough people WANT to do this. How hard is for retards to understand? You can't force careers on citizens you retarded cunt.

We do have educated people, it's just that you shitstains will take whatever you get paid, fucking up the market.

Mumbai and Bangalore. 12 year old Bangalore kids are building A.I