>using the Play Store
Why haven't you switched to APK Updater to protect your freedom, Sup Forums?
>using the Play Store
Why haven't you switched to APK Updater to protect your freedom, Sup Forums?
because I'm happy with fdroid
f-droid doesn't get everything, user
you need both f-droid and APK Updater
because htc cucked the OS but it doesnt matter since the device is not used as a cell
>updates from multiple sources
malware straight to my phone senpai
>downloading random apks from shady sites
because I don't care, with a phone you should expect zero privacy
also why should I switch to some vulnerable pajeet updater
what a retard
Thank you, user! ^__^
I was just wondering about this few hours ago b/c I wanna get rid of the botnet too. Thank you so, so much!
Install F-Droid
I already have it but it checks very few apps
Yeah but F-Droid has apps not found in the play store such as Newpipe, which you should look at.
Alright! Thank you! :)
Isn't it possible to automatically download the apps to update from the sources?
I just found these:
all shit
Yalp Store already auto updates
>Yalp Store
Wow! This really seems good!
I can't thank you and OP enough for this thread!
Openkeychain gpg, k9, new pipe, keepassdroid, lightning. There's foss alts for everything
yeah. gonna browser a bit later
>you need
speak for yourself faggot
>literally same interface
why don't you use the original one, user?
>having gapps installed