Hey Sup Forums, tell me why you're not making your own sleeved cables yet.
And if you do show the works!
Hey Sup Forums, tell me why you're not making your own sleeved cables yet.
And if you do show the works!
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im not autistic enough that i would care about how cables look in a fucking computer which is closed anyway and i dont stare at it all the time
I bet you're one of those guys that builds its pc's with the cpu 8-pin cable going in front of the graphics card
Why should I sleeve my own? I feel like I'd fuck up - I'd rather pay a bit more for sleeved cabled already made.
You need to get Rosetta Stone and brush up on your engrish, put the cables away man
Yeah don't forget to buy eyeliner that matches your purse too.
>sleeving cables
who gives a fuck
if its already sleeved, great, if not I'm not gonna waste my time so it 'looks' cool
It takes patience but I wouldn't say it's hard. Materials are also relatively cheap. I feel like for newcomers it's the lack of learning resources that scares them away.
I also sell them so I can't really complain about the money I get from people that just want the job done, but I really miss the good times where it was easy to find people sleeving all their pc by themselves. Wonderful pieces of art.
I aint gonna sleeve any cables but I do plan on shortening them for a future slim mITX build
Plastidip is faster and works fine.
how did I do?
trimmed and sleeved myself.
unfortunately i measured with the atx connector the wrong way around which resulted in this mess. should have really gave myself a little more slack in the cable.
on the bright side I've learned that my time is far more valuable than saving £60 on a cable mods set. never again will i make that mistake
That's quite a mess, but a start is a start.
I can tell you that if you're doing it only to save money you're 100% right, it takes a ridiculous amount of time and it's just not worth it.
Mastering cable making and sleeving is about the flexibility you acquire on being able to work with cables. You can still make them look sick even without any sleeving if you have a bit of skill and creativity.
PS: Cablemod has a great range of products but the quality is shit for what you pay for it. Their markups on that crap are insane.
>he cares about meaningless shit like this
I only do cable management to improve airflow and make my life easier when cleaning
Who gives a fuck what it looks like?
I've had quite a few cable mod sets now, I think the quality is comparable to what i've done myself albeit limitedin variery, the biggest benefit is they can squeeze twin pairs into a single connector hole that you just can't do yourself. Superflower psu's were a fucking nightmare to do and splicing cables looks ugly AF
I'd like to learn..watched some youtube tutorials out of curiosity and looks interesting
I posted before you cannot clean fabric sleeved, smooth plastic is better
Also I got rid of the window case and have 0 led silent fractal case and like it so much better. I just wish better cable management was around for kvm because I can't stand wireless
They're like malted barley - I can make it at home but buying it is worth the saved time.
I just wish there was a Canadian outfit that did custom jobs. Shipping from the US is a nightmare.
cablemod is shit, they use very thin gauge wire with lots of empty space between the wires.
150mm at the PSU and 150mm at the connector.
I'd say the biggest issue like with all other industrial bullshit is that the sleeve is low quality, there is barely any tensioning, they crimp the pin with wire+sleeve, and on top of that the cables look very thin and they'll never stay in position without cable combs.
And you don't pay cheap for them.
Look locally, not every good sleever can afford a shop
Wat, that actually makes it even more work. Are you a poorfag?
>makes it even more work
Not much more, but frees up space in the closet. All that extra padding can make a tight squeeze.
>Are you a poorfag?
Yes and no. Not even sure how much sleeveing costs, but the unsleeved portion will be out of sight, so weigh up the pros and cons per build case I guess.
I make my own USB and audio cables.
Where's a good place to get 8 and 24 pin plugs?
My power supply doesn't reach through the back of my case so half the cables are in front of the mobo.
Is this a good psu to learn sleeving on? It looks like a decent price but idkwtf im even doing 0.o
ebay com/itm/162409851784?_trksid=p2055359.m1431.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT