Best IRC program for windows?
Best IRC program for windows?
ssh to a linux machine
it is actually the best client
Hexchat is my favorite GUI one. mIRC is good too but you would be like those people that won't stop using WinRAR.
IRSSI is my favorite terminal one.
Hexchat is great desu
IRC has been abandoned by the elite groups for a reason. Only good goys still use it.
Irssi on Bash on Windows.
What do you recommend?
Nice FUD Mr NSA agent
Windows LOL
Putty -> tmux -> weechat
And what else should we use? Skype? discord? slack?:^)
anime-desu =3
Hexchat is garbage
If that irc client bug where downloads of files greater than 2GB (?) in size don't resume when they fail wasn't fixed, then mIRC is you're only bet. Otherwise, hexchat is a nice client.
That shit happens on miranda and pidgin too.
Also the dcc timeout bug.
Hexchat unless you're retarded and prefer something with less features and a more colvoluted user interface for no reason
kiwiirc ofc, other clients are only useful for channel moderation.
discord rofl
I use ChatZilla everywhere
From what I remember it's a problem with irc clients. I guess a bunch of them share some common library or implementation that doesn't work. mIRC doesn't have this problem but it blows big donkey balls.
a real man diy his client
I use thunderbird because fuck it, I already have it.
Trillian 4.2
Spotted the gaymerbabby
IRC is the 80s/90s form of boomers holding onto old shitty rusted cars, they can only do it because they have a nice little circlejerk of other old people pretending it's still relevant
IRC is goat for lightweight text chatting when i work security
if you think to a good project it doesn't matter the language. just learn how to mvc and use a good OOP. after that you can go back to that language circlejerking dicussion
Gentoo Linux
AdilIRC is the best open source irc client out there. Its pretty low key, but has all the awesome features that mIRC has. Literally a better copy of mIRC. beats shit like Hexchat and limechat out the water
Anyone got an idea for a IRC Client for Macs so I can kick back with my Mac Mini hooked to my big screen and chat on IRC??
No, you're retarded. Even the way that you type tells that you don't speak english, so you have no say in this. Fuck off Pajeet.
HexChat is bae 2bh
nah, i think you are stupid
ChatZilla on XULRunner
>criticizes the way others type whilst typing like a retard