desktop bread
>no baleeting
>no cleaning
desktop bread
>no baleeting
>no cleaning
Other urls found in this thread:
good luck, user
no botnet allowed
I know this is bait, but
>daemon tools
Say, you're not that dude who keeps shilling for that ponyware shit torrent client in every single thread?
Down in Joe's garage
We didn't have no dope or LSD
post wallpaper
>tfw unifag
its the best torrent client I've used so far, but I don't shill.
pretty disgusting, actually.
wallpaper please
This is the tiny mini PC running my media center in my livingroom... s'why everything is huge.
do you have this in a better resolution?
>appliance system
>bleeding edge os
this is retarded
I keep it simple and clean.
got wallpaper in retina resolution?
Icons seem pretty small even for a HTPC. Doesn't look to be the type of "10 foot user interface" I'd use.
Got any pics of it running on a TV?
Displaperture, nice
did you just mspaint resize this you jerk
This was pulled from 10.4 so its as high as it gets.
I'm currently watching Barakamon, what are you watching?
no I used tineye you lazy fuckc
Kill yourself, you dumb fucking shit stain.
thanks, that's perfect
ok thanks man
r u d e
All cracked games xD
hackintosh is goddamn comfy
>tfw getting ready to build a VM rig to run macOS as a guest
my body is so ready
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Hello Yuuji
It's a 42". I'm poor... and no, no pics. I don't know how many of you are agents.
>implying any of that matters
this is retarded
I love your wallpaper
Am I doing it right?
woah that looks cool how did you do it
Onodera-punpun's openbox theme
looks right to me
>bring the hate you NEETS
Thanks senpai. Where can I get wallpapers like that?
I'm a potato.
>Intel HD graphics
>Wise Game "Booster"
wew lad
Fuck off Sup Forums tourist.
Desktopjerks go on /wg/.
>no games on linux so he has to watch other people play games
I'm even watching the most leddit streamer to achieve maximum cancer
do your worst
Post wallpapers fampai
nice. ty.
>not liking cure japanese girls
>windows 10
The dock is shit.
Minimalism has gone too far at this point.
Nice desktop, decent distro.
The wallpaper is crap, everything else is good.
How did you do this? Are you just pulling images from 10.4 and replacing the stock ones in the newer OS?
>light fonts on a light background
Fuck, that's physically painful to look at.
>all you can see is a fat butt
if it was an actual cutie that'd be different, but this pic it's literally just fat
Just built this computer, still trying to fine-tune it.
42" 1080p TV
i feel like im getting baited
is that really 32 open tabs?
if so, please screenshot your memory in task manager
What about this butt?
looks like a boy
Judge me.
What an outrageous claim
>not using discord
>using current year
>using "kys"
>using botnets ever
you need to go back
59159511 (YOU)
>attention whore not getting any replies
You forgot your >>
I'm not giving him what he wants, newfriend.
are you new?
>getting desperate for a simple (You)
I've been here all summer.
there is nothing about his post that is ""baiting for ((((you))))s"
you're the only one that cares
Here's my garbage. None of you care. I don't even care. Why the fuck am I even posting?
Can you pretty please dump that wallpaper? Prefer 2560x1440 if possible. I love bears.
Do you have any problems running a Hackintosh on a Thinkpad? Do stuff just work or you're stuck with no audio and shit like that?
I'm new to Hackintosh in general, most of the guides I've seen go through the process of building a desktop dedicated to Hackintosh. I wanted to buy a T420 and install macOS Sierra on it but I have no idea if it'll work or if I'll end up with a half-functional Hackintosh.
>How did you do this? Are you just pulling images from 10.4 and replacing the stock ones in the newer OS?
Yes. It's just a wallpaper.
can you really not memorize those shortcuts fuckin retard
I'm under assuption (You) are the tripfag seeking for attentiom, concluding (You)r attitude.
my identity is far to important to reveal to you mere mortals
(you) are wrong Sup Forumstard