Write good code or this thing will crawl in your bed
Write good code or this thing will crawl in your bed
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int main() {
return 0;
>bug smaller than my dick
I would care why?
good code
It's okay. I can share my bed with this buddy.
It fits into your dickhole.
int main() {
return NULL;
That's why I always sleep with my dickplug in.
You are both wrong.
#include stdio.h
int main() {
return 0;
>return NULL
That's the joke
>#include stdio.h
int main() {
return (int) NULL;
Happy now?
Guess that makes sense.
Impossible, ain't in austria
You're too late. The centipede will haunt you in your sleep tonight.
For fucks sake
/*When Guys Code*/
float Q_rsqrt( float number)
long i;
Float x2, y;
const float threehalfs = 1.5F;
x2 = number * 0.5F;
y = number;
i = 0x5f3759df - (i>> 1);
y = *(float*) &i;
y = y * (threehalfs - ( x2 * y * y));
return y;
>tfw if this function had comments it would probably be larger than the entire remaining source code
>const float threehalfs for a literal
What did they mean by this?
>threehalfs and not threehalves
* Author: Karlie Kloss
* This is a function that calculates the larger of two numbers
* ^_^
*This function returns an int ;D
* an int is a number without a decimal!
int max(int a, int b)
if(a < b)
return b;
/*return b if a is less than b*/
else if(a > b && b < a)
return a;
/*return a if a is greather than b*/
/*else returns 5 because I'm so random yay :D*/
return 5;
/*this is the end of the program! see you guys later XD*/
Nice code if you just want to have fun.
Bad code if you want to produce something.
I wrote this before I realized how stupid the second if statement is
did you mean just to have fun fixing it ?
cd code
while true; do
Imagine that thing trying to push itself through your asshole as you sleep at night.
int main(void) {
while true {
for (i=1;i
But I don't live in Australia
Can i code without doing sums??
Like bad. i can't even do... 27 + 11 or 27 - 15 bad
Plese e help
new function hacktheplanet(){
create new(void) = null;
if (mainframe != void)
wipe mainframe;
log"H@xx0rz be king!";
} else {
log"Well done m8. You win... for now...";
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i ;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
puts("DEVELOPERS") ;
return 0 ;
So when i reaches 5 it will print "developers"?
what a cuck
ftfy. sleep tight, stay safe.
That's why I always sleep with my buttplug in.
the only sortof questionable part in my current program is how I pass the only instance of a global datastructure around through parameters and attributes as if it was a bong
>Tomorrow's news
>Microsoft HQ infested by centipedes
Good, I don't want to be alone any more.
You are telling me they are not supposed to be in my bed?... Well fuck
3/10 for effort but does not compile
AbstractChan fourChan = AbstractChanFactory.getChanForNumber(new ChanNumber(new Integer(4)));
AbstractChanBoard g = fourChan.getBoardManagerInstance().getBoardForName(new BoardName("Sup Forums"));
AbstractChanThreadIndex catalog = g.getThreadManagerSingletonInstance().queryThreadIndex();
if (catalog.getThreadSearchUtilityInstanceForStrategy(ThreadSearchStrategy.BY_OPENING_POST_NUMBER).searchForThread(new AbstractChanOpeningPostNumber(new Integer(59171718))).getSearchResultsSynchronously().getFindings().isThreadFound()) {
AbstractChanThread thread = catalog.getThreadLocatorInstanceForStrategy(ThreadLocatorStrategy.BY_OPENING_POST_NUMBER).locateThread(new AbstractChanOpeningPostNumber(new Integer(59171718)));
AbstractChanOP op = (AbstractChanOP) AbstractChanOpManager.getInstance().getOpManagerForThread(thread).getManagedOP(thread.getThreadPostsCollection().getOpeningPost().asOP());
if (op.getAbstractFaggotryManager().getConcreteInstance().getFaggotryStatusData().isFaggot(op)) {
System.out.println("Bring it on I'll butfuck that bug");
nice dubs faggot
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Change
public static void main(String [] args){
double monetary_amount;
double One_dollars, Five_dollars, Ten_dollars;
double Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters;
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("What is the amount of money? ");
monetary_amount = scan.nextDouble();
Ten_dollars = monetary_amount / 10;
monetary_amount = monetary_amount %10;
Five_dollars = monetary_amount / 5;
monetary_amount = monetary_amount %5;
One_dollars = monetary_amount / 1;
monetary_amount = monetary_amount %1;
Quarters = monetary_amount / .25;
monetary_amount = monetary_amount %.25;
Dimes = monetary_amount / .10;
monetary_amount = monetary_amount %.10;
Nickels = monetary_amount / .05;
monetary_amount = monetary_amount %.05;
Pennies = monetary_amount / .01;
monetary_amount = monetary_amount %.01;
System.out.println((int)Ten_dollars + " ten dollar bills");
System.out.println((int)Five_dollars + " five dollar bills");
System.out.println((int)One_dollars + " one dollar bills");
System.out.println((int)Quarters + " Quarters");
System.out.println((int)Dimes + " Dimes");
System.out.println((int)Nickels + " Nickels");
System.out.println((int)Pennies + " Pennies");
not abstract enough see ebin dubs
cd code
cd ..
cd code
cd ..
include me in the screencap
>function return type and function name in the same line
// inFileName could be anything
// outFileName has to be "*.inc"
// varName should be a legal variable name
int FileToByte(std::string inFileName, std::string outFileName, std::string varName)
// Open and check input and output files
std::ifstream in(inFileName, std::ios::binary);
if (!(in.is_open()))
int main() { return 0; }
I don't believe this one bit. Gonna need some sauce here...
has anyone seen this fucker eating a mice? fucking brutal
m-my dick....
nah bro, it better imagine me pushin MY head thru ITS asshole
I used to hang out with the guy in the picture when I was keeping and breeding spiders and other venomous shit. He's pretty cool.
It's #import
print("Hello, World!")
Surely there cannot be a better way to do that in Python.
Why are you including stdio.h when you're not going to use it? Bad code.
now this is quality
What's it even trying to do
func main()
for {
But it is commented in the original source code
>what the fuck?
But it's kinda cute
from memory it's from some pic of some bitch who was acting like a pro coder...but when you actually looked at the screenshot closely this was all she was typing.
all the "cd" cmd does is change directory.
as you might be able to tell, she even fucked that up.
int main(){
double a=0;
double b=0;
double c=0;
char letter;
std::cout letter;
while (letter != null)
switch (letter)
case 'a':
std::cout a;
std::cin >> b;
c = a + b;
go back to le reddit faggot
Did I trigger you
good code
sweet sweet centipede
what a stupid cuck, you are wasting time typing return 0 at the bottom of main you stupid faggot, every compiler since fucking 1995 has inserted that for you.
You aren't improving readability, there is no undefined behavior you are preventing. All you are doing is wasting bytes.
I think my code is breddy gud
Can't say I don't want a centipede destroying the fuck out of the local insect fauna.
He included it because NULL is not defined as part of the standard and only exists if you include headers, I think stdlib, stdio, wchar, and maybe string define it?
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return 0;
The only proper way to do it, prove me wrong.
You shouldn't include argc, or argv, unless your program makes use of them. You don't need to write return 0, its not 1988 anymore.
int main() {}
>tfw 1988 was seventy years ago
I would cuddle the Shit out of that thing and put it in a jar
import java.util.*;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(args[0] + " is a nigger");
System.out.println("OP sucked " + args[1] + " dicks today");
Feel old yet?
i'm old greggggg
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
public class Java {
private static final String STRING = "Enterprise quality JAVA";
public static String getClassName() {
return STRING;
private static class Printer {
private String toBePrinted;
private final OutputStream outputStream;
public Printer() {
outputStream = System.out;
String toBePrinted = STRING;
private OutputStream getOutputStream() {
return outputStream;
public Printer(String toBePrinted) {
outputStream = System.out;
private void setToBePrinted(String whatWillWePrint) {
this.toBePrinted = whatWillWePrint;
public void print(OutputStream os) {
preparatoryPrint(new PrintStream(getOutputStream()));
private void preparatoryPrint(PrintStream out) {
private void print(PrintStream out) {
public String getWhatWeShallPrintThisTime() {
return this.toBePrinted;
public String toString() {
return "We shall print: " + getWhatWeShallPrintThisTime();
public static void main(String[] args ) throws Exception {
try {
Printer printer = new Printer(getClassName());
} catch (Exception error) {
throw new Exception("Construction of an object of the class Printer failed");
try {
Printer printer = new Printer(getClassName());
} catch (Exception error) {
throw new Exception("Some error happened");
I really enjoy the fact I managed to write this shit in a few minutes.
Fuck off bug niggers.
You're on the edge of taste and actual improvements in code readability here.
> b-b-but i can grep the function name if i want it
Whoopdeedoo. What year is it, 1989?
> but long function names are neater
Whatever. It's really a non-issue and you're just being a dick.
Just adhere to the standards that whatever company you work at has for the sake of continuity and moan about it after hours with the rest of the team at the bar.
Whenever I see code like this I want to commit some homicide.
private static void splittedCsvToMap(List splittedVal){
List vo = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < splittedVal.size(); i++){
Map map = new LinkedHashMap();
String [] val = splittedVal.get(i);
for(int y = 0; y < val.length; y++){
map.put(header[y], val[y]);
no bugs, no errors
do if((a=(le=>((f=>f(f))(f=>(le((...x)=>f(f)(...x))))))
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int len;
for (int i = 0; i != argc; ++i) {
len += strlen(argv[i]);
char *buf = malloc(len);
memcpy(buf, argv, len);
return 0;
that makes me hard
I have no clue how to code. I only come to Sup Forums for the CPU/GPU threads.
static void Main(string[] args)
{ console.writeline("fuck off jew");