File Encryption & Hidden Directories

What does Sup Forums use to hide your porn folder?

Nothing because I don't share a computer.

Nothing, I'm not 12.


>not having an entire porn drive

Full disk LVM + LUKS, but I only did it for fun since there isn't really anything interesting on my computer, anyways.


A non-locked open folder called "Adult" with sub folders for "women" "hentai" "traps" and "men".
Know why? Because no one gets on my pc, and if they did, I wouldn't care


Windows is ezpz to break into and I don't trust any of my mates

Don't have one.

Deleted mine because I felt it was unfair towards my GF that I was hoarding porn.

It got to the point where I would pretend to go to the bathroom in order to look up big tits and shit, so I just cut that shit out of my life and now I only stream it.

underage b&

name.surname@gmail google drive

sir this is very smart thank you sir

Hahaha, what a fucking faggot.

I use a disk image that's needs a password before it mounts


That's respectable, but at the same time you need to understand that masturbation isn't necessarily evil.
Imagine that your GF is a 5 star full meal course, and a quality fap is like an occasional visit to macdonalds.
Or are you saying that your GF isn't good enough for you OP?

I only stream it. Otherwise I will start hoarding again.

i never hid porn and now i have none. it is a sad life to be porn-less.

Really is smart though. How many non tech-savy people know how to view hidden files in unix? Zero.

I have a bind mount in my fstab that binds an empty folder on top of my porn directory.

If you don't unbind it first the whole path is basically non existent.

It's just in an encrypted folder using the default folder password protection that comes with every operating system these days. Its name is New Folder. Why would I put any more effort into it than that?


its in onedrive so i can access it anywhere

Name it MasterThesisResearchMaterial

>needing to hide your porn folder
>not having your own machine

I use an encrypted LVM setup, provided by Debian. On top of this, I use ecryptfs on all my home directories.

>hiding porn
The porn I jack off too isn't illegal, I don't live in my Mom's basement, and I don't use the family computer.

Fuck off.

>hiding porn
for what purpose

I do use VeraCrypt to encrypt my entire system, external drives and flash drives though.

Squirrel taste good as fuck.

Don't go with software solutions. Just disconnect a drive in your computer. SATA is hot plug anyways so just plug it back in when you need it