could you run modern 3D games on a core i3 6100 or should i spend some more shekels and get a core i5?
Could you run modern 3D games on a core i3 6100 or should i spend some more shekels and get a core i5?
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Wait for Ryzen.
yeah, but at low resolution and med/low settings. probably get ~30fps that way.
wait, igpu or dedicated? i assumed igpu.
No goyim you need at least i7 for vidya gaemz
i have a gtx 960, should have said
What games are you playing? I get 45+ fps on GTA V with an i3 6100 overclocked to 4.5 ghz and AMD 380x.
BF4/1, GTA V, the witcher series etc
Only one of those games I played regularly. GTA V was about 40+ fps, most of the time more. Witcher seem to play great but I only played to that first village...? Just YouTube search i3 6100 gaming. The non-k processors are only overclock able on certain motherboards. If you don't want to deal with the trouble then get an i5.
cheers user, and play more of the witcher it's well worth it
i have this setup i3 6100 and gtx960. overwatch on everything ultra/epic = always 60 fps
Before pentium got out 6100 was the first budget choice for 1080p gaming, but now between pentium for almost half the price and ryzen you won't find many people that will tell you that getting i3 is a good idea. Look out for PC building threads to ask what would be best for you, or look up YouTube videos and prices and figure it out.
just buy ryzen 3 for 4 cores
>buing intel
lmaoing at ur life
Get G4560. Don't overpay.
wait for an r5 or r3 from AMD
you're seriously fucking yourself in the add going intel.
Don't buy an Intel right now. Ryzen will sweep the floor with it and Intel is bound to start slashing prices. Either way, you win.
How the fuck is a CPU clocked at 3.7 Ghz branded as an i3?
If you're super poor get a G4560
Yes, I do it every day. You will want to overclock it though, mine is at 4.6 (it would do 4.8 on a better cooler but I'd rather not cook it at 80°)
Because it's a 4.2GHz / 4.6 boost chip that Intel gimped so they could release the same product as Kaby Lake
the i3 will perform great on most games. (there are always optimization exceptions) I recently built a pc for a friend with that i3 and a 1050ti, it has great performance. if you can honestly save for a bit more and get the unlocked i5 you'll be set. plus, the 1151 will have a good upgrade path.
lmao why the fuck would you buy intel now. Just wait a week.
Will ryzen fit into the same socket or o you all literally have shit for brains?