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never realized how much shit I used uses amazon hosting until now

Who fucking cares.


alot of people who do important shit


That's why the McDonald's app is down. Had to use website to check kcal

> product images don't work


* Cloudflare bleeds like a stuck pig.
* Amazon cloud goes down, down, down.


* Buy and cohost your own damn servers.
* Make your sites efficient so you don't have to rely on CDN.
* Hire an American who knows something about fucking security so that you don't get hacked.

Didn't even notice. Did i escape the botnet?

amazon users confirmed for literally retarded crybabbies


You know Amazon host a lot of non-Amazon sites, don't you?

>how to spot a retard

get off Sup Forums please

why did you have to check? the result is always high

>* Buy and cohost your own damn servers.

Most people can afford that you fucking imbecile, Do you is easy to to pay for the electricity and logistics of managing your own fucking physical server? Fucking autistic like yourself who never run a business should refrain from posting your shit opinion.

>* Make your sites efficient so you don't have to rely on CDN.

>HURR DURR everyone should build their websites in the same autistic way as ME!!

>Hire an American who knows something about fucking security so that you don't get hacked.

kill yourself

Get off Earth, shit stain.

It when it's down you realize how big of a threat to the Web this whole consolidation bullshit it.
Amazon, Google, Cloudflare, etc are all bigger threats than what most people realize.
We need to fight harder for a distributed Internet because at this rate we won't be able to take it back from the giants.

You don't have to get mad at us just because you're completely incompetent, maybe you should try actually knowing how to do anything you need to get done instead.

>the same autistic way
>learning how to code HTML correctly without a thousand DIV wrappers is autistic

Stop posting

LMAO the autist got triggered, listen kid you can project about me all you want. I don't have a problem in designing my own network topology or installing the servers myself, in fact I enjoy that.

All I am doing is pointing out how ignorant you are about modern business needs, keep being autistic.

>increased error rates
Let me guess, now the rate is currently at 100%. Totally not offline guys, nothing to see here.

I'm so sick of tech bloggers spewing bullshit all over social media. The fucking datacenter can be bombed and the internet still wouldn't "die." There's no such thing as the internet just computer connected to computers. If this shit never comes back who cares. You will still have other services running. This idea that the internet is a living being is so annoying.

you must be 18+ to post on Sup Forums.

what is the feasibility of a community "youtube", where videos are distributed with magnet links?

There is no "internet"
Who cares if there are giants running a monopoly. Just start your own network.

Yeah, I bet you could replace Level 3 overnight.

It can already be done. See IPFS or webtorrents.

sh-should I just go home?

imagine being one of the admins dealing with this

fuuuuuuuu i want my github downloads


Imagine telling your boss that prod is down because you chose to host your shit on someone else's platform because it would be better for your uptime than hosting it internally.

now the Russia is in the whitehouse expect more and more of this

I was literally days away from moving our on site storage to S3.

>tfw school's black board thing (canvas) is down
>can't access any class info

top kek

Same, we phased out blackboard and now we only have canvas.

unlikely due to upload/download speed rates

usually upload rates are a fraction, usually around 1/8 of download speeds

there would need to be dedicated seeders to provide the necessary bandwidth

that being said,

If the videos have ads like youtube does currently, which the ad revenue goes 50/50 to youtube the video maker,

but in this system, instead the 50% of ad revenue would go to whoever was providing the bandwidth for that video play and it's corresponding Ad

which at the current rates is more than enough to pay for the bandwidth so you'll have many groups willing to host

Why is AWS' bandwidth costs so ridiculously priced?
>cheap as fuck storage
>high priced bandwidth
Usually it's the opposite. Explain this shit.

And the cloud is yet again proven to be a fucktarded idea.

you sound like a webdav. fuck off pajeet.

They are one of the few providers that don't charge for inbound data

The line between "failing about once per year without bothering more users" and "not making noise failing or finally bankrupting" makes sure about how using large cloud services are a great business choise. Also, the Cloudflare thing was a meme vulnerability per actual exploitation.

>network topology

Is this nigger serious?

You mean something like ZeroNet, but set up like youtube? I think it could be done fairly easily. It would need to have a shit ton of users though.

delet this

My site is back up, I can stop considering going back to self-hosting :D


>he thinks he's good because he can set up a network

amazon is just doing a community service to show how bad of an idea it is to toss all your shit in one single cloud puff

>Falling for the cloud AWS meme
>Not having your own colo data centre

My company got sold the AWS dream, after 2 years we ditched it all because of the fucking astronomical costs, all the people that thought it was a good idea have now been fired or left.

>All he can do is move the goalpost after being called a retard

>Company had a massive failure in our on-prem storage
>Nearly killed the business
>"Let's go to the cloud!" -- CIO

Luckily we only use EC2 and ELB.
Somehow, even with our application that can't be auto scaled (46 servers running all the time), it's cheaper and faster than our old DC and service company.

Fuck this noise.

I don't care what it costs, I never want to be called up at 3:00am because a drive failed.

Exactly why you have a colocation DC, perfect mix of essentially your own DC operations under your control and you can sell the 'private cloud' meme to spiv managerial types.

I know what a colo is, I have one. It's fully managed now, which makes it a lot better than before, but I'm still paying way more than I would with AWS.

Is one of Fedora's servers down from Amazon S3 as well? Can someone test their GNOME3 software update GUI? It's giving me a bunch of errors.

>tfw didn't have to take a quiz due at 3
thanks amazon

if you're being woken up at 3am because of a drive failure, you're doing it wrong.

we had a self-managed colo for a time (basically renting literal rackspace). I don't know why, it didn't make sense.

Still, I don't see the point of using them over EC2.

I could see it taking off fairly well, considering the number of people who already use youtube...

Good thing my S3 buckets are in London.

Was on the SEA conf call for a bit... Could literally hear people panicking in the background.

Redundant storage is cheap af to host compared to redundant bandwidth.


Time to rev up those counterarguments.

Every time.

More like shill news am I right?

>Most people can't afford that you fucking imbecile
Yet somehow before the *aaS meme took off everyone did, funny that. This is the same foolish mindset most recent MBA grads have; outsource everything for a short term gain, and ignore the long term fallout of your actions.

>Not wanting crazy overtime bucks

to be honest, in the long run it would still be cheaper.

AWS already employs near-best practice and a highly usable API that you don't need to create and maintain yourself.

I'm not defending as a service bullshit, but lets face it.
most people are too retarded to make self hosting a worthwhile investment. even with Red Hat, Oracle, IBM, etc pushing openstack vps support contracts and shit.

everything was fucked at work today for like 6 hours

Let me clarify my position. The problem isn't AWS itself, there are absolutely legitimate use case scenarios as with any *aaS solution.

The problem is when some dumbass bumblefucks his way to a director position in a medium to large sized organization, and thinks the "cloud" will magically save the organization money on all it's employee staffing and infrastructure costs. Said idiot then puts everything in the cloud, including the organization's critical infrastructure; carelessly ignoring regulatory compliance, redundancy, and security. Eventually the obvious happens, and the organization is royally fucked because they put all their eggs in one basket just to save a few bucks. This shit happens way too often.

you faggots better get some decent memes outta this shit. today was hell.

O-our down checkmark is on our services.

>2 indians guys from my work went to amazon in the past year

Over half of /h/ threads have lost images because of this.

Sup Forums

>The problem is when some dumbass bumblefucks his way to a director position in a medium to large sized organization,
this is kind of the real problem here. bad decision making can happen with or without "cloud" services.

Lesson learned: never trust US cloud companies.
They're full of incompetent pajeets.

>be CIO
>use aws at an enterprise scale for entire enviroment
>don't run pilot light dr/backup strat in multiple regions for complete redundancy
>region goes down
>get fired

>This is the same foolish mindset most recent MBA grads have

Anyone with technical knowledge knows they need to ignore MBAs as much as possible.

Luckily most CEOs have Engineering degrees... but this shit still happens because of incompetent middle managers.

>thinking racks in the basement of your office are more reliable than the cloud infrastrucutre of a billion dollar cloud company
The "onsite" meme needs to die.


>My downtime: Amazons: 2 Days/year

have you heard of RAID arrays

Really? Do you have probers running 24/7 constantly checking it's status? You never have power outages? You never have ISP outages? You never need to replace or upgrade your hardware?

All of that can be personally accounted for and it will cost you less than you'd need to shell out for cloud services over your system's runtime.
>Dual WAN with cell tower failover
>Bigger UPS
>1 minute downtime to add in a second external SAS controller

Ah yes I'm sure a UPS will magically give you internet when your ISP goes out. As I suspected, you aren't hosting anything of value, nor running probers 24/7 from the client side to verify uptime. No wonder you don't notice ever going wrong because you only use your box to download anime porn a few times a year.

Little something called redundancy.
I have three identical local servers that are all mirrors, linked to wan through fiber, cable, dial up and cellular.
There's a constant content stream coming from and going to a bunch of VPS's, and with what I'm archiving every second of downtime counts, so naturally I monitor downtime. The servers keep track of every second they don't receive any content, and this is counted as downtime.

Now you're just spouting random words. I'm glad you're only running this shit for your own useless project and not in charge of anything actually important.

Not him, but I run full archives of about five big sites.
>Ah yes I'm sure a UPS will magically give you internet when your ISP goes out.
Dual WAN would fix this, especially with mixed medium, Don't use the same ISP for both, Again, FIber, cable, dial up, and mobile. I've never had to deal with anything slower than 50/50.
As for 24/7, see .
As for upgrades, all my disks are hot swap. On top of that, I just take down one of the three servers, upgrade all its disks (2tb to 4tb, then 4tb to 8tb), bring it back up, then once it's restored and online pull down another, do it once more and all three are now upgraded.
If I have to ADD disks, not just replace them, I either add a SAS card or two, or just completely replace the system with something with more PCIE slots. My machines now have all the 8TB, 4TB and 2TB disks I've had over the last 7 years.
>I don't know what Dual WAN is so I think the best protection has is his UPS

People are using the cloud for the most retarded shit. I hope they wake up and realize it's all a trick. Heads are rolling as we speak but will the right people notice?

Fucking idiots in charge here.


basement-dweller memes

>I've never had to deal with anything slower than 50/50.

So you only used internet last few years, babby

We were born in it. Mold by it. You merely adapted