Is Sup Forums getting this technology?

Is Sup Forums getting this technology?

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That's normie shit

PS4 is a higher priority too be haitch

Maybe if it drops to $200 and they release an all new animal crossing.

They probably won't, this thing is marketed to non-gamers and non-gamers HATE HATE HATE waiting for things to happen, which animal crossing forces you to do.

When it gets hacked.
It will be my new emulation machine.

using shit thread as test

>paid multiplayer
fuck off

If I had money to waste yea. It might be worth it if I can stream anime/movies and shitpost on Sup Forums with it.

give it 2 years for such a price, at least.
Animal Crossing is my summer chill game. Sit on a bench in a quiet park and water some virtual flowers and shit.

People should have learned from the 3DS. No games for a year, then price dropped almost $100.

just in time for the online service free period to end :^)

ordered already.
what launch games should I get, barring Zelda?

The only reason I still play new leaf is for the online.
if they make that paid, I'll just drop AC from now on, I wouldn't even have gotten the new update minigames if it weren't for /acg/.

>the company who still hasn't figured out computer networking

What's your friend code user? Please write it down, I can't remember it... Please include all 30 game codes

Be careful user, that guy you're pictochatting with might raep you!

It's one friend-code, though I agree, you shouldn't have to share friend-codes with randoms over the internet in order to play multiplayer.

no more friend codes, it's all account based now. you can have multiple accounts per device too.

$300 + $600 for a phone to use for voice chat

plus $50-$100 for a battery bank that supplies enough power to run the system for more than 3 hours
the power brick included is 15V 2.6A, basically needs a 2015 MacBook pro tier USB-C bank

WELL I had a few pre-orders for the Switch, but one got cancelled...

SO, I for one will not be getting one on launch day, but luckily my wife and my wife's son are still going to getting their Switch units on day one.

>A console more shittier than $300 Android smartphones with half the specs and tons of features missing and a super locked-down OS
Yeah this is totally a wise choice.

>playing nintendo games
What are you, 12?

>wife's son
Not yours?

>playing games at all
>calling anyone else 12
the ironing

Except it's account-based in name only. All those Wii virtual console purchases? Non-transferrable. Yeah Fuck you! Buy the same gaymes AGAIN! And AGAIN when we lauch the next one!


it's now transferrable if you damage your system, which wasn't possible from them before.


I think it's too expensive for a handheld.
I might just wait for a newer, cheaper, revision in 2-3 years if the games are good

this tbqh. i really like it. looks like a nice tablet replacment for my nexus 7... but... its price. i don't care about standalone console functionality. i only care about handheld. its a fantastic 3ds sucessor but its price is a tad high for such a sucessor.

Is this for real?
Is it actually barely more powerful than the Wii U?

>Low MFlops = poor performance
You dont know much about technology do you?

Its an interesting direction for them to go in and at the end of the day the best move they possobily made is creating a partnership with Nvidia.

/doa product

>battery lasts 3 hours or less in a 720p game at 20-30fps that looks like shit
>battery isn't replaceable

This is the one type of device that would really benefit from a hot swappable battery. The BOM on this shit heap has to be super low. Like $50 low. Its a typical junk Chinese tablet, only difference is this has a couple dinky controllers, and a Nintendo logo.

No hot swappable battery, but it is unglued and definitely replaceable for non retards

I'll probably buy it by the end of the year if they bundle it with mariocart 8.

I enjoy my 3ds because it has fun games. If i wanted modern aaa graphics i would play some boring shit on my pc. Also nintendo games are physical and collectable. I recently bought all the best games for the 3ds and in 10 years i can sell them all and get my monry back. Trying doing thay with your steam library. Jewed by gaben


Nvidia shield with a different name. It flopped then, it's gonna flop now.

At least virtual boy vs current vr is a huge leap. Shield vs Switch is literally just copy and paste with a different name.

babbys first code

Are you the official representitive of Sup Forums?

What are you doing here, shouldn't you be arguing which spintop thingy looks better in yugio 3d?

shield with software support is all it needed

This. It even has duck game and exclusives. PC + switch is the way to go.

You clearly don't. The tegra X1 was a fucking joke and this piece of shit console uses that same shitbird with a frequency of like 300 MHz. God help you if you play for more than 2 minutes on that fucking piece of shit as it turns into a nuclear reactor going critical.

Rawr XD autisms

>15 years old technology for $500

how about no?

What, are you surpised a programmer like videogames?? No I don't go on Sup Forums

>Trying to play the maturity stance
>on Sup Forums

Waiting for the slimmer one and to fix first release production defects. By then we will have games.

I only really care for monHun and ANIMALS CROSS and Fire emblem. I sincerely hope they release another pokemon for the 3DS. And I hope they still support 3DS.

3DS is perfect right now. Still hip and many people have it. Popular games have plenty of online communities. Also it's still a big hit japan, people go nuts over monHun.

>Sit on a bench in a quiet park and water some virtual flowers and shit.
Why don't you water actual flowers?



>The BOM on this shit heap has to be super low. Like $50 low.
god I hate you people.

The 60 indie games they just announced for 2017 pushed me over the edge. I'm buying this as soon as it's in stock in my city.

They're already selling at loss with $300

PS4 is $200.
You're supposed to sell the console at a loss and make money on game sales.

No they aren't the only system they sold at loss was the Wii U.

I can't time travel to make whatever flowers I want

>making the world a better place
fuckoff, you don't get virtual points for that shit.

Because then I can't talk to my dumb needy animal villagers.

Apparently it's not available anywhere.
Honestly I'm debating getting it or not.
One on hand it's very tablet-like so that makes it much more functional than a traditional console.
On the other hand, everyone I know who are into Nintendo are dicks, and I can't say I necessarily want to continue associating with them.

The user was saying the console should be cheaper.

We're both talking out our ass but the Wii u cost more than switch on launch and yet switch arguably has more power with the battery needed and more powerful processor, though admittedly this makes it like selling a gamepad with the processor inside the device.

To me it is still a feat in pricing. USB C is appreciated.

I'm getting that shit man, if I'm at home, I have my SW33T R1G, so yeah
plus BOTW looks great

>watch Zeldo frame rate analysis recorded a week ago
>900p, 30 fps
>very noticable frame drops

>gamepad-thingie for those two mini-controllers can't charge them, have to buy literally the same thing again which has a micro-USB port for charging
>no free online multiplayer
>doesn't even come with a web browser
>2.5 hours battery life

That Zeldo video was from Gamexplain btw.

Also I forgot to mention a few things:
>no voice chat (you get an app for your smartphone which can be used to have voice chat with other players)
>the mini controllers lose connection when something (like your hand) is between the controller and the console