Hackintosh wooo


macOS Sierra


Why don't you abandon Windows and join the hackintosh masterrace user?!

Its the superior botnet. There is literally no reason to use windows unless you are an unemployed video game addict.

Can't wait to become 3 times as productive (3*0) :D :D !!

How well does hackintosh run?
are there any issues? is it slow? How much space does a clean install need?

runs like a charm

all depends on your hardware i guess but most intel based systems are compatible

worst part about it was getting the sound drivers to work .. spent 3 hours on this shit but the solution was super simple

clean install is around 10 GB i'd say cause i installed and downloaded some stuff already

OK cool cause I have a laptop i don't use much, which has 24 GB SSD and 500GB HDD or something. Might just install in on the SSD then. How did you fix the driver issue?

you have to research your components really well to find all the specifics about them and then research the solutions

i cant give you an aswer cause its different for everyone

Laptops are an entirely different story. Im on a desktop.

Just .do some research to figure out if its possible for you.

>runs like a charm

tfw triboot, Tfw I use windows for games, and mac and linux for.... nothing.

mad Wintoddler

thought about Triboot aswell but i just wont install Windows because its a waste of time

idk what comfy distro im going to use alongside memeOS

I use Gentoo, I don't use shit.

Wifi doesn't work and I'm too far away from the wire.

>i use utter crap, not shit

>There is literally no reason to use windows unless you are an unemployed video game addict.

>tfw cad

No, fuck off with your cloud Fusion 360 bullshit. I need Windows.

>mac os on a non apple PC

Why the fuck aren't you just using Linux user? Fedora with KDE is comfy as fuck.

macOS is the best UNIX based distro tbqh

For hardware support reasons I wouldn't recommend running it as a hackintosh though.

you're just lying to yourself if you think a hackintosh can ever be as stable as a stock Mac. tell me about how much you sweat and scour the tonymac forums every time there is a point update.

>unix distro

using a haswell build with a somewhat old AMD GPU

runs really well. Once you figure out what may be wrong (and at the moment, I don't really need to do anything because I was retarded enough to apply a fix I didn't need) if there's something specific that doesn't work, it's smooth sailing. You might have to reinstall everytime there's a big release, but that happens once a year and there's no reason to update right away (nor are you forced to, like with some other company).

I can't say it just werks, but it has been less of a pain than for instance, Xubuntu these days.

Also if you're a thinkfag and have one of those x220s and you don't use hackintosh on it, what the fuck are you even using it for you worthless being

This might be hard to think about, but I never experienced a system update breaking anything particularly, unless it was el cap to sierra.

No really, not even running that multibeast tool again. No need for that.

>lmao use the hackstrapped OS it won't crash every update goy

>on Sup Forums
>not an unenployed video game addict

so it breaks once a year, with the possibility of breaking 5 other times for each point update. not to mention it'll probably break real hard with the APFS update.

yeah, absolutely not worth the time.

> hackintosh
> unless you are an unemployed
Who except unemployed have time to fiddle with this shit?