I'm gonna buy a new HDD and install windows on it because my current HDD is a piece of shit
Are 8 and 10 worth it or should I just stick to 7?
I'm gonna buy a new HDD and install windows on it because my current HDD is a piece of shit
Are 8 and 10 worth it or should I just stick to 7?
Other urls found in this thread:
10 is worth it over 7 in many ways. Just make shure not to get home or even pro. get the entreprise/LTSB.
LTSB does not come with cortana and edge.
Remove cortana, all "universal apps" including the store, disable botnet crap like onedrive, user experience suggestions, telemetry, etc...
good script here:
It's some work but at the end you will have a better OS. don't forget to setup a user account for you that is devoid of admin rights, that's the best way to avoid viruses.
Stick with 7.
If you stick with LTSB and delay upgrades you will be fine. Wincloud is for home retards.
Sticking with entreprise ltsb and you'll be fine.
No windows store, no walled garden.
install gentoo
Seven has telemetry shit too actually.
Or you could not be a winfag and install linux :)
where can i even find ltsb that isnt malware ridden
im suprised people dont use google drive for pirating
Also, if you get the ISO on thepiratebay, it's fine as long as the hash is good.
FYI, you can't trust advice from someone that spells sure with an h.
>no cmd
>can't install anything
>no dx12 support
>can't play windows store games
Definitely go with 10. It has all the latest features and the windows app store. It's also blazing fast. Best choice I ever made. Don't listen to the memes
use admin account to install stuff. windows store games are retarded.
you can still cmd and dx12 you moron.
What's with windows store ?
If you even have to ask just get 10.
I have 2 wd greens one reads and writes at 85/82 MB/s the other at 116/112 MB/s
Why are wd so fucking shit
8 is the new vista and 10 isn't finished yet plus cortana is spyware
stick to 7, far more stable
i dont understand hashes that good
ones that you can search for on google and lead you to official microsoft forums where multiple people agree it's correct.
Dunno if this is the thread to ask
But anyone got some HDD recommendations? My current one if roughly 6 years old and it's dieing.
I was thinking about getting a Hitach 3TB I'm not in the market for an SSD at all.
use a program to calculate the hash of the iso. then google it and see if microsoft posted the same hash.
Official ISO are actually easy to get.
Avoid 8.
Avoid 8.
Avoid 8.
It's not the new vista it's worse than vista. I have been using a win8.1 for a few years now and had no idea I could use a right to downgrade to vista or 7 or I would of done it immediately.
This os I can't think of a single benefit that it has another windows os doesn't while having a worse layout than any of the others.
don't get 3tb just get 4tb Toshiba low failure and really fast
Well outside of my budget, I'm staying under 70$
I've got some 8.1 installation disk, I've got two questions:
1. Can I install it on kaby Lake?
2. Can I upgrade it to 10? I heard that it's possible again, after anniversary edition or something? Anybody knows?
you can uninstall is, "akshually"
Been using 8.1 (with classic shell for better layout) for a few years now and everything just werks for me.