Who else /cheapcans/ here?

who else /cheapcans/ here?

poorfag thread


>fell for the Skullcandy meme

[spoiler]I have viper4android installed on my phone and it makes these shit tier headphones sound p. damn decent[/spoiler]

Are these any good?

superflex costs 40$, built like a 80$ headphones and sounds like a 200$

Don't have personal experience, but this is what i'm told all the time by people who have a 'reputation' for not fucking up their reviews say.

If you are poor, these are your go to...

honestly cant wait to get a consensus on monoprice 1060 monoliths, they are expensive, but they may preform good enough to be the last headphones I ever get.

>sounds like 200
No it doesn't. It costs 40 and doesnt sound like shit, that's all there is to it. There are much better headphones at 200, but people who buy superlux are too poor to ever afford that stuff.

Best budget headphones coming through.


>mfw I spent $200 on my headphones and I mostly keep them plugged into my $180 Chromebook

I honestly want a pair just to see, because I trust the people on headfi who have several thousand dollar pairs telling me where something falls in sound quality opposed to people on Sup Forums who fight constantly about 4 pairs of headphones in the 200$ range, that I have heard each pair, and they all sound so similar that its a wash.

>Trusting Head-Fi

Don't those faggots argue about $100 cables and headphone burn-in?

I have these ATH M30.

mfw I used VE Monks most of the time for everything.


>Fell for the Momentum memes 2 years ago
>never had to do more than clean them
They may look fragile but they aren't at all.

They are pretty good for the price

Where do you live? They are $50 in the US, and are comparable to HD 558s.

No. They sound like $80 headphones at best.

For me, it's Koss Portapros, the best cheap headphones

And these are what? SHP9500?


HifiMan HE-350s ordered and AKG k240s, Beyerdynamic DTX 910s and iSK HF-2010s on the list whenever I pull the trigger on them. Thinking about possibly upping the 518 to a 558 not sure though.

>wireless headphones

user, stop

What's the matter, user? Never seen detachable cables before?

>HifiMan HE-350s
HAHAHHAHA... $20 Superlux chinkshit sound better than that shit. You got fucked, kid.

Should be fun testing them against each other!

Which of the four is the best?

Yeah the Monolith 1060's are shaping up to be what looks like a great headphone. Though i'm seeing negative stuff about the connector used for it.

It is a beauty though. Can't wait for a review.

Phillips. The audiotechnicas sound just as good but are the worst designed of the bunch, so ill fitting. Superlux upper registers sound thin and metallic. Sennheisers sound compressed and squeezed, on the muddy/dirty side

Don't know.
Burn in I am willing to believe is real, just how perceivable it is is the question, as over what, 100~hours of use, I have no doubt that the factory fresh never used aspects would wear off.

as for cables, shielding is shielding, you may need some for your house you may not, kind of like cable raisers, there are people who have older homes and have cables running under their floor that will interfere with the audio, but overpriced shit like that 100$ a riser is fucking retarded.

80 as in these headphones use to cost 250$ but now cost 80$ or 80$ as in we just launched this shit and its 80$

build quality is what I know matches 80$ headphones though.

Huh you are right they are 70$ on Amazon and 130€ in europe

If the cable is replaceable, i have no issue
If the problem is the same as the 1000$ hifiman I have set up is, then its that its a pain in the ass to screw in, not an issue if you aren't changing cables often if ever

These should be driveable on the shit I have, and potentially better sounding than my hd598's on the same setup too.

I have reasonable hopes for them.

MMCX is popular for in-ears, as a compact pre-existing connector. It tends to be free to rotate in place, and can let in outside material while doing so.
1060 is a blatant take on the Audeze LCD-2, from styling to performance. Flat response to around 2 kHz, then slopes off.

Own a Superlux HD661 with NVX Angled pads on them. They sound great for the price of around 20 bucks.

Couldn't recommend them without changing the pads though so it effectively makes them around 40 bucks. Better headphones compete in that price range.

I paid $50 for mine inn Newegg. They sound so good and are so comfy.