support dropped after few years
>vr is THE FUTURE they also said
what gives?
support dropped after few years
>vr is THE FUTURE they also said
what gives?
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't forget 4K
Support will go where the money is.
3D classes are cheap. Vive is like 800 dollars and a lot of people are buying it.
>a lot of people are buying it
Didn't they only move like 10k units last year including holidays.
I don't think I have ever seen anyone even using the demo units in BestBuy and I live in a major metropolitan area.
Published on Jun 17, 2012
The market isn't ready for it. The consumers aren't ready for it.
They won't be ready for it untill he late 2050's.
Sad fact is that its an optical illusion and it fucks with your brain, the headsets are uncomfortable, games don't need it to be immersive.
Nintendo tried the 3d shit twice and if they can't make it work nobody will.
3d was always a goof to me in every way, VR actually has potential. It still has a high entry cost and is definitely a hobbyist thing right now with developers still learning how to use a tech that's obviously still in its infancy, but give it a few years and I'll be interested to see where it ends up.
Nintendos attempts at 3d were stupid, but yeah it doesn't help that it's a crappy meme in general, ironically the 3D part of the 3DS is its worst aspect, it could have been so much better as a handheld if it had focused on some better hardware and an actual display instead.
3DS was a joke.
I could tell it was worse than the NDS after using it for only a few minutes.
But I mean honestly, games are already 3d, you don't need stereo optic illusions to trigger fake depth perception to know that shit in a game is close or far.
>late 2050s
Damn, that's a long ass projection. Have you used a Vive? The only real thing holding VR back right now is the high cost to entry and the tech being demanding, I think consumers themselves are ready for it, it's just a young tech still, I'd say it will become more mainstream in the mid 2020s
It never got any better. They always said "This is just in its infancy, it will get better!" but that ended up being its peak and was nothing more than a gimmick
VR is what 3D could never be. I never believed in 3D on any platform but I believe VR have future, a distant one.
curent computing power isn't nearly good enough for decent VR. There is also no standard, too many different plarforms. I don't see compelling mass-market VR before next gen of console.
Curent PC gaming, including VR, is severely held back by the fact that it's all about console ports on PC. When consoles evolve, so will PC and VR.
Really though, I've had people tell me they legitimately love and use the 3d function and I just can't believe it, I feel like they are either lying or they have terrible eyes. Not only does it not add anything to games, it physically hurts to look at for any amount of time.
I'm not a gaymer, I'm straight.
I think those people honestly just hardly ever use it and say they do.
Everyone I know that played a 3DS for more than a few hours turned the 3d shit all the way down.
>it hurts my eyes to look at 3d games
>but the people who like it are the ones with terrible eyes!
The 3D on the 3DS looked alright and was great for fast paced games like Ace Combat. The problem wasn't that is looked bad, but it killed the battery. 3D on a handheld is just a dumb idea.
VR will fully develop but it will never "Be the future" the way these retards see it
They think that monitors will be a thing of the past and we will just put on our headsets to do anything which is bullshit
It's the same thinking as the "Phones will replace desktops" meme. They didn't come and replace already existing tech, they created a new market for themselves and are still there not touching the desktop market
VR will be the same exact way. It will create its own little market or niche and stay there
>Games are already 3d
Theyre literally not my nigga
Literally are bro.
Shit is rendered in 3d to a 2d plane. You are viewing 3d shit when you play some FPS game. Giving it depth with stereo illusions doesn't make it more 3d its an uncomfortable trick.
>3D on the 3ds looked alright
Nigger what?
>It was a disgusting blurred mess, and I have the new new new 3DDS XLL.29 or whatever, the original 3ds 3d wasn't even passable as a really shitty joke. I'm sure it shit on the battery but that's just an after thought issue. The 3d was just terrible all around and no person with normal vision would want to look at that crap for more then 20 seconds.
>what is a computer screen
>what are pixels
>what is the definition of 3D
>are there really tiny little people running around inside this magic box
Literally kill yourself my friend
>There's even a warning saying kids a certain age should use a reduced form of the 3D or not use it at all because it's bad for your eyes
Kid you're stupid, go tell your mom to take you to an optometrist.
Except he's short is your bus my man? I mean really, even an 8th grader could understand what he's saying.
3D didn't work with some humans, 4K and VR works with pretty much everyone. the main issue is cost and that's already being solved. you can get a 4K TV for under 400USD now, and the "VR-ready" PC spec went from 1500USD to 800USD in a year
Do me a favor and put your hand behind the monitor. Notice anything? Pc graphics are literally no more 3D than an oil painting
Stop being a dummy plz
you're clearly not into art, oil paintings are built up with physical layers. they're more 3D than your monitor can ever be, unless we develop tech to deform the monitor.
Ahhhhh, you got me. no lie I thought you were being serious for a second. Nice job, we'll played.
This is true
Even small children in elementary can distinguish a 3 dimensional object from a 2D one. The fact that you cant should be major cause for concern. Close your eyes and use your hands to feel the "3D object" maybe that will help
Vive sales are estimated to be around 200,000 and the Vive is 61% of the VR headsets (according to Steam) so the total number of headsets in circulation is probably around 328,000.
It's decent considering what it is, but not enough to sustain any large scale game development. Keep in mind that Titanfall 2 was considered a failure because the sales projections were revised downwards from 9 million to 5 million, even the lower figure was 16 times higher than the sales you'd see if you got every single VR owner to buy your game.
>tripfag being retarded
Do you enjoy being a stereotype?
Is this true? As far as I'm aware Valve have stated that Half-Life in VR would make players sick and all PSVR games come with a cage feature because so many people get motion sick with it.
Being technically right is the dumbest kind of right, because it has nothing at all to do with what we're talking about.
something I've noticed from cross-eye 3d threads is there is a significant percent of people who have no depth perception. they can't tell which images are stereo and which are just two duplicate images side by side.
Remember that episode of the Simpsons where Homer discovered the third dimension? By your logic there was no difference. Explain.
The fact that you get your physics lesson from a childrens cartoon explains a lot
Damn son, this is some serious dedication, but your still not selling me completely on the "I'm this retarded, honest" bit. The jigs up, you really did have me going, I wasn't humoring you, I really believed you were that dumb for a second, you just laid it on too thick. But if you really want it, here's your (You)
it's also the best kind of right
>pic related
this is what company's think I want.
What I really want is just headset support for first person single player games, like skyrim. VR should be an add on for games. You don't need to develop the entire game around VR with stupid motion controllers.
>3d was always a goof to me in every way
>VR actually has potential.
How can you believe both of these things simultaneously? 3D is something you can just slap over the top of an existing game, render the world twice from two slightly different cameras and there you go. Not necessarily a good idea, but a pretty natural one.
VR on the other hand... VR never stops imposing constraints on the developer.
You can't make the player turn around too often.
You can't have areas larger than the player's living room and you often have to remake scenes for different sized/shaped rooms.
You can't have things like tables that the player might be encouraged to lean on.
You can't put lots of interaction above the player's head because it tires people out.
You have to remake scenes for different player heights.
What potential does it have that 3D didn't?
>Using a simple straightforward example to explain his point
>Still can't actually respond
But he's retarded?
Im not dumb. I can just recognize when an object only takes up two deminsions. Absurd concept i know
Measure the depth of homer simpson. It is 0. Because he is a drawing. 2d
nintendo is a shit company that releases shit products
that's why 3d hasn't worked for them
you still have to walk around and aim with a mouse which is just fucking stupid at that point
It's cool in theory, but in practice is just a joke
No they're not.
There were around 900k vr units sold total last year. The majority were PS4 VR, the second place was jewbook one, vibe came in dead last
Having had an nvidia 3D vision kit, the only game (of very many I tried) that ever made me think "this is an improvement with 3D" was Civ 5.
The UI layer was handled properly (unlike most games) and it made the game itself look like you were playing in some sort of magical diorama box. It was so fucking great.
Everything else was varying degrees of meh to terrible
>Even small children in elementary can distinguish a 3 dimensional object from a 2D one.
There are 2D objects in real life? It's more of a concept than anything and I haven't heard definition of 3D from either side so far.
if it can be required for software, it will sell as long as the software sells.
if it's not needed, incentive drops
>but not enough to sustain any large scale game development
Adding (rudimentary) VR support shouldn't be very difficult. Obviously you could push the technology and innovate and what not, but I never really saw that as the point. I just always saw it as a cooler display option. The faggots thinking they're going to get some super futuristic holodeck experience with tactical dildo feedback are deluding themselves.
People get motion sick from video games all the time. VR is just more intense, but delivers stronger results, which is why it will remain an enthusiast market. Just like desktop PCs desu.
>a lot of people are buying it
No they aren't.
All VR devices have only sold a few million up to now, which is actually pretty low. The Kinect sold 8 million in two months and became an abysmal failure.
Gaming at this point is just a market moving from gimmick to gimmick as a way to boost sales.
This makes me want to try Civ5. I used the same thing on CS:GO for about 10 minutes and Diablo 3 even less. Worthless junk
All of that shit is a meme. All I ever (realistically) wanted from VR is a display that covers (almost) my entire FOV.
Right now I look through a tiny window and interact with a mouse and keyboard. All I want is to not have to look through a window. I'd prefer to use a mouse and keyboard.
Everything was going great until fucking Zuckerberg had to stick his dick in it.
>he doesnt think 2D exists
Please consider suicide
didnt the ps4 push 1 million units recently?
I really wish AR got off the ground.
It seems like a cool technology that never gets past the gimmickry stage.
Maybe someday I can have my waifu(pic related) walk around my house and interact with me.
Explain the transition.
the issue is room scale, that is the only factor that really fucks with moving around outside of cables that can be fixed with technology. something needs to fundamentally change as we can not have cameras be what tell us where to go.
outside of that, there is just the access of control you get making your head movements a control input.
Personally, what I want from vr is simple, I want gear vr video mode
I want to be able to sit in my desk, see a massive fuck off monitor in front of me, and when I play a game, if possible, play it in stereoscopic 3d, if not, I just want it to play as a monitor.
Because lets face it, we can have literally all the high end shit we want, the best fucking everything, but we will always be sitting in front of a 13-28 inch monitor, Give me a virtual desktop that has 20 -40 monitors of scree real estate and the only difference is where I look, If i want to watch a movie, le me fucking lay back in a chair, and be in the perfect environment for the movie, the screen is right there 1-2 inches from my face but to me, it looks like i'm in the biggest fucking theater ever, OH NO this is a porn video viewer and I have a relatively attractive alien next to me that is virtually giving me head as I watch fucking deadpool.
I have very simple wants.
is not that difficult user, if the software that uses is shit and uninteresting, is fucking DOA.
3D was cool for a minute with movies but gets old really fast, besides that every other application is shit.
VR seemed nice because the hardware to make it properly work is actually there and as a regular consumer you could get a VR set (expensive, but you could and wasn't the price of a fucking house). Still every single application/program/game ends up being a boring unimaginative piece of shit. The easiest example of that is games that can't solve how you can move inside VR without being stupid and make you vomit in every direction.
Yeah, I couldn't careless about moving around. I just want a big 3D screen, which isn't hard to add to games.
Do me a favor and put your hand behind your retina. Notice anything? Human graphics are literally no more 3D than an oil painting
I get get sick if fov isn't right, or if the framerate is to bad.
As someone who has been a gamer my entire life, and has had to deal with this the entirety of 3d gaming, get the fuck over it faggot.
you spend 3 hours sick but once you are use to it, it's done for good.
If you are a complete faggot, and cant deal, sell your shit. I'll have a bucket next to me, plenty of water and if I throw up ill throw up with a smile on my face because a childhood dream has been realized. (played sin multiplayer with vr on my head, wanted it ever since)
Not even joking, it completely slipped my mind that that was money, Going to buy the vr that I think is the best the moment I sell it.
there are 3 problems with 3d.
1) post conversions is what nearly all 3d movies are, and they soured everyone's enjoyment of 3d
2) I have been to epcot with their 3d setup... my god was that good. it felt like everything was floating at me... good 3d movies do the same thing... home 3d is to small to really do that.
3) content is just hard to come by that is good. SO going to ride every rollercoaster I build in parketect or planet coaster, that will be my vrs primary function. but yea.
>you spend 3 hours sick but once you are use to it, it's done for good.
This. I did a backflip spiral thing in Descent down an atrium with doors in every direction while tracking multiple enemies. I almost barfed and had to pause the game and stare at the floor for five minutes. I've never gotten motion sickness playing video games since.
20% of people can play traditional games in vr with no issue.
I get sick playing games without vr if the fov or frame rate is fucked.
all i have to say is get a fucking bucket you faggot or get the fuck out.
I don't get motion sickness. I was just saying motion sickness has always been and will always be a problem for some people with video games. Whether they want to deal is up to them.
the only issue with current vr is apparently with focussing, text is not sharp at all.
The only issue is, unlike when I was a kid with a n64, or some ps2 games, the very few that make me sick anymore arent worth powering through.
hell there is one game that makes me sick not matter how much i played it and that was glover... have no idea what made that game fuck with me so bad, but yea.
List of paper is not 2D. Give me counterexamples.
not saying you did get motion sick, just saying a general we can not design games just to cater to these faggots who can't take it.
keeping a throwup bucket and dealing with severe feelings of illness for all that sweet sweet tech dem, err i mean vidya
throw up buckets for gaming
not sure if trolling or just stupid
I agree. that was the point I was trying to make. Passing on VR as a technology because it makes some people motion sick and they can't deal is a stupid reason.
I tried out VR and after the Wooooahhh effect wears off its worse than the regular monitor experience
Also its simply too expensive
I just bought 130 8 gallon bags, and I have a fairly large bucket I use as a trash can right next to me.
I have never been so happy in my life at the thought of throwing up.
and to top it off, building a new computer soon that will be able to deal with 3d... god i have tears of joy right now.
I get to tick off a childhood dream soon.
Now I just need to consider If first gen vr is worth it as there is issues with focusing when it comes to text.
traditional games, the way they are designed, make 80% of the people who play them like that violently ill, but it is something you can get over.
Overhyped, let's get going.
this, but not this
I thought the same thing before buying a headset, but now that I have a Vive I realize that it doesn't really add anything to regular "seated" games. Room scale games are clearly more immersive and fun to play with the headset on.
And then, in the end, you realize that playing standing up is a chore that you don't want to do. So fuck VR. It's not about the technology, it's about the concept. Maybe when we get neural interfaces...
vr sucks.
i was excited about it, but after I tried it, I know it's a meme, a little better then the 90's vr meme, but it's not it.. i think we need to wait 20 more years (tfw i'll be 60 by then)
why is life so short
So because you were a stupid kid when the 3DS came out that means people who weren't are the ones with bad eye sight? I can't tell if you are just ridiculously narcissistic or retarded.
>disgusting blurry mess
For a 360p screen it was as good as you could get. It looked fine for what it was. Maybe if you would wipe the shit from your glasses pajeet you could see clearly then. Not to mention the 3DS XL has the same resolution as the regular 3DS stretched over a larger screen so of course it will look worse you moron.
Total consumer headset count for 2016 was about 1.3 million all-up for Vive, Rift and PSVR.
VR users year 2016 (Desktop only, Gear VR has sold 1.5mil by itself): 1.3 million.
iPhone users 2007: 1.39 million
iPhone users 2008: 11.63 million
I see these VR threads and laugh and laugh
While you guys debate on if the medium is good, on if it has a future, there are thousands of people making it a reality.
There is no debate, if you've used the Vive and have a functioning brain you know the future just as I did when I first tried it.
Now I make apps for the VR headsets and profit on a new market into perpetuity while you guys shitpost. See you normies in VR within 5 years when you're paying for my SpaceX tickets to the Moon.
prophetic post, family
3D will work once they figure out how to make good holograms.
>there are people on this board who have wasted so much of their life playing vidya they cannot discern between 2D and 3D
Wow. I hope im being trolled
I bought 4-5 vr related domsin names. Now i can't sell them
Grrr, i'm OP and I hate VR, Grrr, everyone that likes VR is a dummy!
PC gaming looks like such a headache. Constantly having to upgrade the GPU, Windows being a shit.
Also im sorry but. Controller > keyboard and mouse any day of the week.
Beats having to upgrade an entire console constantly, them being shit. And controller vs mouse and keyboard is based on what game you are playing, at least PCs allow you to choose your peripheral. I mean I know you're baiting, but you could put a little effort into it.
>Beats having to upgrade an entire console constantly, them being shit.
Massive kek.
Not even him but Xbox 360 (arguably one of the best consoles ever made and that's with the concept of paid internet access (lol memesoft) taken into account) was available in retail from 2005 to 2016.
11 fucking years.
Except it's not 2005 anymore is it? Now we have new generation of consoles, and 2 out of 3 of those have new consoles already and the 3rd one is on the way, the original releases of those consoles are already out dated and obsolete, If you want even the mediocre experience that consoles provide to up to date you have had to buy at least 2 consoles in the last 3 years, your argument is just plain outdated and wrong.
>I will pick the timeframe that suits my opinion pok-pok.
Yeah buddy, fuck off.
If you were only using consoles from Xbox as your only gaming hardware from 2001 to 2017 (16 years, that's more than any fucking one on Sup Forumseddit) you bought 3 devices. Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One.
Videogame consoles make better gaming hardware.
Because they're made for fucking gaming.
>Xbox 360
>best console ever made
Oh yeah, I love shitty consoles with something like a 90% failure rate.
Literally no bullshit no meme, no jokes, every person I have ever known who has owned an original 360 had it break, myself included, I had one, I liked it and all that, but I had to send mine in 2 times, hell, I had a friend who had to send one in 9 fucking times, the 360 was a fucking mess.
Neural interfaces will be the new next thing?
>current console generations don't follow my line of thinking so they're irrelevant.
Whatever you wanna say bucko, facts are facts, the Xbox one is already dead, with no games worth anything, a new version coming, which will make the current one even more obsolete, same as the PS4 and the PS4 pro, the Wii U and the switch, etc etc, this has all happened within the last few years, you're "muh past" argument is cute, but it's no longer relevant. I own a PS4, I play nothing on it, why? It performs like shit, games both look like shit and play like shit on it, I could fix this by "upgrading" to their actually functional version of the console they have and actively develop for, but I don't want to spend another $400 for the privilege. Facts simply win over your bullshit friend.
>It performs like shit, games both look like shit and play like shit on it, I could fix this by "upgrading" to their actually functional version of the console they have and actively develop for, but I don't want to spend another $400 for the privilege
Change the word "console" for "GPU" and you just described PC gaming.
I haven't owned a console since xb360.
Because I don't play games. Consoles are the superior gaming platform but no matter if your little mind accepts it or not, you should grow up.
>change console to gpus and you just described PC gaming
Exactly my point, I could just spend that money on a new actually high end gpu and it will last me way beyond the current console generation, if I were to have a functional Playstation right now, I would be $800 in the hole, I could easily build a PC for that much that could outperform any console that is out or coming out in the near future (like the scorpio) and it would last me way longer as well. Consoles are just not what they used to be, deal with it.
Your communist elonk musk prophet and liberal gaming VR cyberpunk will not prevail
Thankfully Nintendo is actually focusing on core games with their new console