Sup Sup Forums
I'm planning to buy parts for a PC mainly for gaming.
Simple question what CPU is best for a GTX 1060 6GB?
i7 6700K
or an i5?
>please dont execute me
Sup Sup Forums
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i7 if you got the budget
I do indeed have the budget, but it is still why im asking. If i5 is cheaper and somewhat worth it, i would go with an i5. Dont want no bottlenecks tho.
Anywho thanks for the answer.
6600k is worth it, I have one, it can hold up basically any game at high fps and high CPU-related settings
BUT, that's all it can do, it starts stuttering and fucking up if I try to stream while gaymen, Forza Horizon for example runs at 90-100% CPU the entire time, and future games that utilize more cores and threads will not benefit me
The 6600k is "enough" is what I'm saying
If I bought my PC again I would've gone for the 6700k
I was piss out to not get the 7700k for a 30$ difference a while back. I have a 6700k and it does the work. If you plan streaming and what not or uses many applications opens like I do, go for it.
i5-6600k is perfectly fine for most games. If you want to max out bf1 or some other games + want to record/stream then i7 would be a better option.
I have a GTX 1070 and a i5 6600 ( non k). It does exactly what I want. Also has 16gb ram and a nvme x4 ssd.
ryzen dumbo
No poointheloo in my pc
ryzen 1600x
>Dont want no bottlenecks tho
i7 then
literally not possible
Ryzen R5 1600X
go with i5 6600K
the difference between it an the i7 6700K is only hyperthreading
hyperthreading isn't needed for games, in fact it is now seeming like it might lower fps in some games when enabled
Only if you want hyperthreading because you render videos and shit you should get a i7 6700K, but really it isn't worth the money and if you are looking to spend more than an i5 go with the new RYZEN meme for enthusiasts
But streaming games to your laptop over the Internet
Ryzen 7 series drops soon, wait for Ars and Anandtech to drop benchmarks, and all the youtube channels. Then decide.
i5 is good enough for games.
i7 is good for when you want to absolutely ensure your games will run well and you have a lot of shit open in the background.
I suggest the i7 if you have the money for it because contrary to popular belief, it is a very noticeable upgrade over the i5.
Drop the 1060 and get a 480 8gb msi or asus strix 480
Just my two Cents. PC will Run any game nevertheless.
i7 is if you want to do a crapton of video processing
if not i5 is fine
I5 6600k and an rx 480 or a 1070.
> Bought GTX 1060 6GB instead of the RX 480 8GB
> Thinking about buying Jewtel instead of Ryzen
Wait for Ryzen. An i7 is useless for gaming, especially with that graphics card.
>there are people on Sup Forums that will still buy Intel
Wait a few weeks to see if intel starts cracking under the pressure and slashing prices. They're already attempting to strongarm reviewers by telling them how to review Ryzen and putting up pages explaining why they're not getting btfo as much as they are.
>Sup Forums shilling for a processor that hasn't been released yet and they only judge about its power by looking at shitty benchmarks
>shilling this hard
Get stuffed you fucking fagot
>tfw waiting for real user benchmarks from Ryzen to see if the single thread performance is better
Too bad Intel was the only choice for Gamecube emulation. Hopefully Ryzen will change that.
Holy shit are you me? Also pcsx2 damn near required an intel since amd was shit for sse 4.1
Considering it should have all the modern instruction sets and good IPC, I don't see why it wouldn't. PS2/GCN emulation only became possible because sandy bridge was such a huge leap in IPC compared to everything else.
Not that guy but I buy cpus based on their emulation performance. AMD has yet to deliver better solution than Intel and no I don't give a shit about muh bang for your buck.
Somethings wrong, I game and stream without any issues on my 6600k,980ti,32gb,asus maximus gene viii,m.2 and SATA ssd. GTA 5 at 4k with high settings and 60fps.
Your CPU is barely working
Ryzen :^^)
i doubt you stream off of your cpu since gta v is going to hammer your cpu to 80-95% usage.
Why don't they just use the GPU lol
in BF1 there's a difference of like 30 minimum fps between the two. Not to mention future games will use more cores / threads (star citizen and shit like that).
I'd get Ryzen
I'd grab a Ryzen. 6 or more cores is the future. Things like Vulkan and DX12 are slowly but surely gaining ground. The days of quad-cores are numbered.
AMD fucked up with FX in the past(high clocks alone are terrible). But now things are better. Ryzen has high IPC and a high amount of real, physical cores. A winning combination for the future. And a much better choice than Skylake.
The way things are now. It seems like Kaby Lake's also trying get by with just high clocks. Not that they've done this before. *cough*Netburst (10 FUCKING GHz)*cough.*
Are you stupid? Buy a 1070 and a 6600k, le even a 6600 or 6500
In games GPU is what matters
because you're a fucking retard
>starts stuttering and fucking up if I try to stream while gaymen
are you using QuickSync?