Are you a functional programmer?

If so what languages?
Do you study category theory?
What are cool tutorials/books you've read?

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Yes. I use JavaScript and write my own functions all the time.

Tell me about your web dev skills

I am. I use C and mmap executable memory areas to dynamically generate functions. That's how I do higher order functions.

what do you make with your programs


do you trade them?

I have been writing functions in PHP. Otherwise the only other language I have written easy functions is in Perl.

I am somewhat gimped as a programmer. I loathe frameworks and want to understand 100% of code I run on my production website.

Stared at this for a while trying to figure out how she multiplied the matrix with a 3 x 2 before realizing she wrote subtract and it was all bunched up


No. It's the worst and most expensive abstraction that anyone has ever invented.

So that's how that works. I always wondered how dynamic compilers work, because the memory I can write to is never executable...


Yeah. Malloc is actually an incredibly high level function that works on a very specific reserved part of the memory. Usually for large memory it simply wraps mmap as READ/WRITE only. If you use mmap directly and add the execute flag, you can do JIT and other stuff.

That's pretty cool, thanks user.

I guess windows has its own shitty win32 equivalent that requires 9 arguments and a 21 level nested struct again instead...

>If so what languages?
Scala, Haskell, Rust
>Do you study category theory?
I saw a course on Category Theory on my undergrad. Math major.
>What are cool tutorials/books you've read?
The scala "red book" is good for people looking to get into FP.

No problem. For Windows it's pretty shit but not as bad as you could expect.

How would you use that without creating an actual file?

From the link:
If hFile is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, the calling process must also specify a size for the file mapping object in the dwMaximumSizeHigh and dwMaximumSizeLow parameters. In this scenario, CreateFileMapping creates a file mapping object of a specified size that is backed by the system paging file instead of by a file in the file system.
So it's the same way as mmap. Although I haven't actually tried. But file mapping is quite an OS-independant concept.

Jesus Christ Microsoft, what an API.

And I thought PHP was awful.

Once you embrace functional programming everything changes. You used to be passing values around. Now you are passing functionality around. The power of that is great

I'm actually an embed dev and alternate between my haskel, closure and prolog interpreter on a daily basis

hope this shitpost is worth the capcha, also you lost.

Just got my hands on the red book. Completed a degree in math, started studying Category theory to see its applications in programming language theory. Great stuff.

First contact with functional programming I had was with Haskell and I'm fairly proficient with it. Haven't learned any other language of that type yet though, but all others look like they have an uglier syntax than Haskell except maybe for Erlang.

I used Learn You A Haskell and I found it to be a great resource for beginners and experienced functional programmers alike.

>Once you embrace functional programming everything changes. You used to be passing values around.
Speak for yerself.
In fact, I'd like to rather pass values around, but the meme ecosystem doesn't allow it.

link to the video?

>started studying Category theory to see its applications in programming language theory
He fell for the meme guys

OCaml is objectively the prettiest.

> Implyling object oriented programming is real programming
It's just a meme.

How? For practical programming, the activity that produces working programs, I fail to see what tangible tools CT brings to the table, other than a huge load of verbiage offering monikers to concepts every semi-experienced programmer already intuitively holds in their heads day-in-day-out.

And yes, I've looked into it time and again, and failed to be captivated

Turns out I'm a frog poster undercover.

My interest in it extends beyond practical applications. I'm interested in understanding types from a theoretical point of view. You are correct though, a lot of what programmers do have names in category theory, and the programmer is using concepts from category theory without realizing it.

But OCaml is multi-paradigm

Learn OCaml and work for Jane Street

Yeah and I'd be lying if I didn't say I find it damn useful. But you can write fully functional style anyways.

>Math major
>300k starting

El bumpo
I miss the functional programmy generals. Can't believe OOP monkeys outweighted functional programmers with their memes

Do people really need a guide for larger determinants? The formula fucking scales, it just gets tedious as fuck.

functional programming does not offer significant benefits in productivity or correctness that justify adopting it for existing products or training/hiring new staff for new ones.

> being this far behind
enjoy your mutexs and subpar efficiency pleb

>I miss the functional programmy generals. Can't believe OOP monkeys outweighted functional programmers with their memes
Are you implying functional programming and OOP are mutually exclusive?

I don't study programming
Didn't read a book, I used the documentation to get the basics and then I started building my knowledge along with a project

enjoy your memory allocations, "patrician"

mayb he means functional and imperative programming

God, what a waste of 2.54MB.

This user gets it.

>THE formula
Which one? There like a lot of different formulas...

no he doesn't


God damit now I have to jack off to that because you reminded me of it


Eh, fuck the haters, OP.

>If so what languages?
Started getting into it about 13-14 years ago via GCL and scheme. Later got into haskell, then OCaml, then CML, and Idris during its fledgling days. OCaml got me into Coq; Coq and Idris got me into Adga. Should be noted that technically Coq and Adga are proof assistants, but may as well be considered languages.

>Do you study category theory?
Yep. And various type theories / set theories. Homotopy type theory and the calculus of constructions are particularly my jam, although HoTT is pretty damn hard to formalize in Idris due to its strong pattern matching (and pretty much impossible in Haskell as it currently stands). CIC is the basis for the type theory in Coq, and recently a lot of my projects have gone this route:
1. Make a specification using B-method or Z-method (if applicable or needed)
2. Make the necessary proofs in Coq
3. Extract into whichever language is most appropriate (usually either OCaml or Haskell)

>What are cool tutorials/books you've read?
There's really too many to name here because the field is HUGE and encompasses a lot of different ideas. However, I can highly recommend the type theory podcast.

Yeah, have fun doing ANY functional analysis in anything that you write, without functional programming.
>user 1: Hey guys, how do I formalize the hahn-banach theorem in C?
>user 2: Use Java and then google until you find the right libraries. If they don't exist, your question is stupid.
>user 3: Fuck off Anon2PajeetJavaFag. Do it in assembly u pussy

Seriously, though, the amount of (you)s getting thrown around ITT. Oh, functional programming is "too expensive" and a "meme"? This sounds like classic blub paradox:

"As long as our hypothetical Blub programmer is looking down the power continuum, he knows he's looking down. Languages less powerful than Blub are obviously less powerful, because they're missing some feature he's used to. But when our hypothetical Blub programmer looks in the other direction, up the power continuum, he doesn't realize he's looking up. What he sees are merely weird languages. He probably considers them about equivalent in power to Blub, but with all this other hairy stuff thrown in as well. Blub is good enough for him, because he thinks in Blub."

Just because the kiddy shit you write for school doesn't involve the need to model shit like jordan curves or kakutani fixed-points doesn't mean nobody else needs to do that.

>0 posts about qt
Is Sup Forums a homosexual board? Just lurking really.

one of my old friends from college keeps raving about Elixir. Is it any good or am I be better served by learning Erlang (or anything else)?

In reality, you most likely need to learn both to get a BEAMVM job.

I fucking hated multiplying matrices in my first year

>If so what languages?
>Do you study category theory?
>What are cool tutorials/books you've read?
None of the books I read are related to functional programming. I'm not a fucking sperg.

>Is Sup Forums a homosexual board? Just lurking really.
Sexual attraction is for brainlet primates.

>If so what languages?
>Do you study category theory?
I did.
>What are cool tutorials/books you've read?


No, but I learned and used Haskell in multiple courses at university. I love the elegancy, but in practice I only use C++ since it's easier to get shit done. And make something complex that actually works and is fast.

I use Erlang, I've read Joe Armstrong's book. It's pretty good, I'm making a website with it atm. I don't study category theory though.






pic unrelated

irrelevant, unlike functional programming.

I'm myself a commonlisp/clojure programmer
Yet who is she

Why not discuss CL/Clojure instead?
It's more interesting.

I like how it enforces good practices compared to other languages I had to learn at uni (C, Python, C++ and odd stuff like Prolog)

Who is she ?

>If so what languages?
Haskell, Erlang and Elixir, several MLs, some obscure languages that it would deanonymize me to name.
>Do you study category theory?
No, but I intend to learn more type theory.
>What are cool tutorials/books you've read?
Programming Erlang
Types and Programming Languages (just started)

>OCaml is objectively the prettiest.
I like OCaml, but in terms of just how your code looks it is the ugliest out of the popular ML-derived languages. Just compare some random snippets of Standard ML or even Haskell to the same of OCaml. On a conceptual level you can say that modules are more beautiful/elegant than Haskell's typeclasses, but OCaml isn't the only language to have modules and then it has its own conceptual flaws like limited polymorphism (which module implicits should help with).

Ocaml but I only use it to experiment with Lexing and Parsing

>Do you study category theory?
No, im too stupid

What are cool tutorials/books you've read?
Not much, just the little documentation there is and the book.