You poorfags are getting the computer user equivalent of heart disease from your unhealthy computer choices.
You poorfags are getting the computer user equivalent of heart disease from your unhealthy computer choices
>imagine being at computers
I don't care.
>you are so fat
Linux is probably a turd sandwich.
>literal Sup Forums memes
>hamburger/meat comparison
>heart disease
>being amerifat
I cook dishes on my own from products I choose by myself.
t. Poor apple shill that only upgrades his hardware once every five years
Bait, also OP is some dumb liberal nigger.
They hate apple.
whoever prepped that steak needs some lessons on how to cook and cut meat
nah plastic steaks aren't really my taste.
I've never in my life regretted a burger, but I've very much regretted not getting a burger
>shit the webcam broke
>throw imac to trash can
>buy new imac
>the dell xps 410 looks like the new apple products
what the fuck happened?
This shitty troll post from 2011 still gets at least 10 replies.
Meh. Macs are more like chinese food.
>made in China
>people tend to like it
>you better not think about what's inside
>a day later you'll feel like you got something up your ass
>Here's to the rebels
oh gawd
>cable lifter
That's an awfully large router.
u u u u
This hurts to look at.
>paying real money for an Apple product
top kek
IoT trashcan
Think different. Just like everyone else.
Needs moar dongles.
Also, nice double-doubles.
>that pic
What the fuck? How does that not catch fire?
Looks like a neat setup but the constant fear of dying by getting crushed by a falling monitor or the case and drive falling and hitting me would be a downside
>Still shilling this hard
It seems that just like their hardware, apple fags never upgrade their jokes.
>Easy access cables to hang myself with
How do those hard drives not die?
>here we see where the hacker known as Sup Forums orchestrated his heists
Which one is supposed to be the one that doesn't give you heart disease?
Hi vegan.
Anyone with even a little nutrition knowledge knows red meat isn't good for you
Neither is veganism unless you eat an insane amount of vegetable protein sources, many of which are expensive.
Who mentioned veganism?
>I can't afford to eat a cup of beans
If anything buying any prebuilt is like getting fastfood. At best an Apple computer is a competent but overpriced dish from a restuarant. Lately the chefs have been doing some... experimenting.
Building a pc is like cooking it from scratch. You can have the pride you did it yourself, you can make it match your tastes and dietary needs easily and there's never been a better time to be a cook since the availability of fresh high quality ingredients is the best it's ever been.
How is it possible to afford that electricity bill??
or sometimes you just want kraft mac and cheese and you get it (thank you raspberry pi)
Half of them are turned off
If he turned them all on it would probably flip a breaker anyway
post it next time faggots
Still he probably leaves like half of it on at all times + has other stuff running on different outlets in other rooms.
>relying on appleshit
Mom's tendies are better anyway
Animal protein in hominids causes health problems period. Therefore, Linux is the only option.
Resembles an ashtray from the 1920's.
>Animal protein in hominids causes health problems
t. doesn't understand biology
You realize that we have a set of teeth devoted to crushing and chewing plants and the incisors are devoted to biting and tearing into meat, meaning meat is an essential part of the average humans diet right?
>the incisors are devoted to biting and tearing into meat, meaning meat is an essential part of the average humans diet right?
Not that A even leads to B, but what do you mean incisors are devoted to biting and tearing into meat? My incisors don't do anything else?
>t. mactard
>Not a single omnivore on that chart
Really whacks my walnuts
Fuck off
>Not that A even leads to B, but what do you mean incisors are devoted to biting and tearing into meat? My incisors don't do anything else?
That's the primary evolutionary purpose of the incisors. If we didn't evolve to eat meat, the anatomy of our teeth would be devoted to chewing leaves. You can eat not eat meat as you see fit, but that doesn't override the fact that our front teeth are evolutionarily geared towards cutting the tougher substance of meat
Not an argument. I hate macs as well but actually make some sense when making an analogy.
>That's the primary evolutionary purpose of the incisors.
It's weird then that those teeth are widespread even among herbivorous animals. Evolution could have at least graced us with better ones that are actually long and sharp enough to rip flesh, rather than just assisting in chewing already cut, marinated, cooked meat.
all of those monitors combined is less wattage than a hair dryer.
As a guy who owned a bunny once, I assure you that even herbivores are perfectly capable of ripping flesh.
>imagine being at computers so fat you look and see food
Except you can't chew meat as is you retard. The only meat you can eat is pressure cooked, minced, or ground up meat that's basically been softened to the extreme by high heat or "chewed up" by machinery.
Well shit you better go back and tell the mammoth hunters and neanderthals that.
fuck guess I can't eat jerky
jesus christ, what the fuck is this chart and what does it have to do with this fucking thread.
Literally marinated in acid.
Those guys that used tools extensively to overcome their lack of physical affinity for tearing and eating raw flesh? I think they know
Yeah. Also fuck us for cooking tubers and the like to increase available calories.
I see no problem.
t. cloud user
I love playing spot the vegan
>thread starts by implying that steak is a heart-healthy alternative to burgers
>someone points out the flawed logic
You're not meant to eat it on a regular basis. Eating a steak every 2-3 months isn't going to magically kill you
Woah, that was an easy round
So is the anaology supposed to be that you're only supposed to use a computer 2-3 times a month?
*every 2 or 3 months
>use a computer 2-3 times a month?
i think user is saying you should eat a computer every 2-3 months and less if its a mac?
Linux would be a homecoocked meal. Healthier and cheaper than the other two, requires you to understand what you are doing and relies on the ingrediences and work you put into it.
>Beans are expensive
Being american..
>but you ALWAYS regret it later
What about that, by the way? How one can regret eating in fastfood?
I have a Mac running GNU/Linux. What now, faggot?
>vegan tofu steak
Fuck you.
Sounds disgusting. Fuck you too.
How is that even possible?
>Hair dryer - 800 to 1800 watts
>CRT - 75 to 100 wats
I'm pretty sure that's just a clip to keep it from falling off of the desk.
NJIT, poojeet and Chinaman Institute, has a surprising number of Thinkpads among both students and teachers.
>mfw Indian chem professor has the same X220 I do
>She's got something in the expansion slot
>based toe jam