Y do u still use uber?

> Chauvinistic, racist and homophobic attitudes were far too normal at Uber. Once in a group chat, team members referred to a new Asian American recruit as slanty eye joe.

>He was wearing sweatpants and a wrinkled polo shirt. After casually asking me if I was married or in a relationship, he told me that he liked women in heels. “You know what heels do don’t you?” he smirked while placing his hands on his behind so as to suggest that they make them look bigger. He then patted on my shoulder and squeezed it before walking away. Later, on several occasions, he hinted at having a private dinner with me at a real nice club and once jokingly said that if I played my cards right i’d have a serious date with a rich sugar daddy so i’d never have to work.

>When I voiced my concern, Mike#2 looked at me and said “There is no place for ethics in this business sweetheart. We are not a charity.” I was upset to hear such an insensitive comment. I repeated my point and this time, I raised my voice to show that I was unhappy with his attitude. Visibly angry, Mike #2 covered the microphone of the conference phone, he reached over to hold my hand tightly and told me to stop being a whiny little bitch. Two of the men in the room looked at each other and laughed while the rest of the men, like me, were shocked. For the next few minutes, it seemed as if my brain was paralyzed. I could not remember what happened during the rest of the meeting. All I remember was that when the meeting ended, I took the stairs to a restroom downstairs away from the main office space and locked myself into a bathroom stall and sobbed.

medium com/@amyvertino/my-name-is-not-amy-i-am-an-uber-survivor-c6d6541e632f#.dfmc8dy2g

well Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


i dont man i can make up a story like this in 2 minutes.

but there have been so much wimminz raped in classic taxis too so i guess that human are animals with anxiety.

Durr durr rude douchebags at a tech company who fucking cares faggot

It's all fun and games until you're part of the out-group.

-Taxis are more expensive on short legs in my city.
-They have the same service regardless of which country or city you are in. It's a McDonalds of taxis if you will.
-The drivers can't rip you off for being a tourist when you visit a poor country.

When I need to be picked up someplace, I want a car within 5-10 minutes, and Uber delivers.

I don't live in a huge city, and Uber are much more common than Lyft, and I can get a car faster. I have heard rumors that the reason this is the case is because the local Lyft drivers who are supposed to vet new drivers purposefully turned everybody away for bullshit reasons because they didn't want competition for fares.

>Website uses fucking twitter handles to organize articles
Into the trash

wtf i hate uber now

No uber in nepal. The taxi drivers would beat up all the uber drivers.

Which is cheaper? Uber or lyft

>he smirked while placing his hands on his behind so as to suggest that they make them look bigger
they do, it's called posture

>Once in a group chat, team members referred to a new Asian American recruit as slanty eye joe.
doesn't she know that men casually insulting each other with race is how they show that they are comfortable with each other?

It's amazing how much companies can get away with this shit. Fuck homophobia, fuck sexism, fuck bigotry and most important of all, fuck hate.

I hate you already, faggot. Stop being such a bitch. What are you? A WOMAN?
lol. Go back

Poor Travis, upset that you'll be a homeless nigger in the Tenderloin soon?

Spoken like a true trump supporter. I'm surprised you're even smart enough to even post on Sup Forums.

>I was distraught by the HR department’s response especially considering that most of the HR folks I dealt with were women
What a sexist point of view.

This girl's lack of attention to detail completely explains why Uber switched from MySQL to Postgres and then back to MySQL. There's no consistency and apparently everybody on the data team is shit.

There's no explanation as to who Travis is when she starts talking about him, and there's no explanation as to why Mike#2 is #2 and not just Mike. If she considers this shit blog to be worth publishing, I have no doubts that this girl's data and reports were as shit as described.

I think the criticism is really stupid as practically anyone can be an uber driver and it's more likely going to be young dudes, but there is a place for talking like that and it's not in your place of work.

>I was distraught by the HR department’s response especially considering that most of the HR folks I dealt with were women
HR only cares about HR, everyone else can go die in the saltmine for all they care

>Y do u still use uber?
I'm not SJW and I don't care what other people say to each other on their jobs.

The lesson to tech companies is clear - stop hiring women.

I don't really care about other people's experiences, I care about my own. And so far I haven't had a really bad time

that girl needs to stand up for herself. what a submissive cunt

if you hear someone say something offensive, fucking tell them that you think it's not right. if you're just gonna blog about it afterwards, what the fuck does that do? and if some dude is making unwanted advances towards you, fucking put him in his place! fuck woman, do you need the oversight committee to do all of your dirty work?

You laugh but imagine being a small, meek woman in the tech industry. You got into tech because you were passed over for anything remotely physical, and chose to spend all day in your room tinkering with software instead of being like other girls your age, hanging out with boys. You've never been around men to this extent. They tower over you, and there's one in every direction in your office. The only thing stopping them from picking you up and ravaging you on the spot is themselves.

Now tell me you wouldn't be jumping at shadows over the anxiety and fear and thrill

Not to be too bitter or negative or grouchy; but I do find it well funny how often women are shocked & distraught when they're mistreated by other women.

Ugly men hitting on you = sexism

she did stand up to the guy, but for the wrong reason

>Mike#2 proposed an idea which to me seemed as unfair to the drivers. It would block the payments to the driver if a customer complained about the ride before a ride ends. Fortunately, this never made it into the app. When we were brainstorming this idea, I openly spoke up against it. I told them that it was unethical

>I voiced my concern

>I repeated my point and this time, I raised my voice

She, a data analyst, raised a concern regarding a potential business practice and was told by a superior that whether or not the practice was fair wasn't relevant. Rather than say to herself "lol, yeah, that's not really my department anyway" she decided to try to bully her SUPERIOR.

That's all you need to know to realize that her real problem is that she, like so many women, has no idea how to communicate with men. A female boss of mine once overheard me telling a male coworker and friend of mine that I was going to scissor kick him in the back of the head (a reference to Talladega Nights).....

>her: threatening violence in the workplace is unacceptable, user, do not ever say anything like that again
>me: what? it was a joke, not a threat. I'm not capable of throwing a scissor kick and it's a reference to a movie
>her: there's nothing funny about what you said.
>me: well, not to you, because the joke wasn't intended for you
>her: no, it's not funny to anyone
>me: ........what?

I think she was just being a bitch to me because she was in a bad mood. The more women I work with, the more I realize that very, very few women have the emotional stability of the average man. OH well.

that's SUCH a big deal
look at wall street if you want to see real mistreatment of women, the only issue this is noticed is because Silicon Valley lives on more liberal values.

>tech industry
>driving random strangers around all day
Broham, kill yourself. If women can't fucking handle this then they won't be able to handle getting raped to death in their cars.

The only one who should kill themselves are bigots and Trump nazis like yourself.

Lyft is better, fucking duh.

Sisham just fucking drink a shotgun.

This article and thread are about a dev for the app, not a driver

Not before you, bigoted piece of shit.

This sounds like the sort of Stanford MBA bros that have infected Silicon Valley.

Am I an asshole for thinking this is not that significant?
Get called with names or get these suggestions when you are working for one of these big tech companies building a career and are very well salaried.
I think it's first world problems. It's nothing compared to what the people at other end of the tech world have to deal with. Talking about people working in manufacturing in third world countries. And even they rather work there than be unemployed.
I think deleting uber or getting mad over something like this only shows how limited your worldview is. It's self deprecating even. You care about people but not those other people? Isn't this a worldview of a rasist?

>Mike #2 covered the microphone of the conference phone, he reached over to hold my hand tightly and told me to stop being a whiny little bitch
wtf i love uber now

is Mike #2 /ourguy/?

Who cares. People who work for an unlicensed taxi company is the worst of humans.

And is joking about a colleague really considered racist now?
Wouldn't it be more racist to make his race taboo and exclude him from all jokes?
Making jokes is part of the male bonding experience.

Maybe they should grow a pair. It's 2017, after all.

she's clearly the kind of girl who kept her nose in her books and wondered why men didn't fawn over her in school, then graduated and joined uber. She doesn't know how workplace relations work

If they grew a pair, they wouldn't be harassed in the first place

didn't know Uber had a no pants policy

Isn't that what they want? I think they'd be shocked to find that men would treat them the same way.

True story
I once told a woman I work with if she was wearing makeup today? because she looked different than usual, and we happen to work in a food production facility where you can't have makeup on.

Two hours later I'm getting called into HR because of sexual harassment. apparently you aren't allowed to ask anybody about their physical appearance to them.

The only reason they kept me on the team is the fact that you can't actually wear makeup at my job, and she was in fact wearing makeup. I had to make the argument that I was enforcing good manufacturing standards by simply asking her if she was wearing any.

> It's another anonymous story demonizing a man episode
I'm surprised rape wasn't mentioned.

>I had to make the argument that I was enforcing good manufacturing standards by simply asking her if she was wearing any.
HR gave you an out, they were following protocol that she was abusing

Lyft usted to be cheaper, not anymore. Both are on the same price range, just a few cents
You may be able to get a better deal from lyft if you are on "prime hour"

>Red eyes, a nip, a slanty eye joe
>He been imported rong time ago
>korea he come from, korea he go
>korea he came from, slanty eye joe

If I stopped using some service or company because one of their higher ups was a douche, then I'd nothing left.

This is true.

And with that being said I don't doubt this story for a minute. Most people here have never held down a proper job and don't realize the deal at most companies is competence isn't the way to rise to the top.

It's dick sucking and being a borderline sociopath to make sure you make the cut. Be the loudest voice, all that shit.

It's bullshit, but what can you do. If you're going to be the nice guy at work accept that you'll never land the big promotion.


>and locked myself into a bathroom stall and sobbed.
What a dumb bitch. This nothing to cry about, it's something to file a lawsuit about.
Literal sob story.

Still, uber is fucking garbage and it is starting to get its shit kicked in legally.

I would bet my entire life that nothing in the bottom paragraph actually happened.


>Trump nazis

Useful idiot detected.

>Y do u still use uber?
Because it's so low cost it's almost free.

Well, now I am going to start using uber alot more.

Because contrary to your whining, Uber works better than taxis in my city. Not to mention it's cheaper. Not to mention it's safer.

Concerns with regards to privacy? Taxify. Or other similar services.

It's taxis that are going away for a piece of shit idea they are. It's a cartel, but some people are too dumb to realize it. If you have a brain, you can negociate your price. If not, stop being a pussy.

> Chauvinistic, racist and homophobic attitudes

Sounds like a good time, honestly.

> le ebin numale

and fuck you, most importantly.

>"I am a survivor"
What garbage, probably made up by some fat Tumblr cunt who got fired for being useless at uber

theres literally nothing wrong with being racist and homophobic

>caring about race and where other people stick their peepees
Why waste your time thinking so much about other people?

>inb4 but muh preservation of the great aryan race
Ain't gonna happen in your life time regardless of your actions anyway, so why fucking bother?

> told to stop being a whiny little bitch.
> proceeds to be a whiny little bitch in the most literal pathetic way.

>why waste your time thinking so much about other people?
>proceeds to create a thread literally to complain about other people's business

There's nothing wrong with hate. Like any other emotion, it can be used as a force for good.

It's amazing how SJW cunts like you still exist.

I drive myself or take public transpo. fuck a cab.

fuck yourself, brainwashed trash

>uber errywhere
my lord, rms, sayeth vengeance is mine