Ryzen 6c CPU's

So we've seen the 8c models being competitive with Intels top I7's, but what about the mid range CPU's?

As i'm only into light gaming, and definitely want to use a VM for programming/database stuff, would the Ryzen 1500 be the most sensible choice?

I bet 6 cores are also useless for 85%+ of gaming. AMD are pulling the same meme again like last. If the i7s keep having very strong single-thread per core, they are going to destroy AMD, again.

>shilling for your jew overlords for FREE

>I have no argument, for AMD shekels

Good goyim.

Shut the fuck up and die child.

>same shit
they said bulldozer had poor single threaded performance before release


I want that.

The 1600X will probably be a bit under $300, the lower 1500 will probably be priced under $250.
The price/perf there is pretty compelling.

These kike shitposts are so cute.

Even if it's 15% worse than SkyKaby, that would put it somewhere near Ivy Bridge. Not top of the line anymore but it's not like they can't play games either, lmao. Stop exaggerating.

Most people will end up being GPU bottlenecked at that level.

>So we've seen the 8c models being competitive with Intels top I7

What? They can't even beat Intel's offering at the exact same price.


Get cancer and die.

>0.15 rupees have been deposited to your account
Well done Rajeesh.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


>let's stay where we are and stop innovating
Why ? If they can match intel performances, have more core at the same time for the same price or cheaper I don't see why you are complaining.

They'll do amazingly well from a price/performance standpoint given that they're like 200 bucks. 6 core is where I'm going as well for my build.

He said be competitive, not beat. The 1700 is a tradeoff in gaming vs Kaby i7s.

>fake benchmarks

nice try jew

That isn't intel's top model
the $1000-$7000 cpu's all average 120-130FPS at the same other hardware & GPU

Now show us the same benchmark with a 6900k.

>my build
fuck your build and die child.

>caring about gay men

back to Sup Forums

did you even read my post you JIDF shill?

> show me a cherry picked chip literally nobody in Sup Forums uses
fuck you and die a horrible death child.

Shilling poointwloo rajeet for POO

get cancer and die AMD shill. pretending to make a new thread. Now admitting your only made it to shill AMD.
also I hope your mother dies tonight of cancer too.

Just get Ryzen

but the question is when,,, I'm ready to spend 229$ on 1500 but not if I have to wait 3 more months.

Will use it for game dev, web programming and playing games (GTA5 mostly)

Rajeesh you are shittalking fellow Indian. Why would you do that?

die of cancer tonight.

>overclock 7700K to to 5 Ghz
>lose 1 average fps
explain this, IIDF.

Looks pretty acceptable to me desu. Also has better multithreaded performance. I'll take a one-time FPS dip 10 below Kaby for the same money and have a better all around processor that's more power efficient.

Really makes one think.
There has been a concerted effort to ramp up the anti AMD shitposting, and it all really started a just a couple days ago after AMD's press event. As soon as all the news of Ryzen's prices and performance were released the shitposting started. Its happening on forums too, even faceberg groups are getting tons of new members all shilling intel totally out of the blue.
I bet intel hired some guerilla marketing firm to spam social media to soften the impact of Ryzen and try to slow the hype train.

>posts a poorly threaded benchmark
>the CPU with higher clocks performs better
The 1700 would match or nearly match the 6900k. Now kill yourself intelshill.

I bet you'll get cancer and die tonight.

die of cancer tonight shill.

>shilling for computer hardware on a cantonese visual novel board for free

no mr. shekelbergstein, i just want a new PC without getting jewed by your ilk

>not accepting the death of Intel

>have a FX 8350
>still play games without any issues
>compiling stuff isn't that long
>don't use any CPU intensive software

Personally I would really want to upgrade because I know I'll have big performance gain in everything, but I never had to complain about my current performances.

I'm pretty sure a lot of people upgrade even if they don't actually need to. Consumerism society is quite stupid sometimes.

I like the power efficiency, but AMD is notoriously bad about understating their power requirements in the specs.

Wait for the power benchmarks to come out, I bet it will be another major disappointment.

Want to get even more mad?

I'm an oldfag and I'm going to pair the 6c with an rx480 and red rgb everything but put it in a windowless case and shove it under my desk and play modded fallout4 and shitpost on it exclusively.


Uhh the 6900k is like 3x the cost

The benchmark compares the same cost AMD chip vs the same cost Intel chip...and Intel comes out on top

Maybe. It's just curious that they would even call the 1700 a 65 W chip unless they were really confident that it could set itself apart from the XFR variants. They could have just called it a 95 W chip and nobody would have questioned it.

No shit, that's not a point in intel's favor though, lmao.

His point is the 6900k would perform similar to the 1700 in a poorly threaded situation because it clocks lower than the 7700k, you disingenuous fuck.

It compares an octocore with relatively low clocks to a quadcore with very high clocks. Of course the quadcore is going to come out ahead in benchmarks that are poorly threaded, retard.

So you agree that Intel has the best processor for the money?

But bulldozer did have poor single threaded performance..

I upgraded from a fx-6300 to an i5 6600k and my fps has tripled from like 100 fps to 300 fps in most games.

Video rendering for Vegas and After Effects is so fucking fast now.

If the only thing you do with your computer is play GTA V, sure. And then only until the Ryzen quadcores come out.

Now go kill yourself retard.

They are two different processors. One will be better at games, one will be a jack of all trades that excels at multithreaded tasks.

What you're doing right now is like comparing a low clocking Xeon to a Kaby Lake i7. Just because they cost the same doesn't make them directly comparable in every metric.

And if the 4c/8t XFR Ryzen chips can hit good clocks for $100 (or more) less than the 7700k? Intel is basically finished and bankrupt.

There's a reason why Xeons are used in servers and not in desktops.

AMD made the same mistake they made last time, more cores and poor real world performance.

This just isn't going to be true, no matter how many thousands of times you repost it, shill.
Zen has per core, per clock performance on par with Broadwell. Broadwell is only 3% on average away from Skylake/Kaby Lake.

Ryzen is offering solid serial performance, and extremely high end multithreaded performance. Intel is making 6 core chips mainstream with Coffee Lake for that very reason.
The quad core era is coming to an end, and AMD is the company making it happen. Just like they pioneered the dual core, and the quad core CPU, AMD is continually dragging the industry forward from the clutches of intel's monopolistic stagnation.

>There's a reason why Xeons are used in servers and not in desktops.
They're used in plenty of desktops that belong to people that need multi-threaded horsepower. It's not like they can't play games at all either, you're really reaching here.

>AMD made the same mistake they made last time, more cores and poor real world performance.
You're basing this opinion off of one slide from a poorly known reviewer benchmarking a game that has been dropped from most benchmarking suites because of unpredictable stuttering?

Would you call Haswell chips poor "real world" performers? Because clock for clock that's what the 1700 probably matches up with in terms of IPC, and last time I checked most people have zero issues using Haswell chips for just about fucking anything. You're reaching bro.

>i'm only into light gaming
Intel shills are desperate.


Also, BTFO!

Of course, if one want 8c/16t the goyim choice should always be the $1099 jew cpu instead the $499 one from the rival non-jew company, even if the cheaper one shit on the jew one.

Also the $1099 is in a dead platform because a socket change a year keep the goyim in fear, so prepare your wallet for LGA 2066/3647.


Translation from a recent donanimhaber video:

“Overclocking hasn’t been a problem at all. Although we can’t announce specifics regarding frequencies due to NDA I can say that the results are impressive and overclockers will be pleased”

“With our overclocked 1800X sample cooled by the Noctua unit AMD provided in the reviewer’s kit we managed to surpass the 7700K in single threaded performance and the temperatures were great. We had no concerns about the temperatures.”

“You can achieve a good overclocking result with one click and you don’t even have to bother with manually overclocking/tuning.”

“It seems ironic yes, but with an auto-overclock the 1800X has no competition. Not even Intel’s 10 core 6950X can keep up with it.”

“According to the performance we’re seeing we can say that the 7700K will be history, even for gaming.”


This is Intel, folks! A shit company!


Wait for skylel-Ebin to come out on x299 before you purchase a ryzen 8 core.

its not 2010
games can use more than 4 cores now

Well you're wrong.
It uses multicore when you are loading files and shit before the scene is initialized , rendering (which is the FPS refresh rate) can only be done in one thread on one core, cannot multicore render because frames will not be synced correctly.

What? No, that's not how draw calls work.

when is it even coming out?

Built my bro a gaming rig with that CPU and I paired it with the 1080. Literally every motherfucker on Sup Forums kept screaming that I was bottlenecking the GPU and that I was throwing money out of the window by not getting the 1070 with an Intel CPU instead.

$200 though. This things is such a fucking beast. Bottlenecking is a fucking meme.

You're gonna get high framerates, sure but the GPU isn't using its full power.

Sup Forums is usually retarded but in this case that probably wasn't the most cost efficient option. The truth in that will vary by application though if it works, it works.

What game is that?

Source on that?

I have a hard time believing that the GPU really isnt delivering the "power" it should be delivering. Games that make heavy use of shaders for graphic processing usually run better on old CPUs that have less multithreaded performance, basically no bottleneck on such games and benchmarks like Heaven and Firestrike.

So in a game that makes smart use of the GPU instead of relying on multi threading from the CPU, the impact is literally not there. Obviously if you are running a poorly optimized game abusing the CPU like a cheap whore, of course the GPU is going to slow down and wait for mommy.

who the fuck play games on i7-6900k or r7 1800x? Are you retarded boi? Both are not worth your money.

>if you are running a poorly optimized game abusing the CPU like a cheap whore, of course the GPU is going to slow down and wait for mommy
Let's be honest, this is pretty much every AAA game that comes out these days. It's pretty rare, although maybe becoming less so, for a game to support multiple cores right out of the box. Watch Dogs 2 is an example of what might come in the future.

Sniper Elite 4 i suppose

> (you)

Just from cpu upgrade?
Also do you like the ice cream?

Oh well, it's not mystery that Sniper Elite makes better use of multi-threading

It's faster than Kaby Lake at the same clock
We still don't know how the 6 and 4 cores will clock, but the 8 core clocks better than Intel's best 8 core

>Let's be honest, this is pretty much every AAA game that comes out these days

Yeah thats right. Its sad though, but most AAA game coming out runs like a charm on Intel hardware and come out as shitty but slowly gets better on AMD. Even better, most AAA games are slowly getting shitter on OLD intel hardware.

I used to get 250+ fps in CSGO with my i7 930 and I could even run it 1600x900 on mobile graphics using my thinkpad with the Quadro k1000m, it slowly got shittier and now runs like crap even on my desktop.

The only recent game I play that ran awesome out of the box and still runs absolutely butter smooth on ANY cpu+gpu combo is Elite Dangerous. This games makes such heavy uses of shaders that you have 2 seperate loading for those when launching the game.

After that its 120 fps running with 1.5x supersampling on my old i7 and r9 390. No other game matches this kind of performance for some reason. To be fair fdev isnt exactly AAA.

What the fuck is going on with modern games? I dont get it.

yea, no shit.. so they were honest about it

can you not read?

If you'd like to know more I believe gamers Nexus still benches with the 8370. I will say that it is way behind in performance compared to a newer i7. It will vary by game but for a majority of games the 8370 will hold back a 1080.

wow runs really good

Holy shit

$900 Ryzen build beats $600 i7 build


>$500 cpu + $250 mobo + $150 cooler Ryzen
>$330 + $120 mobo + $120 cooler i7


>beats the $330 i7 7700k Babby Faggot Lake in single thread
>beats the $1700 i7 6950X Shitwell in multithread

lmao kikes are mad

wow is pretty old though, most games of that age run good on the hardware we have today, its the new games that seem to run like garbage unless you buy the most recent expensive shit.

OK, for real. My roommate wants a halfway decent "gaming" laptop so we can play online together but she knows absolutely jack shit about computers. My HP "gaming" laptop and its lolAMD card (I got it for Christmas, so I didn't have much of a choice) can't render GTA Online's world even on its lowest settings, while my 2012-era netbook works well enough to play with /gtag/ without fucking up. Wat do?

pick one

>>beats the $330 i7 7700k Kabby Lake in single thread

for $900 DajWRyjZen vs $600 I7 aka it's not acceptable price for most gamers. Also they haven't said how much did it beat. 1-5%? lol

>beats the $1700 i7 6950X Shitwell in multithread

who they fuck cares? Nobody except game devs buys those cpus, it's meaningless for vast majority of people buying cpus.

Anyway i'm waiting for 1600x we will see if it will be good or not since 1700 is just trash, and anything higher than that is just too much expensive.

>game devs
Stay in Sup Forums, little kid.

Normally I would agree, but she works outside the house a lot and doesn't want to spend money on both a gaming computer and a work laptop.

are you ready for unzipping zip files for 7 days straight? dumb Sup Forums fag

>look ma i posted it again xD

how fast will it compile and run unit tests

>proving beyond all reasonable doubt that you have absolutely no idea what a multithreaded workload is or who makes use of multicore processors
>what is compiling, rendering, encoding/transcoding, streaming while playing vidya, running VMs
No really, stay in Sup Forums. You're not being cool, edgy, funny, etc. You're just embarrassing yourself by sticking out like a sore thumb.
You might as well walk into a gay bar and shout:
>Hello fellow homosexuals. I am also one of you, a homosexual. I can use homosexual lingo, and engage in homosexual acts, such as clothes shopping, and "gossip." Us fags, amirite?

>4 year old game
No wonder it doesn't use 8 cores at all

>exactly same post in every Ryzen thread
Seriously, how much do you get paid? How's that H1B going?

>>what is compiling
don't give a fuck i'm a coder
was working fine on my old i5 so i don't need 16 threads for that
>streaming while playing vidya
total retard it will look like shit and would only work on low demanding titles like dota2/csgo/lol, every person who is serious about streaming use dedicated card also video games which you hate so fuck off an go back to Sup Forums :*
>running VMs
was working fine on my i5 2500k also most of the time i've been using my 2nd pc to have zero perf issues

go shilling someone else fag i'd suggest reddit/amd you may friends retards like you who will wank to how faster you will render 4k amd shilling video

>i'm not a coder*