should i get a macbook not for gaming but for just general use
Other urls found in this thread:
here is a list of acceptable reasons for buying a Mac:
>Development for products on Mac
>Development for products on iOS
that's it
Get this instead:
I agree.
Will you use it frequently and how long do you want it to last?
Get HP Spectre x360
here's why every apple user is a fucking retard:
>sees apple ads in TV about how user friendly macs are ("computers for the rest of us", aka for idiots)
>friends recommend apple products because they are apple uses themselves
>"minimalistic" design appeals to the retard, he can't predict that the materials used are designed to be so flimsy to break, also ignores how other products are more ergonomic to use since those aren't just slabs of aluminium
>compares $2000 applel product to the only other laptops he's ever used: $300 walmart trash and is amazed how ""premium"" apple is
>begins to use mac OS and since it's a bit more user friendly he believes it's the greatest thing ever
>now stuck in the apple ecosystem, has to buy a new model every 3 years because some of the hardware broke (planned obsolescence)
>likely a dumb poorfag so he has to take a loan just to buy the fucking computers
>even recommends apple to friends and tries to justify his position with unrealistic claims ("muh special functions only apple has", "I have a higher status in society if people see my computer", "it just werks", "muh special application NEEDS mac OS")
>worst of all, he doesn't even notice how much he has been cucked
tl;dr macfags are fucking retarded
If you're doing any programming, music, or art - Macbooks are definitely worth it.
Unless it's iOS or OSX, literally ANYTHING would be just as good
Same thing, no special hardware necessary, except Logic is now worse than the normie Windows DAWs
You have a nice screen. No pen support, no USB-A drawing tablets, terrible Apple mice and such, What else?
I mean I'm looking at this without the apple bias and even I can't see why anything you said is true
>looks sexy
>at least has bash (so does winblows now)
>retina screen display (whatever that means, I do notice a difference)
cons (your model may very)
>cant remove battery, (wtf!?)
>no cd player
>few ports
>if your a clutz like me, have fun buying a new charger every 6 months
I wouldnt buy one, but if I was gifted one, id freetard it and use it as my main one outside of the house due to how light it is in a backpack
OSX daws are objectively worse, OSX has gotten down to Windows-tier instability, this isn't an argument anymore
Kevin Mitnick is not the average average Sup Forums member and he is mac user.
You can see a lot of demonstration where he use macintosh. At defcon you can see people using macbooks. So you can use it for hacking and penetration testing.
>every single OS has bash
>Retina (stupidly high resolution) is model-specific
>buy MacBook for penetration testing
your nothing as your comment. Just another lamer that think to know something.
develop critical thinking.
there is a reason that thinkpads are recommended to everyone here OP
they are the best bang for your buck, are user serviceable, and run linux well
forget the linux memes that are here though, just use ubuntu like a normal person
also the meme about only poorfags and rich people buying macs actually isn't a meme, there is a reason that apple offers financing
>buy MacBook for dongling tests
>buy MacBook
>take penus up ur bum
but user, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
>Unless it's iOS or OSX, literally ANYTHING would be just as good
Pretty much this, though I don't think anyone can come with a 8 year old laptop to beat the macbook pro i'm posting from.
Was really looking forward to finally upgrading to a newer model but they're not worth the price at all. I don't know why they suddenly felt the need to make them almost twice as expensive while also making it so you can't replace the battery or the hard drive.
Unless you can find one for cheaps don't do it.
Non-pro macbooks are trash too, if you're just looking for a small simple thing, get an air while you still can.
Also those new keyboards suck pretty hard.
yeah sure i guess whatever
>143 dollars
Honestly I think that the price is too much for what OP's existence means to the world.