RIP in peace Pajeets

RIP in peace Pajeets

It's almost as if Donnie want's his code complete, efficient and not copypasta'd from a google search.

Really makes you think.

RIP in peace me.

Look up DeepCode. Microsoft is working ona neural-net coder using code samples from google to replace their pajeets.
That's a bigger threat than trump to india.

Farming is a nobler profession.


>I failed in life, therefore other races are to blame
>give me handouts please
Hitler killed himself too

So excited for this
I don't mind Indians but they should fuck off and start companies in India, not screw up the US software job market


Rest in RIP peace you.

Can't believe this board is full of commie faggots now.

Since when did you have a problem with the free market?

If pajeet works harder than you and for less, why should I be obligated to hire you over him?

Lazy entitled millennial scum

Most people here can't even code fizzbuzz.

>pajeet works harder
The problem is they don't. It's not uncommon for HR to think they are a great idea only to realize they are far more expensive due to having to clean up after them afterwards. Not every pajeet is like this but it's common enough that it causes problems.

If that is truly the case then the market will eventually sort it out. There should be zero restrictions on who should work here. The only reason we have such a constraining visa process is because socialist losers like you feel threatened by genuine work ethic



No more Poojeets for your cheap slave labor

>socialist losers like you feel threatened by genuine work ethic

>government says it's legal for non-citizens to come here under certain circumstances
>companies take advantage of this in a shady manner
>fucks everyone over and makes Pajeet a modern-day slave who can't really do much about his shit wage but at least it's far better than he'd get in India
>fucks over Americans because there's no incentive to go for quality over quantity in about 50% of the available jobs, effectively killing half of those jobs and hurting our economy in the long run
>y-y-you're a commie if you disagree with this!
yeah, and am I a communist if I disagree with government regulation which prop up shitty ISP monopolies, too?

you are fucking stupid

>open your borders and let everyone in
>there is absolutely no reason to prefer your own kind over foreigners

>open your borders and let everyone in
How's that straw man treating you, shit for brains?

oh look, another unemployed stormtard
don't worry, I'm sure somebody will notice your anime tagging program written in Haskell one day

If they can't outsource codework from the US they will just create a subsidiary in India that sells the product back to themselves, retard.

Do you seriously think they're gonna start paying 500% more money just like that?

Srsly why dont they just do tech in india?

>India's tech industry

Wouldn't that be America's tech industry driven by foreign force instead?

>If pajeet works harder than you and for less, why should I be obligated to hire you over him?
why should i be obligated to want to be paid less, because someone else does what I do (albeit a lot worse, but let's ignore this fact) for less?
it's directly contrary to my goals
why are you asking me to work against myself

pajeet detected

Fuck h1bs. Pajeeets have been a detriment to the tech industry, helping their Jewish overlords transition into SaaS, advertising, and other cancerous business practices for too long. Bury the fucking curry.

Nobody wants a global free market because that means every single job in America could be done by some chink/pajeet with a slave mentality for $1 an hour who's happy to live in the office.

ding ding ding

It's great for the consumer. Banning pajeets makes america less competitive.

>can't refuse overtime because lost job = plane ride home
>can't change jobs because lost job = plane ride home
>can't press for rights because lost job = plane ride home
>literal slave class to make the rich richer
>"free market"
I would have no problem with Trump slapping a $500k per H1B worker tax on every valley company tomorrow.

Would be great for about a week until the impact of couple tens of million new unemployed people hit the economy

Fascists are identical to commies. They want handouts for working less for more. Trump will hurt the economy.
By extension a hurt economy will hurt the racists too.
By having more lazy bastards in charge.

Not him, but
>why should i be obligated to want to be paid less
You don't "want" it, everyone want's a million dollars a month retard. But why would a company "want" to pay their janitors and code monkeys a million dollars a month when there's plenty of people who are willing to do it for less?
>it's directly contrary to my goals
not if you have to choose between getting a lower wage, or no wage at all.

>fucks everyone over and makes Pajeet a modern-day slave

slavery requires coercion you lazy nigger

>fucks over Americans because there's no incentive to go for quality over quantity in about 50% of the available jobs

what's actually happening is pajeets do better job for less money so you want them out so you can sit on your lazy ass

try improving your skills dumbfuck

>implying the orange manbaby knows what software is

Some of the posts ITT have a distinct poo smell with a hint of chutney

>But why would a company "want" to pay their janitors and code monkeys a million dollars a month when there's plenty of people who are willing to do it for less?
i think you misunderstood
why would I want them to be able to do that?

Thank god. It's about time.

pajeets should also be banned from freelance websites

Nazis are incapable to understand a hurt economy will hurt them indirectly. By hiring the laziest of Americans that couldn't get a job on the best jobs your national product will turn to shit. They are identical to communists at being stupid at that.

Because you want at least some jobs to stay in america instead of moving the entire company?
Because you don't want american companies to get ass-raped by china that can produce the same stuff twice as cheap?

>Indians in the United States are the most educated ethnic group
>Indians in the United States are now the most affluent ethnic group
>Indians constitute a disproportionately small percentage of persons in the American criminal justice system
>Indians constitute a disproportionately high percentage of persons founding tech startups or working in technology sectors
>Indians constitute a disproportionately high percentage of persons working in certain high-income professional fields, like medicine and engineering
>Indians have relatively low rates of out-marrying, in regards to ethnicity and religion
>Indians have some of the lowest divorce rates of any ethnic group, both in their home country and in the United States
>Indians are rapidly making their presence known in non-STEM fields, such as media, comedy, and politics (two states have Indian governors, despite the ratio of Indians and Indian-Americans to other Americans being 1:100)

>in 1950, there were approximately 3,000 Indians in the United States
>in 1990, there were approximately 300,000-500,000 Indians in the United States
>as of the last census, there are over 3,000,000 Indians in the United States

>in fifty-six years, the Indian population of the United States was multiplied by 600

i wasn't aware that the economy will collapse without these indian gentlemen
thanks user now i see clearly

Wow Indians are ubermensch, I wonder why their country is a laughing stock with third world mortality rates and people shitting in the street.

no need to hyperbole because you don't have an argument.
Some jobs will be sent overseas when entire companies move there
Some american companies will be less competitive because higher costs

This only hurts white trash and minorities though. Intelligent people can still work with the stuff that takes actual skill, indians can do the code monkey shit

>Indians are the most street shitting ethnic group

Actually this is already happening and have been happening for years. It's cheaper to build entire center and infrastructure for it in India or eastern yurop than having to pay lazy american employees 100k a year for 1 hour of work and 7 hours of reddit a day.
People who believe Trump is going to change anything are retarded. If anything even more jobs will get outsourced and entire generations of STEM graduates will flip burgers in mc donalds. Basically anyone born past 97 in murica can start considering suicide.