Is there a point of SLI anymore? Games barely support it anymore and when they do it barely justifies the cost
What are some alternatives to using them besides hash cracking and rendering?
Is there a point of SLI anymore? Games barely support it anymore and when they do it barely justifies the cost
What are some alternatives to using them besides hash cracking and rendering?
you don't use sli for "hash cracking" and "rendering"
there was never any point in sli
SLI always scaled like shit and Crossfire had microstutter. There was never a point except aesthetics.
SLI is meme hardware meant for PC hobbyists who like to toy with the PCs, like water cooling. It's like people who like to hot rod their cars for max performance. There's no point to it in real world applications. It's just a fun thing to do.
what did he mean by this?
>games barely support it anymore
SLI/Crossfire support is better than it's ever been. I don't know what sort of crack you're smoking
>yo check out my dual GPU system I get 200 FPS in this game
>yeah I mean it stutters every 2 seconds but that's just microstutter you learn to ignore it i basically can't even see it anymore
>yeah I paid $2000 for just my GPUs
>hot rod
I thought the microstutter crap was basically solved too. I remember it being something you had to worry about years ago, but haven't heard of it being a problem anymore.
>hot rods perform well
Last I heard it was impossible to remove due to how two GPU's "sync" in modern PC's
Nobody notices because the kinds of people who are paying 100% more for 30% performance are generally too stupid to even know what micro stutter is.
not a carfag here, what's your point?
>inb4 they just look cool and make a lot of noise
You are the kind of niggers who just slap a type r badge on your Honda without touching the internals aren't you
You are a retard
>Nobody notices because the kinds of people who are paying 100% more for 30% performance are generally too stupid to even know what micro stutter is.
>le dead SLI meme
haven't had any problems with SLI over the years I've been using it, if a game doesn't support it (which is rare) I just make my own profile which takes minutes
other SLI meme
>le stutter
>le frametimes
>le heat
where the fuck did the microstutter meme come from, maybe that shit was relevant in 2012 but not today
I had 7970's in the last gen and they performed well, but I think I'll stick to a single card from now on because that's how things are moving
t. 1080gtx owner
the only time I have ever gotten microstutter is if I play a .wav with foobar while at 100% on both my GPUs
The "sli sucks" myth is dead these days, 3 or 4 cards are fucking stupid but even shitty companies like ubisoft add SLI profiles to their games
and then the profile does nothing/add 30% to max framerates while causing microstutter
and the linux drivers crap themselves
I get 50 with one card and 90 with two
>implying my 7.0 liter pushrod veeate is not a performance motor
Havent had a problem with a three way 670 sli. Been wanting to upgrade for a dual 1080 setup but dont really see a reason to yet. Only complaint is the heat sometimes.
this game is terrible.
it's like dynasty warrior with white people.
I'm going to SLI my 1080's when retards start selling theirs on ebay when 1080Ti hits
>There's no point to it in real world applications
There are plenty for multiple GPUs, but yeah not SLI.
Their engines usually do. I have a 74 maverick with a 302 that i built on a tight budget for fun back in highschool. It puts MAYBE 275hp out at the flywheel but it's more than it had.
I also have a 68 Thunderbird with a 429 I plan on converting to a 460 and throwing some bolt-ons at, again for fun. The extra power wouldn't really make it much faster as the transmission and suspension would still be designed for comfortable cruising, but it doesn't add significantly to cost to replace aging components with more capable ones as apposed to OEM replacements. On top of that you get a bunch of small things to fiddle with like the carb and timing.
It's because most post processing and effects require referencing the previous frame. Thus the next card can't really start working on a new frame until the other card has already finished one. So it can't do it any faster than just the one card, and may even impose latency from accessing the memory of the other.
If the two worked together to draw a single frame, it could maybe work, but it's troublesome to program for and really not all that worth it.
>not ECU tuning a late 90s/early 2000's shitbox
fucking children
Honestly it's incredibly fun to play with friends
Even just dueling high level bots is a great time killer and stress reliever
Since the highest level bots are 10x better than players will ever be, after practicing with them you will basically always win duels. Not nearly worth 60 shekels but maybe for 30
I've thought about getting one of those universal ignition and fuel injection controllers, but they're so fucking expensive. Also require their specific, overpriced sensors instead of just using widely available common ones.
Most of them also seem to just copy the general scheme of LS motors and require a lot of data collection to adapt to anything else.
I've also considered taking the controller from a 90's F250 with a 460 and chipping it, but even that doesn't seem like it would be much easier nor especially more effective than just getting an ignition box and HEI-style distributor and tuning the carburetor based on A/F readings. Or even just by sound, smell, and feel the good ol' fashioned way.