Every day until you stop memeing about Windows 10 telemetry.
Every day until you stop memeing about Windows 10 telemetry.
All this "spying" is literally a good thing. Sup Forums is just mad because it analyzes your photos for child pornography and Sup Forums is full of pedos.
>there shouldn't be a problem if you have nothing to hide
Every day until you get your brown ass out of Sup Forums
I have multiple legally obtained photos of naked minors of my computer as part of my educational course.
Should I be persecuted by Currysoft as well?
>Operating system will reset any settings it wants during updates
>Operating system will *override the hosts file* to connect to Microshaft
>Can ONLY get the version of Windows where you can even try to turn these settings off by pirating it (fucking kek)
>>Operating system will reset any settings it wants during updates
Literally happened only once by mistake.
Good goy
The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
The only mistake was proving they could it before having a way to exploit it for profit
>because it analyzes your photos for child pornography
That only applies to onedrive.
>>Operating system will *override the hosts file* to connect to Microshaft
hosts file isn't needed for direct IP connections, only for domain resolution requests.
And it can be bypassed by many things in the OS already, like nslookup.
You have to realize that using the hosts file as a blocking mechanism was never its intended purpose. That's what firewalls are for.
Every day until you stop shitting in the street
OP BTFO in pic related
I actually see nothing wrong with this because for the majority of users this will be completely fine and it will reduce the number of PCs spreading malware.
>nothing to do with telemetry
You can disable updates idiot.
You've got to be false-flagging.
We are talking about the home version.
This is microsoft's strategy:
- make tons of news which only show "positive" aspects of a new feature, also highlight a few times that it's optional/temporary in the beta
Most users buy it and think it's ok or they plan to just disable it
- a few months later, days before the introduction of said feature, make a small announcement where Microsoft states that it's going to be forced after all. No major news site will write an article about it.
- Some users realize that the "feature" does not work as expected, but are shown the small announcement and accept yet another inconvenience. Most users don't care since they are barely able to understand how their computer even works.
Examples where microsoft has already played this strategy:
- Telemetry
- Forced updates
next up:
- "Deprecation" of Win32 software
Disabled by default, shit for brains.
>Examples where microsoft has already played this strategy:
>- Telemetry
>- Forced updates
You didn't even read the titles of the links in OP.
>trusting microsoft after this
How can you be so naive
They are not going to remove functionality used by enterprise users, it's their biggest source of revenue.
And the billions of home users should get fucked?
Honestly, having billions of home users running the microsoft botnet is probably a lot better than billions of home users running a botnet that's used for spam and dos attacks.
>being this naive
You do know all your files are hashed either by indexing or the malware scanner and then sent to MS? This is how MS knows you have counterfeit software installed and can remove it.
Even if you disable everything you can windows 10 still indexes all your files and sends that back to Microsoft too. A lot of people don't care about privacy and Windows 10 is a great operating system for them but for anyone who cares it is garbage.
Obligatory reply explaining that the video is fake.
>sending screenshots over udp
>decrypting a file that's supposedly encrypted with rsa
Obligatory reply to reply explaining that the video is not fake.
Go ask the guy himself on Twitter. The file that is decrypted is only the key. It points towards some other data stream with the images. Pic related.
t. Microsoft
>This is how MS knows you have counterfeit software installed and can remove it.
That's from the xbox eula. Nothing to do with Windows.
>You do know all your files are hashed either by indexing or the malware scanner and then sent to MS
>Even if you disable everything you can windows 10 still indexes all your files and sends that back to Microsoft too.
There's a setting that disables sharing of detected malware samples with microsoft.
The indexing thing is simply not true. Do share if you have any proof saying otherwise.
I can't prove anything because it would give away my identity which would get me into A LOT of trouble. But I work in a certain three letter agency, and Microsoft has helped us catch A LOT of Islamic would be terrorists.
>exported file is 6KB
>produces two png images which mostly consist of a background that has a shitton of gradients and are basically impossible to compress with png
>some other data stream that was never shown is magically involved
Go ask the guy on Twitter he will explain it to you. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's fake.
I don't need to understand it. It's obvious bullshit.
>I don't need to understand it
Spoken like a true closed-minded retard. Here, it's even in Microsoft's own privacy statement you dumbass.
Here's your reply you subhuman nigger shill
Obligatory disclosure that you're choosing to believe the alternative facts of some kiddo living in an Eastern Bloc shithole, who makes a hobby out of stalking the community manager for the Windows Insider Program on Twitter.
>Thank you for choosing to participate in a pre-release program for our next version of Windows!
That applies to the insider builds only.
There's definitely additional telemetry in those builds but that still doesn't explain how a 6kb file produces two full size png screenshots.
He's also using a program called "RSA Decryptor v.1.9.2". That was one hell of a development cycle if he reached version fucking 1.9.2.
He's passing a "type" argument that says "SS". Probably supposed to mean screenshot. As if that fucking matters to a program that's simply decrypting an rsa stream.
And then it spits out a .bin file even though it was already told that it's supposed a screenshot.
It's so much fucking bullshit that I don't understand how anyone could believe it.
Pete Townsend pls.
in this case the testing version is used, which is officially stated to have all manner of spying techniques, including screenshoting of your workspace
any "criticism" of windows is null and void anyway because one word:
video games
Not to make you worry or anything but I asked on Sup Forums three times already about that, if somebody would like to check it. One guy had especially funny time when he left his PC running for 12h and didnt spot anything this Russian guy was showing.
The sole fact of sending such files over udp was enough to make him laugh, not to mention that this video shows Preview version.
>to believe the alternative facts
Wrong CNN. Btw, haha, Trump won.
>That applies to the insider builds only
No shit that's why I posted it. Now check the webm, bottom right corner.
Go ask the guy on Twitter. He'll explain it to make up for your lack of understanding.
Yeah that's why I posted the Privacy Statement for the insider preview
I think you can force disable updates with Ultimate Windows Tweaker
If the update was already installed, you wont be able to run that. And normies don't know about it
I am about to be forced to upgrade to Kaby Lake and Windows 10 because my dumb computer keeps crashing. I plan on using UWT and Blackbird. What else do I need?
You need Win10 LTSB 2016, for starters
>Go ask the guy on Twitter. He'll explain it to make up for your lack of understanding.
Let me list all the reasons why this is bullshit again, maybe you'll figure it out
>sending screenshots over udp
>sending the key with the encrypted data
>producing two screenshots from a 6kb file
>rsa decryptor v1.9.2
>renaming files for the grand finale
>assumption that wzor somehow figured out that the stream is an rsa key concatenated with the actual data with 0FAE69 inbetween.
>you are claiming that there's some other data outside the 6kb file but wzor claims that it's all in that single stream which brings us back to the 6kb thing
configuring the botnet spyware shit for over minutes and hours to not fully disable it...
Go ask the guy on Twitter. He'll explain it to make up for your lack of understanding.
>I think you can force disable updates with Ultimate Windows Tweaker
Why not with Group Policy? Or leaving GP intact, by adding value to registry? MS even tells you how.
Why people want t use third aprty software for everything?
At least if you live in a democratic country and not in ex-sovietistan.
Somebody poke the reset button for this guy, I think he froze.
>Or leaving GP intact, by adding value to registry?
GP is just a nice frontend for modifying the registry.
There's no Group policy editor on win10 home
That version sounds amazing. But it looks like a hassle to get into.
Last time I checked, they can still modify the registry.
Actually, it takes priority now. If GP is left as "not configured", the registry changes will take place. If GP is configured, registry values will be ignored. MS points that out.
>Last time I checked, they can still modify the registry.
Good thing Windows cloud won't allow that in the future
Education can be modified for same results. Normal Enterprise too, if you know how. If you dont, MS will tell you, all you need is to check their Technet.
Somebody take this retard back to his special ed. class. I think he's lost.
Good thing that you wont have to use Windows Cloud.
If most developers would switch to the windows store this would happen: less software would be compatible with windows 7 or any version without the store
Oh, look, he stopped repeating the same mantra! Thats some progress.
Would you like a hug, while we are at it? Come on, gets closer to monitor and receive that hug I just send you, you got too mad over those things and that will surely help you.
>needing to actually configure your operating system
too complicated for linuxcucks, they want it to just werk out of the box.
>If most developers would switch to the windows store this would happen
Just like they did so far, right?
Windows Phone is mostly forgotten now and Store was there since Windows 8 and never got popular. Hell, every try from MS side to push it too hard was met with negative reaction from everyone around.
They might do stupid things from time to time, but they are not THAT stupid.
He's not me. You really need to step out of your box and ask the guy on Twitter to expand you mind, man.
>They might do stupid things from time to time, but they are not THAT stupid.
I wouldn't be so sure of that
They are literally selling an eternal beta version of windows right now, which is also extremely stupid
He is not me Why don't you do that for me and report back?
After you follow 's and 's advice and go ask the guy. Just do it man. You'll expand your understanding and become a little less ignorant in the interim. Ladies first and all.
>i'll flash a montage of screenshots of some guy's twitter which probably has thousands of posts but cherry pic the most unrelated shit just to have no point what-so-ever
Uhm, yes. And? Does that mean the dude has no understanding of whatever it is you don't understand? It's like you're a creationist. You cannot fathom the process of evolution so you just insert God into your belief system to compensate. SMHtbhfamalam
What about ancient aliens? Does he expand minds so wide that they can comperhand those ideas as well?
Found your problem
I swear every post in this thread that has an empty line between the quote and the text is made by the same person.
I think people have a right to know who you're getting your facts from.
What the fuck
So only one guy has been arguing with me all the time
You are already us, user. Your mind is not expanded enough yet.
Another human being that has interests and digressions in day to day interaction with other human beings? I fail to see your point, if there is any.
NSA? CIA? FBI? ICE? Say it cunt, there are so many people in each agency nobody could find you for just saying that
>shill your OS daily for years
>quote literal Nazi with the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" thing
>label people who don't use it pedophiles
>no one fucking uses your shitware as a main OS
>even gaymur faggots are using Linux as the host OS
Sucks to suck.
You should be punished to the fullest extent of the law of your land.
Actually it does. Spotlight sends your searches back to Apple.
>I work in a certain three letter agency
>Microsoft has helped us catch A LOT of Islamic would be terrorists.
Fed. Btw, can I have a job? I love the feds. No homo.
>>quote literal Nazi with the "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" thing
OP here, I linked to articles that explain how to disable the "spying"
Your reading comprehension is lacking.
>he thinks he can disable the spying
Oh user
>thinks that the placebo app he runs can disable the spying built into the kernel itself
I'm guessing you don't know how a kernel works.
>line taken from the microsoft services section related to onedrive
>that line has been changed to explicitly mention onedrive shortly after
>the entire privacy statement has since been rewritten and divided into sections so you can tell what actually applies to windows as opposed to their online services
>official documentation
>placebo app
>so fucking naive that he thinks Microsoft would tell him how to disable the spying that earns them so much money
Lmao, faggot
>so fucking stubborn that he thinks that microsoft would fuck over their enterprise users which are regularly paying license fees
>Usage data. We collect data about how you and your device interact with Microsoft and our products. For example, we collect:
>Product use data. We collect data about the features you use, the items you purchase, and the web pages you visit. This data includes your voice and text search queries or commands to Bing, Cortana, and our chat bots.
>Device data. We collect data about your device and the network you use to connect to our products. It includes data about the operating systems and other software installed on your device, including product keys. It also includes IP address, device identifiers (such as the IMEI number for phones), regional and language settings.
This is just from the start of the policy. It is already so egregious I don't need to continue. Trying to defend it is laughable.
Oh yeah and before you ask if I use a smart phone - no I don't. I'm not as stupid as Windows 10 users.
what does onedrive have to do with my email contents and conversations?
>he thinks that microsoft would fuck over their enterprise users which are regularly paying license fees
I do, so your argument is invalid. Microsoft is the real world equivalent of Skynet.
Is the problem that MS told you or the fact that they are doing the same thing Apple,Google, your CC company, banks and insurance co's do?
>official documentation
>of the telemetry which could be literally hidden anywhere in the compiled files
I can't wait for Microsoft to introduce monthly charges and watch both the spergs and apologists go at it. kek, windows users.