Will project neon finally make windows /a e s t h e t i c/?
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That's the ugliest thing since Vista and 7.
Hurr quicklaunch is back
Fuck off poo
It's nothing but a poor attempt to copy Apple's frosted-glass, blurry mess of a UI.
1.) fuck that blogspam shit, not clicking
2.) I just want a consistent UI across all of windows. not some shit modern, some shit older and some shit win2k style
>bringing back Aero
or fuck fucks sake
I wish Microsoft would stop fucking pandering, and would have stuck to the Metro interface in Windows 8.1. I don't use Windows very often at all, but I truly wish they could decide on a UI.
Windows 8.1 was the only one I was ever really comfortable using.
t. favorite environment is gnome 3
Oh and they're also copying straight from GNOME by putting the elements you interact with into the title bar.
say what u want but this shit is C L E A N -- much better than the current design
8 was uglier than 7 you nigger
Polish a turd it's still shit.
are they revamping the UI again?
Yes, a new update codenamed Redstone 3 will bring a new UI language codenamed Project Neon, you can take a look at the concept that posted.
I think it looks like a piece of shit desu.
It looks like ass but this might be what i've been looking for in W10 for a long time: a single, consistent UI, i dont like how it currently uses a unholy mix of 7's and the new one on top of the other.
Looks like it. Windows 10 was initially going to be 8.2, as a service pack for Win8 to put the start menu back so most of the design language carried over and we ended up with this frankenstein'd mess they're still trying to fix.
I 100% agree.
>shit looks like some linux DE and yet they're not satisfied
dood, what do you want ???
holy fuck that's horrible
I really wish Microsoft would just allow custom themes by default. Instead of being forced to use the ugly as shit default ones
It's not going to be consistent. Look at the close, minimize, maximize buttons. They are padded so much into the window. Remember that all legacy programs wont have it like that, remember that all third party programs wont have it like that.
Aesthetics fags are the reason we're all being forced to use awkward phone shit on a desktop "becuz muh modern!!!"
That looks even worse than the default.
Why the hell do people still fall for the uBar thing on macOS
I thought everyone knew by now
Still is shitty theming for macOS, basically, OP's whole design is so shit that people think it must be Windows.
Not only that. uBar is paid software. 20 bucks for a taskbar, because the trial version doesn't allow you to change the start menu button and the pirated version doesn't work period.
>rafia shaikh
Just poo into some loo already
Thats exactly how it current looks you retard except they switched black to white.
spying on you isn't aesthetic
Hopefully I'm getting there on Windows 7 though.
I just need to replace all the icons with 95 or 98 ones now.
Was this Windows 10 made by Muhammad Sadeem?
That pink taskbar/theme is too much
>serious sam
>dungeon keeper
>half life
>diablo 2
What is this, 2002?
>Midtown Madness
I used to play that on Xbox.
What the fuck is pic related? it's not project neon
I really hate all this padding or whatever it's called.
Actually it looks like a maximized and colored vlc. Surely nice and simple to use, but with all the special functionality hidden behind some submenues.
>new UI
so is WPF already deprecated?
i didn't even notice that.
why does M$ suck so much at UI design?
It just looks like a bad KDE (and that says a lot)
Objectively 8 is better.
Man this thread is like people talking about the color of the handles of their screwdriver set.
Underrated post.
Custom themes were always terrible.
that screenshot looks like fucking Vista
how do you move windows now though
>unironically prefering old glossy gradiented aero over clean flat metro
I bet you use classic theme restorer too?
isn't background from ideon?
Why don't you use the original classic theme if you wanna be aesthetic? Shitting it up with pink and yellow is rice on old software.
>using the aesthetic uncode font
memes done right
rate my windows 10 faggots
*font rendering - mac type
*no borders on windows
*just fucking wreks, windows 10 pro 64 bit
nope. see
Looks like a Linux distro, i.e. unprofessional.
link desu?
Is this the new desktop thread?
it's fucking disgusting and you should seek psychiatric help immediately
seda theme on deviantart dot com
everything is explained there
do you play online?
This looks like a bad Windows 10 theme for Linux. Is Microsoft actually being serious about this?
Pic isn't the actual thing. Looks like a deviant art theme
>people have unironically installed windows 10 on their computers
>they are proud of it
>these people are on Sup Forums
this place is disgusting
Apparently they're doing this because normies don't know where to click to drag the window around on minimal bars like Chrome. So now they can drag ABOVE The buttons.
It's fucking stupid. It better be an option in settings like border thickness to turn down.
I hate the flat meme, ESPECIALLY Microsofts version
I like the borderless but it should still have shadows and depth to it.
This monotone flat shit just blends together and looks awful.
I really loved Windows 7 soft glass style, honestly.
This is windows 10.1 patch.
Exactly that
It's hard to make out areas that belong together, font rendering is weird, overall usage lacks features
>EVEN SHITTIER kde plasma ripoff
Not only is the font rendering in Neon weird, but the maximize and close icons have weird aliasing.
It's like they picked people fresh out of some design school to make this shit who have ideas but no actual clue.
But that doesn't explain the shitty font rendering. That has to be a programmer's fault.
I'm honestly starting to believe that "windows is dead" shit. Linux is going to take over.
I'm using Vivaldi and it's amazing how well it looks and works since the most recent releases. The same thing is going to happen to make Linux more usable on such a smaller budget than Google and MS have.
How the fuck do people even justify having Windows 10 after all these continous garbage microsoft is shilling through win10
Because of seemingly not having a choice.
Cordova has no Windows 7 compiler, for example.
Until Linux is more mainstream, shit is hard.
Holy shit, the butthurt of windows users is appalling.
This looks like a very shitty version of xfce or kde.
Just move to linux already
Why does Sup Forums keep falling for this? This is very clearly a Vista theme + MacType and possibly a custom taskbar/modified explorer.exe to get that different clock format.
The program itself looks nice, not so much the taskbar, especially that black on white style.
It looks awkward but that explanation makes sense.
>This is very clearly a Vista theme
It's an OSX theme some reddit fag keeps passing around.
>glossy gradiented aero
Didn't expect that. Either way, the distorted Windows logo, quicklaunch bar and Vista taskbar should be enough to realize it's not real.
I don't know if Sup Forums is just really this retarded or if they haven't used Windows in so long.