Why does every single post I see on Sup Forums contain these words?
Shut up pajeet
Why don't you go complain about it on kikebook or plebbit instead of trying to blog about it here you millennial shitstain?
Fuck off Sup Forums and take your ugly lesbians with you
It's Sup Forums so there is going to be shitposting
I'm going to marry Aigis!!!
This post does not contain those words.
Checkmate Atheists.
Can't stand jews, don't like them. I'm kinda uncomfortable turning by pack to one if by chance they're pealing potatoes or shaving the edges off of nickles. Their self indoctrination of supremacy, and mass crime causes me to dislike them and use their associated name with poor morality and character AND the fact that the little ratty fucks call themselves a race, religion, and tribe and they scatter all over the earth LIKE ROACHES. Fuck all of that. Fuck jews. Why you bitching you little bitch. Go sympathize for the jews at their homes and their synagogues if you really give a fuck you shill.
95% satire, 5% idiots who think it's real.
I'm sure there are some idiots who started hating Jews and Pajeets after coming to /gee/. My kek goes out to them.
I wonder who's behind this post...
I hate everyone so hating jews and pajeets is fine too me.
I'm (ethnically) Jewish and i'm not like that at all though. And you sound like you never actually spoke with a Jew and you're just associating every Jewish person as stereotypes crazy conspiracies you read off the internet.
>a race
It's usually the antisemites who consider it a race
>a religion
It is a religion
Again, the antisemites are the ones who mostly treat us like a tribe
>tfw when being hated is fine too you
ur ugly
Ethnicity is pretty much a tribe on a larger scale though. Its typically jewish of you to nitpick on semantics.
Wow, so you're NOT going to confess your crimes willingly on a public forum? My mind has been completely changed, you're clearly a good guy. :^)
>a public forum
More like anonymous shitposts on the bathroom wall.
jews are rats, can't change that
we purchased an apartment from jews and we had made a deal that the heating costs for the last month would be split 50/50, because after we had bought it they still had to live half a month there
guess what they did - they don't respond to our phone calls (they either ignore or fucking drop them), HAHAHAHAHAHHA
once a rat - always a rat
fuck jews and fuck you too
Still an important enough forum for convincing the goyim that they have our best interests at heart.
>Why does every single post I see on Sup Forums contain these words?- 17 posts and 6 image replies shown.
you forgot currynigger.
why? because freedom of expression is amazing, isn't it?
ps: do you get triggered a lot on Sup Forums? maybe you should go back to plebbit you fucking piece of shit.
Nice false flag, Sup Forums..
Sup Forums has no problems with jews, in fact most programmers are actual lefties.
"botnet" and "pajeet" is a differnt story, it's not that great how many jobs got outsourced, the working mentality of certain visa guys is pretty sub par and so on. SJWs are always annoying, eespecially in the worl of programmign where they spit out stupid "manifestos" about "programming is too hard and therefore unfair".
Note that Sup Forums does NOT hate women or programmers of a certain nationality, only certain subgroups that cause problems.
Fuck off kike with your forum sliding.
>in fact most programmers are actual lefties.
...and silicon valley is in commiefornia.
Shut up, Sup Forumslack.
Back to your containment board and suck off the fuhrer.
>Everyone who is against kikes is from Sup Forums
Fuck off, jews have been hated since they were around. anti-Semitism is as old as jews are.
I don't give a flying fuck about wether you are a stormfag or your name is Sigismund Scholmo Goldberg. It's about keeping political discussions out of Sup Forums unless it's concerning programming somehow.
Also Sup Forums-tards are notorious for preaching their uneducated opinions everywhere.
Sup Forums is not your personal safe space.
Because you're a sjw shilling kike
le edgy 4chen trole masters amirite
no u
Ok you're kinda right. There's some sort of "Jewish pride" between a lot of my family members (especially my dad) but I don't want to be part of it. I don't believe in the Torah, never went to Israel, and i'm not religious at all, so I don't really see why I should be called a Jew aside from my ethnicity.
What are those "crimes" that I MYSELF committed, you lunatic? You don't even know me.
>ONE bad experience from ONE or TWO people from a big group of people means everyone else from that group is evil
I bet you're not even surd if they were all Jews, or for all I know you may be lying. Why do you think your personal anectode matters on this anime forum?
Politics and technology are sadly going to happen. It's harder on boards say Sup Forums to shove in a political discussion compared to Sup Forums. Then again, Sup Forums actually has mods and ban anything not related to anime with extreme prejudice.
>Ok you're kinda right. There's some sort of "Jewish pride" between a lot of my family members (especially my dad) but I don't want to be part of it. I don't believe in the Torah, never went to Israel, and i'm not religious at all, so I don't really see why I should be called a Jew aside from my ethnicity.
Can`t escape what you are, boyo.
>Waaaah, Sup Forums is full of garbage!
>starts shitposting
Hmm, almost like it was an excuse all along. :^)
>I'm a good, honest go... er, guy, just like you! One big happy family!
Neither your debating club or recuitment ground for wannabe stormfags.
Is it so damn hard to understand?
Why not go be like weev and denounce the jews despite having a jewish sounding name and jewish ancestry.
>I don't want to be part of it
That's great, but it doesn't change what you are.
>Oy vey, it's annudah Shoah!
Sup Forums is a good source of statistics and historic facts (sometimes). The rest is just banter to make sensitive leftists such as yourself butthurt.
White losers need someone to blame for their fuckups
probably about half the technology in the device you are using to post here was designed by jews
practically all of it depends on scientific discoveries by jews
now what
lol ikr. like that time yall became officially known as the cuckold board. great bantz right, cuck.
Ah, you mean the time that you guys tried to reflect a Sup Forums meme back on Sup Forums, due to being do anally ravaged about it yourselves, and it didn't really go anywhere? I 'member.
I didn't really reflect anything. I just know about that time where it was "hey whiteys, it's me cuckold queen" 24/7
Yeah, the time when people so upset at being called cucks came up with the brilliant and cutting retort of "I know you are, you said you are, but what am I?" :^)
If you're so brilliant and not upset, why didn't you come up with that when I called you a cuck. Checkmate. I win.
>Bufu detected
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
Sup Forums is entered by polacks and basement dwellers
It is like you were born into a fucked up cult and nobody deserves that man just throw all your jew shit away and just be human bro that jew shits full-retard. Thats fucking dumb who put you in a glass box and told you to draw these stupid depictions of a simplified life so thickly that you think your little fuckin jew shit is somehow real or relevant, respectful, worthy, profound or intellectual when in reality its old-world sand-nigger shit specifically designed for the mind of those who had a mental capacity equivalent
to sand-niggers at the time. In the grand scheme of time. You will be an enigma even then, without mention. Because your place is temporary. You're not here nor there, you're just a fucking jew in the way perpetually feeling sorry for yourself because you embody something that has nothing to fucking do with you as a person but you're inhuman its like a fucking beehive and the queen bee grew nuts and called herself a rabbi and you suck those nuts your whole life until you develop a alter-personality that hates itself so much for being disliked for what you represent that you litterally tell yourself that you're chosen. Just to feel appreciated. Because no one appreciates a jew. You'll have to stop being a jew. If you want to find the rest of your real experience in the cosmos. Otherwise. Fish-bowl nigger get your crayons and depict the galaxy as simple as your degraded bunk ass sand-nigger book will let you figure it out. I exist at the same time that you do and when people look back at us I will be a pioneer because I live here today, now in the moment. I don't sense a need for some fishbowl shit to keep my safe and proud. All the cool shit you could represent that has nothing to do with what you were given biologically that would show some sort of evolvement with the human race you just fucking give up on because you're a piece of shit and simply being a jew is good enough for you.
Jewish ancestry shows up on dna tests, so it is a race.
it's kikebook, you forgot cuckerberg and jewtube.
Alt-RIght spergs a-sperging?
Sup Forums is leaking again?
Edgy edgertons edging?
Can't wait to stuff kikes likes this to the oven
cara is so disgusting, i'd impregnate her lesbo gf in a heartbeat though
you forgot "cuck"
I'd fuck/kill/marry/impregnate Annie
More than 90% of Sup Forums is millenial friendo
Because the internet is now filled with 14 year olds who think buzzwords make you a tech expert
Aigis best Persona 3 girl. Chie best Persona girl.
>arab countries
the Israeli Jews held their ground in the war of 1948 and btfo the 4 attacking arab nations
Is this copypasta, or is this sperg serious?
No, I'm pretty sure Sup Forums has a bunch of racist retards on it. The proportion is probably closer to 40% satire, 60% racists. I work with a lot of Indian folks and people are hilariously inept at hiding their prejudice toward Indians. To be honest, I think it mostly has to do with cultural differences. An Indian individual may speak English reasonably well, but that doesn't mean they understand colloquialisms, satire in the English language, sarcasm in the English language, double entendres, etc. I've seen people start talking to Indian people as if they're retarded many times. They'll repeat what they've said, slowly, gesturing, as if to a toddler, expecting the Indian person to understand. Meanwhile, the problem is that the Indian person doesn't understand a particular word or phrase, but the English speaker won't bother using a different phrasing to help understanding. I once asked an Indian guy I worked with to pass me the ketchup from the counter. There were bottles of salad dressing, mustard, hot sauce, etc. etc. on the counter and he looked them over, looked back at me and asked "which ketchup?" I assumed he knew what ketchup was and that was my mistake, not his.
Long story short, yes lots of people are racist and they don't even really understand the source of their own racism.
Also, I think you're wildly overestimating the average intelligence of Sup Forums. Posting "satire" constantly doesn't make you intelligent.
>ps: do you get triggered a lot on Sup Forums? maybe you should go back to plebbit you fucking piece of shit.
Hey there. You must be new to Sup Forums. So let me give you a hint. This isn't your circlejerk safespace. Here everyone is allowed to voice their opinion. Even if they disagree with yours.
You can call people names and you can show your disagreement with others calling people names. Unconditional acceptance of all posts is what makes up the anonymous imageboard culture. So if somebody hurt your feelings ignore them instead of telling them to leave this site.
>choosing a slut over a loyal and pure maiden
Shut the fuck up nigger. Chie is a pure. A PURE.
fuck off and kys, nigger.
It's called "Free Speech", faggot.
I guess you might have some unique psychological disorder
wtf is a jewgle?
Because many tech companies take advantage of their customers in ways which they are either too dumb to realize or too tired to care about. People need to be made aware of this for the sake of their personal and national independence and for the sake of having devices, software and services that are more functionally beautiful.
>the rest of them
Because Sup Forums is the Mecca of edginess.
a hysterical name for google
Diversity causes racism.
You may call me a racist for stating this, if you want.
> i am millenial so that means everyone here is millenial and i give a random percent to prove it.
> checkmate
You're partially correct that without diversity, there would be less racism, but that mentality absolves shitty people of being shitty, which is a bad policy, IMO.
Stop telling people that it's OK to be shitty. This is one area wherein the good old idea of Christian shame is useful, although the Christians aimed it at kind of stupid fucking targets like sex and homosexuality.
We are not SJWs is why
>but that mentality absolves shitty people of being shitty
How is does a problem that affects everyone absolve shitty people? They will have something else to be shitty about and will be dealt with accordingly.
>This is one area wherein the good old idea of Christian shame is useful
This is another bag of worms altogether. The left has completely assimilated shaming tactics for themselves and it clearly solves nothing. Exiling the unwanted works a lot better. Freedom of association and all that.
>stupid fucking targets like sex and homosexuality.
See my previous answer.
Religion is exactly what I'd compare it to myself.
Except I don't want to be a church because I don't feel like imposing things on people and I don't want companies and governments be churches because it's stupid and dangerous to imbue them with the untouchable image that comes with that.
People will be shitty. Be friends with the ones that aren't and tolerate the ones that are (if it's worth it) or don't (if it's not).
Fuck off kike, no one like you
>It's usually the antisemites
Holy shit, you kikes are fucking delusionals
>Muh antisemites
You know, Arabs are also semites, Which happens that you jews killing em on public.
Fuck off kike, no one like you
>It's usually the antisemites
Holy shit, you kikes are fucking delusional
>Muh antisemites
You know, Arabs are also semites, Which happens that you jews killing em on public.
Because Sup Forums is full of children or hillbillies.
not knowing love does that to people.
Were not teenage girls in a shitty hollywood chick flick, user.
All over the earth? There's like.. four where I live.
a perfect list of word to add to my filters.
fuck you all
Oh wait you were just using "all over the earth" for your argument. Nevermind then.
so, you're saying that more than 10% of people who browse Sup Forums are born before 1980?
This shits been a waste of my time today for the most part I have to get to work on some shit but anyways.... yup.... Good shitpostings guys.
>this thread
jews are a technology
what if i told you you could be?
Then sign me the fuck up.
Every board belongs to Sup Forums
Now get out of our board!
>It's usually the antisemites who consider it a race
>Again, the antisemites are the ones who mostly treat us like a tribe
You're either :
a) a troll LARPing as jewish
b) some retard SJW
t. israeli jew disgusted by diaspora "jews"
I bet you read Haaretz and own a dragon dildo
because we're not faggot marxists