Who needs Chrome if you have Edge, right?

Who needs Chrome if you have Edge, right?

Other urls found in this thread:


>by only letting you install things from the Windows Store
>"Install anyway"

are you a retard?

They're just stopping dumb normies from installing pornvideo.exe or whatever. Who cares?

the poos are driving mircosoft image into the ground someone get the keys away from their marketing dept.

I've seen this coming literally years ago and you fags didn't believe me

fucking kek


have you seen whats on the windows store. it's full of chinese botnet. MS probably doesn't even do QC

>this will actualy be marketed as an innovation to dumb normies



So, its more telemetry disguising itself as a service?

>scrolled down to the comments
>they actually think it's good

Anyone who unironically uses Windows 10 deserves it.

Google Chrome Canary is God-tier above it all. Microsoft should abolish all default "apps" from Windows 10. It would be for the best.

What an *ss

Wow, these totally not-sketchy apps at the top of the Microsoft Windows store will totally not fuck up my computer I'm sure

I particularly like the one partially hidden on the right - "email for Gmail" - which asks for your Google username and password, very trustworthy

app store only will be default in the future, unless you buy the most expensive edition


Daily reminder Microsoft is already dead. They are living on borrowed time.

Almost 50% of windows users are still using windows 7 with no indication they will ever switch to 10.

It's already done, Consumers are happy enough with chrome os and the charts don't lie.

first steps, update by update.

wtf I hate windows no-


>cant wait for the days MS will force everyone through the Store

This is actually true. They also plan to rename Win10 home to "cloud", one of the new """features""" will be this. And since you can't turn off the updates on home, everyone will get it.

Everyone shat on ballmer but his run was way better then this fucking pajeet they have now. get rid of the brown stank and the company will improve again.

>15 tabs open on your phone

what an irony, UWP isn't mature enough to support a real browser and that's the reason why Edge isn't on the store and is part of the OS.

That was painful reading.

You'll be suprised at how many users out there wont even bother with that. They will just see they can't install apps they way they have done it the past 20 years and just abandon the platform.

This shit is going to be hilarious.

This is exactly how it started in both Chrome and Firefox with addons.
>You'll have to start pressing a checkbox to install addons that aren't from the store. It's for your protection
>You'll have to enable a flag in debug settings, it's for your protection
Now you can't have any non-store extensions in either of the fuckers without it giving you annoying ass popups and auto-disabling them every time.

This normie-protection scheme bullshit is pure cancer. We need to start equating technologically illiterate people with the mentally-challenged, because they are.




Only idiots shat on Ballmer. He was a great CEO.

Protip: software quality doesn't matter any more for them. MS themselves said they wanted to move away from software to "cloud services". They literally have a monopoly for PCs, and remember secure boot? They also want to make it non-removable. Take a guess why,

fuck yea he was. backbone of MS. whipped those niggers into shape



Most users don't even know how to reinstall windows.

Yup. Eventually it'll look like this, then remove the option altogether. Will have to be on a domain with the correct GPO settings to override, and then after a time time, nothing will enable it.

Year of Linux desktop 2040

it's a dumb move. cloud is over saturated and once people actually learn what it is will abandon any service once they lose shit to the cloud or learn they have lost control.


Pajeet CEO isn't too smart. But his plan is really evil.

Mspoweruser is full of microsoftfags though at least they are better than ms something.

>you will have to jailbreak your PC to ene install another OS




>preventing installation of bloatware in Windows 10
How funny, the moment you open the Windows Store on a clean install, it installs Candy Crush.

Right click > Open

.It's an NSA plot.

>only letting you
>'install anyway' button is right there on OPs pic
nice sensational thread you have there bro

>Microsoft bribes OEMs to lock down their hardware so it'll only work with Windows
>Microsoft locks down Windows so that you can only install approved software, and it automatically reports you to the police if it detects pirated material

>big scary "ARE YOU SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING NIGGA" warning coming up when you click on an executable
>in any way needed
how about we petition for microsoft to make a dildo so you can fuck yourself with it?

They button is going to disappear in a few months.

>retards will stop installing shady shit, leading to less malware infections and less support requests for microsoft
>people that know what they're doing will continue to install anything they like

how the fuck is this a bad move in any way? i hate windows 10 as much as the next guy, but i fail to see the problem here.

>by only letting you install things from the Windows Store
why are you lying, OP?

If you're so fucking retarded to get scared by that message or to be unable to find the Install anyway button, then you probably should stick with Store's apps.

Look up how secure boot was going to work. MS wanted all computers sold with windows compatibility to have non-removable """secure boot"""

> Microsoft is currently testing a new feature which will allow Windows 10 users to only install apps from the Windows Store

read the article?

See If you're not tech illiterate, you can easily turn that off and it will never bother you again.

wrong quote

i'm not talking about people who know how to use computers, i'm talking about your average user.

this bullshit is ridiculous, the user shouldn't be encumbered by the OS. especially not by something that has no business being there.

>wrong quote

did you mean this one:
>This feature is obviously disabled by default, but users can enable it really easily if they want.

The average user will happily download and execute malware "because that popup said I had a virus and this gets rid of it".
Not like this is going to help. Remember Windows Vista's UAC? Nobody liked it and many downloaded extra tools that would turn it off.

1. update disabled by default
2. update enabled by default
3. update you cannot disable it

>3. update you cannot disable it
[citation needed]
stop making shit up

>The average user will happily download and execute malware "because that popup said I had a virus and this gets rid of it".
yeah, and? windows defender is decent enough, and blanket blacklisting any executable is fucking bullshit.

i would understand this, kinda, if it was in linux mint or some other decent OS. but with microsoft you can tell they're going to go full retard with it.

the business of the OS is to facilitate the whims of the user. this implies allowing people to do what they need to do, and a crucial part of that is to allow users the necessary trust to do their bidding.

if you want your OS to constantly handhold you, move over to a mac.

One company, one userbase, one OS!

Stop being so fucking naive.

Is that not enough? Usually I have 60-80 tabs open, but been spring cleaning today

stop making shit up

Use your brain to find out what their next logical steps are going to be.

stop making shit up

Are you literally retarded or a shill? Protip: you won't convince me

convince you of what? that you're pulling shit out of your ass?

How the fuck do you even survive if you can't think logically?

>makes shit up
>thinks this is the logical way of thinking

you are on par with Sup Forums conspiracy theorists.

Enjoy your spying OS which treats you like a child, i guess
One of the leaked versions already had a function included that won't just let you deactivate a setting, but will force Win10 home users to buy the pro version
Guess why

>randomly brings Sup Forums into it
maybe r/technology on reddit would be more your style

>Enjoy your spying OS which treats you like a child
i don't run windows 10, i am not retarded.

>complaining about things that haven't happened
Grade A retard.

Fuck off pajeet you NSA nigger.

>t will force Win10 home users to buy the pro version
>Guess why
Jesus, you really are just making shit up arent you?

microsoft did it with win 10 upgrades senpai, they were (and still are) very much trying to force everyone to use windows 10

You fags also didn't believe me when I said that they wont remove telemetry

Your denial is very strong

>change two registry entries
>win10 update bullshit disappears
which brings us back to:
>retards will stop installing shady shit, leading to less malware infections and less support requests for microsoft
>people that know what they're doing will continue to install anything they like

Already downgraded to Windows 7. I can't keep up with this bullshit. Feels like we are beta testers for M$ Cloud OS.

When push comes to shove and I have to get a new computer, I will buy a Mac and move to OSX when support for 7 expires.

Fuck Windows 10.

Its common sense to dismiss the crazy man on the street comer screaming at cats stealing his thoughts since its not a source with any real evidence

The best OS just got even more secure and Sup Forums complains about an OPTIONAL feature.


>insider preview
>having any relevance in the real world

>literally complaining about unfinished software that only exists for testing purposes
nu-Sup Forums is fucking retarded

they are literally holding me hostage with muh games

someone save me


>i want everyone to be coddled because they can't make any decisions for themselves
this isn't a decision by microsoft to make everything run on ring 0 you retard, it's a decision to introduce more bloated bullshit that will just annoy experienced users and force inexperienced users to use microsoft's garbage.

>win10 cloud

Yea I dont have an ARM based desktop

call me when it's in the stable build

>that will just annoy experienced users and force inexperienced users to use microsoft's garbage
refer to

Stop your propaganda, windows cloud will be a standalone version and no home user will be updated to it.

Experienced users don't use Windows. And with this they will stop having to babysit family's machines.

whats wrong with creating a non-admin account for tech illiterate people?

>Microsoft just added the best way of preventing installation of bloatware in Windows 10
translation: microshaft cucking users
That's how you spot normie shit websites.

Meanwhile random Joe is infecting his computer running PornHubViewer.exe downloaded from russian warez site.

> not liking locked app stores

It's not about you, it's about computer illiterates. The store is shit right now but everyone has come to the conclusion that locking a system down and allowing only verified code to run is the only way to prevent grandmothers and stupid office workers from fucking their systems up.

yes because we all know microsoft is very welcoming to power users who want to bypass their "security features"

>UWP isn't mature enough to support a real browser

says who?
because no one wants to build one in UWP?

browser engines are a nightmare, just like WIN32.
the fact that 'edge' isn't in the store is more of a testament to the amount of man hours spent developing engines in the first place.

Take a guess why the leaked ISO was missing the home edition