And so it begins....the price war has begun...
And so it begins....the price war has begun
I already get those prices because Microcenter.
6600k for $130 when?
>Core i5 6600K For $179
god damn it. god fucking damn it. I wish I'd waited before building my computer now
>you will NEVER fuck a woman like this
Is that your mom? She's a fat ugly cunt.
I wish I had the money to build a new PC right now. Those prices will likely go back up when ryzen turns out to be shit.
I would like to thank AMD for getting their shit together. Sadly I am not building a new system for some time. For those that do plan to get a new system consider getting AMD.
Intel is going to be FISTED by Ryzen competition. No more 1% power increases I guess.
>Core i5 6600K For $179
I feel bad for AMD now, they worked hard on Ryzen and they're going to get murdered by Intel right now.
>Lol, Intel won't cut prices because that will damage years of marketing!
I think AMD fucked up BIGLY by delaying the cheaper SKUs by so long. The prices got leaked, performance can be extrapolated, Intel reacted. Sub $300 7700k looks good. Best IPC and clockspeeds for gaymens (or so the myth from 2015 goes) and Intel name.
I dont get it, AMD has 1million R7s shipped, could they not get a few 6 core R5s out of that? Are yields too good? I imagine AMD wouldnt want to sell perfectly good 8cores as 6, but thats the hole they dug with 4core modules. 6core 1600xs would be the best sellers I think. Maybe AMD sandbagging the R5? From that point of view Intel just played their hand and AMD can release the R5s in a week as a fuck off to Intels price cuts. Who knows.
>I think AMD fucked up BIGLY by delaying the cheaper SKUs by so long
There must be something wrong with them. Like poor overclocking or whatever. It makes no sense at all from the business perspective otherwise.
Releasing those cheap as fuck 6c/12t would absolutely wreck intel in a way that they could never recover the non enterprise market
>tfw this is what I am waiting for since AMD has no interest in ITX anyways
Intel revenue is US$60B while AMD is US$1B. AMD equity is almost non existent. IF AMD can somehow lower the prices it will only mean that Intel will undercut even further while also forcing them to release the REAL next gen of CPUs instead of the 1% increments we are currently getting from them. The truth is that Intel won a long time ago and only allows AMD to survive so as to give the illusion there is no desktop CPU monopoly.
But what would be wrong? The 8 cores seem fine. I would expect a 4 core to clock at least 200ghz higher than the 8, unless ofcourse thermals arent the problem. . . At that point then I wouldnt think that a couple weeks extra would give them time to fix whatever problems. For the R3 I can understand, maybe they have a 4 core only mask and need to ramp production, maybe its gonna be the APU. Then that begs the question . . . Samsung can make Zen chips, and the new wafer agreement lets AMD do that. . . They would have had a month of production of two fabs possibly. I dont know man, either something is wrong with the chips, or supply, or AMD is preparing to shit on Intels face, after all Intel just made their first move.
That's what I'd hope for. AMD may have honestly expected Intel to make their first price cuts in years in light of the recent competition and that allows AMD to price their 4/8 and 6/12 lower-end processors more competitively with those cuts.
If they announce the price of a 4/8 processor at
>But what would be wrong? The 8 cores seem fine.
I don't know. If it is fine why won't they just release it now and absolutely destroy intel?
They're hyping this a lot but their current cheapest product is $320 which is higher than what x600K costs even before the price cut.
With intel cutting prices BEFORE they get to release their cheaper 6c SKUs they won't take their market, people will go for brand and youtube shills recommendation.
haha. meanwhile AMD asks for fucking $500 again. Fuck those wannabie jews.
the real jews know the score.
well you can not jew the jew
anyone got a picture of this mommy that was not dipped in a pool of acid and then scanned
> Intel Core i7-6950X ($1599 US) – $300 Price Cut
That means that those bastards were buying from intel at least like $500 lower than what they sell.
Fuck those jews. They are more jews that intel itself.
>he doesn't realize the price cuts are coming from intel not the retailers
>There must be something wrong with them.
if anything the opposite is the case ie yields are too good on the 8 cores and they're too jewish to sell any of them as 6 cores.
This are retailer price cuts to get rid of their now useless stock before Ryzen lands
Intel's not doing a price cut anywhere
do you not understand how a free market works in any shape or form?
why would EVERY retailer sell it for exactly the same price and not try and undercut others to sell more?
companies set the MSRP not the stores
you are literally stupid. retail prices are set by the retail.
If that was true why is no another retailer following through or even an annoucement from intel about this ?
no, its you that is stupid.
do you live in the soviet union? intel has nothing to do with it. retail prices are set by the retail.
Do you know what the "S" stands for?
what a shit article really.
Trying to make a regular sale about clearing inventory into something its not.
>Intel Kaby Lake and Skylake Processors Get Massive Price Cuts By Retailers
Yet somehow only micro center is doing these price cuts
>save $10
Better let wccftech know about AMD's war on nvidia !
>Oh, hee hee Oh my.
>M'lady, you surprise me
>*Blushes profusely*
>These legs, how delectably delightful
>*Coquettishly gives legs a tongue bath*
>M'lady you must forgive me. I am at surely at my most..
>*Breathes in, bashfully*
>Might I be so bold as to savour thine toes
>*Slobber gently over toes*
>The beast awakens, m'lady
>Ohh, my my yes indeed.
>I shan't hold back, m'lady
>*Rubs all three inches mischievously over buttocks*
>A smorgasbord of sexual succour, woman is thy name
>*Parts buttocks to unleash the pungent vinegar stink*
>My lady, my lust betrays me
>intel lying so hard about starting prices
>friend bought an i7-6700k + 212evo combo for $350
>they claim the CPU alone went from $400 to $260
fucking kek
They're pretending they're slashing prices, when really I don't see a cut thats ACTUALLY more than $100 because the 6950x i saw for $1700 everywhere, not $2000, the 6900x was maybe just over $1100 and now its $999.
And this is why you need a competitive market.
Just wait till APUs hit.
Will motherboards drop in price too?
>only at microcenter
it's fucking nothing, microcenter always runs crazy deals. I don't see any vendors following them
Skeleton fucker detected.
dat aint thicc. that is straight up fat bitch. she don't even have ankles.
I've been saying this ever since the prices were hinted, but AMTards never learn.
Ryzen will be meme processors that are only viable if all you do is video rendering or some other shit that actually uses 8 cores efficiently. 95% of programs don't use more than 4
no, intel drops price and credits retailer the difference for each unit they already bought to onsell
pc hardware margins are thin as fuck
fucken finally
and you fags say Google is bad
isnt this anti competitive or something arather illegal?
This is a good thing. Actual competition from AMD will get you cheaper hardware. Intel CPU prices have been too high for a while now.
God fucking damn. I would tongue punch that fartbox so deep I'd be tasting colgate..
>isnt this anti competitive or something arather illegal?
My understanding is that it's not illegal unless they can prove collusion between the two companies to conspire to coordinate their pricing.
The law in the USA is that all collusion to fix prices is illegal, even collusion to lower prices, amazingly enough. But the collusion must be provable, otherwise it can't be prosecuted. (E.g. a smoking gun e-mail.)
It's all pretty meaningless, though -- because collusion is never needed. All one company has to do is simply mimic the price adjustments of its competitors, and that's perfectly legal.
>why would EVERY retailer sell it for exactly the same price and not try and undercut others to sell more?
Because retailers know that starting a price war hurts all the sellers, and they are very reluctant to do it. In general, companies only start a price war if they know that they can survive on permanently lower margins.
You can see that effect at work on HDD prices. Before the flood, HDD prices were subject to a vicious price war. Then the flood came along and gave everyone an excuse to raise prices. After that, the prices never came back down to pre-flood levels -- that's because every single player in the industry independently realized that starting another price war would end up only hurting themselves in the long term. They knew that unilaterally lowering their prices would raise revenues for one quarter, but that it would also start a new price war that would then lower their revenues for all subsequent quarters. That's the "silent conspiracy" effect that keeps prices artificially high.
So intel isn't going to eat shit for a quarter and just flat out Jew their fanboys. Oh boy, PR disaster imminent.
Looks pretty good to me
Are those sausages on her hands
OP sauce or name of that white wilderbeast plz
Like "I'd suggest that you shut the fuck up before I put my boot up your ass" kind of suggested
What does the M stand for?
>I wish I'd waited