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How is it back in 2002?

very good but can you compress ur files? this took me 10 mins to load

sorry that was the only computer i had there

it's from 2000 but some nimrod put xp on it so it now runs like a cripple tortoise, the upgrades help tho

get linux on it

looks hot

what distro?

Whichever you want. Any 32-bit one should be fine as long as you have 2-4GB of RAM.

hahaha this is a 1ghz p3 with 384mb of ram (after upgrade)

I assume it's one of those shitty i810/i815 machines that supports at most 512MB RAM.

I guess slackware or debian with a plain window manager and netsurf would work ok. Not sure how that compares to WinXP tho.

ewaste dumpster scavenger/10

You like it ? poop comes out of that.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and in that order, shithead

Wouldn't piss on it to put it out if it was on fire, and judging by the age, ghetto fan, and the cards you have in there, it's not long before the PSU turns into a miniature flame pipe.

I was just bantering

I'm an ewaste scavenger myself

Where are the good tech dumps?

the best one i've found is in the basement of one of the engineering buildings at my university

usually kinda looks like pic related

I've found quite a few buckling spring mech keyboards and computer towers there

So you just grab any old shit and leave?

yep, I can just stuff a keyboard in my backpack, or drag a computer tower back to my car

they just don't give af

I've been finding a lot of good stuff this semester because they're clearing out some labs, and just tossing anything and everything in them. I've even found a vintage 1960s sears table radio with a radium dial that probably has been in that building since it was built.


the PC is fine and only one card works it's just open because it won't close with the GPU installed

Oh shit we used to have these back in my highschool computer class. Optiplexes were the shit back in the day.

It appears you have added an extra 'the', friendaloo.