Why the fuck would you put yourself through hell just to write a document?

why the fuck would you put yourself through hell just to write a document?

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ITT: retard has a tantrum

Sorry you can't work efficiently.

because all other ReStructuredText editors suck.
emacs is the only one that's feature-rich.
The ReST Eclipse Plugin isn't bad but I don't want to run Eclipse to write text documents.

They are editors not word document applications.

>Obligatory: vim > emacs

It's called autism. In the current year, there is no rational reason to use those shit-tier editors anymore.



you're welcome

it makes me look like a 1337 hacker and i get a lot of likes on Sup Forums for it B)

How do you edit your LaTeX or ReStructuredText?

honestly i'm very fond of Vim. Even though all I really do is go straight to insert mode, just having :wq so quickly accessible is great.

It is if you have vimlatex. Now THAT's debatably putting yourself through hell.

t. IDE brainlet

Exactly. Switch to vim today!

If by document you mean a quick and dirty office drone work then yeah emacs and vim sucks

But if your document has some structure like a part of a program, a paper or something then emacs and vim will make your life really easy, because it's 2017 and some shit made in the 80's have a better search and replace feature than "modern" editors.

If you just want a simple document editor with a straight forward wysiwyg UI then yea, vim or emacs aren't the right choice.
But if you care about quality, Emacs is actually not that bad for writing all kinds of documents with LaTeX.

I don't like moving my hands from the keyboard. That's literally it.

IDEs will increase your software dev productivity far more than any rapid text editing ever could.

That being said, emacs is an operating system, in which you can implement your IDE (CIDER for example).

I get that these editors have more complexity to them but I never understood why people struggle with them, they only add to productivity not take away from it, you can only improve with them. The worst you can do is be on par with every other text field since they all allow you to just enter text manually and navigate around like you would in any other one, emacs and vim just allow you to do more if you put effort into learning them.

I don't use all the features of my text editor but the ones I do use have saved me a lot of time and effort, it's much better than doing things manually however if for some reason I wanted to do it that way I could.

Does anyone have one of those LaTeX and PDFSync or SyncTex setups working with vim? Anyone wanna explain how to set it up?


what's wrong with gedit?

Emacs is better
>emacs has extensible vi layer known as EVIL which gives you full vim keybinds in emacs.
>emacs is programmed in lisp which is functional programming
>Emacs is an operating system (it's a feature not a bug)

Fuck you m8. Debugging through terminal is comfy as fuck

Emacs is literally notepad tier though?

>press open button
>press save button
>if you need more you should be able to figure out the rest of the shit

I agree with OP, why the fuck won't more people use emacs/vim?

>run vim
>start typing

The keybinds are orders of magnitude worse actually. That's right folks, notepad is a better editor than emacs.

>not using ZZ or :x

They're customizable for a reason.

Lol "writing documents". I bet I could write the same document in half the time with 10 times better formatting in MSWord than these POS CLI editors.

>full vim keybinds in emacs
>but only for 0.001% of functions
>also you need an extra package for every package you have to install compatibility with evil
>also the inherent emacs mechanics like lack of real temporary buffers, location and error lists and so on aren't fixed by anything

Plugins use explicit key binding for their commands instead of using signals (e.g. (chord 'command 'eow) which would by default be C-c C-e but allow consistent, cross-plugin binding by setting the binding for 'command and 'eow instead of changing C-c for a specific function only)

don't be autistic use texstudio for latex

I'm using vim and vim like plugins everywhere and I actually enjoy it. I'm glad that VS has a very good VsVim and that there's a decent amVim plugin for VS Code.

Why the fuck would I need anything else besides notepad? It's not like vim and emacs gives me a button to compile and execute either.

They actually literally do.

Vim for small scripts. VSC for projects.

can someone explain to me why youd use these over something like libre office or word? for math you can use latex

My sides.

You wouldn't. They're text editors, not word processors.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

Because not everyone likes to take hours to do a job that should be complete in minutes.

Hipsters will do anything to look cool.

so theyre like code writers? i really dont get it, ive never really looked into what either does. if theyre code writers what makes them different from atom, codeblocks, etc. i get theyre not, but what is their intended purpose and in what applications do you use them?

Try getting a brain, retard.

>not using latex for all word processing
>not editing latex with neovim

I use vim keybindings on VS Code, even though it's slow as shit to open it's pretty comfy.

i seriously dont get it. pls besides math when do you use them

Not being clinically retarded.

>>but only for 0.001% of functions
So what are these thousand commands that you like in Vim that are not implemented in Evil?

>>also the inherent emacs mechanics like lack of real temporary buffers, location and error lists and so on aren't fixed by anything
I've seen all of those in Emacs.

>not keychords

this is why you're unemployed

>not using AUCTeX

>So what are these thousand commands that you like in Vim that are not implemented in Evil?
Basically everything but the most basic buffer functions. Everything related to tabs. Every hjkl compound command that in vim also supports arrows. All batch processing functions. Proper undo history and management. All advanced edit mode commands.
>I've seen all of those in Emacs.
Lay off the LSD then, because emacs has none of that, and even with plugins it can only get a really buggy, really ad-hoc, only-works-for-a-subset-of-native-emacs-concepts solutions.

Vim is my programming environment but not because I can save and quit quickly...

Atom and Sublime Text is like typing with your two index fingers while glaring at the keyboard. Vim and Emacs is like touch typing.

I never understood how programming in vim is even possible. I heard there is no debugger support is that true? I need my debugger, its completely retarded without.

Go be inbred somewhere else.

>Everything related to tabs
There are packages to replace regular tabs, and the Mac port has them, but it should be built-in, sure.

>. Every hjkl compound command that in vim also supports arrows
You are able to make arrows behave exactly like hjkl.

>Proper undo history and management.

>All batch processing functions. All advanced edit mode commands.
You'd have to be more specific. I doubt it's missing literally all of them.

>Lay off the LSD then
I'm really not sure what you mean by "real" temp buffer if Emacs doesn't have what that is. Flycheck implements the rest.

vim + tmux master race
is there anything better?

:w = write (save)
:q = quit
:x = write and quit
:q! = quit dammit
:qa = close all (:help :sp and :vsp viewports)

>implying that Sup Forums even writes code
And if they did, they left the code here as the documentation.

Emacstards everybody. No amount of argument will more easily convince people to stay away than an emacstard in full denial like this.

For the love of god the guy asked you a legitimate question. Couldn't you answer him normally? Good lord this board is full of autists who lack basic communication skills.

It is about customization to your needs. Processors like MS Word are made in such a way to satisfy everyone all at once and they often suck at the job. In addition it is not open source hence very limited choice. For example, in MS Word when you want to add page numbers and you want the count to start from page 10, MS Word will not allow that unless you use a very convoluted trick. This is but one of the many flaws and disadvantages of MS Word compered to open source editors.

Reminder than Emacs is the superior editor, and people who use VIM are too stupid to not ruin their documents without having dedicated "edit" modes

Nice argument retard

Go be inbred elsewhere.

Emacs has no good editor and its plugin ecosystem is such that everything is inconsistent all the time and everything needs bridge-plugins to not break compatibility with every other plugin, except those bridges must be 1:1 ad-hoc and cannot be generic.


I used tmux and vim before I migrated to i3.

I recently had to get a list of every single column and table accessed in my 30,000 line program used in insert and update statements. I would say doing that in a non-composable editor is difficult. Why would YOU put yourself through hell? And before anyone says "when would I ever need to do that?" You don't do it often either because you're not good enough to get a challenging programming job, or someone else does project-wide refactoring for you and will advance their career faster than yours.

It gives you more control over the document, and makes things prettier. Makes dealing with lots of references easier, too.

But you have a point. I don't use it for simple documents that aren't very important, unless I need to do a lot of math typesetting. Even if you're good at TeX, it's still slower than a WYSIWYG editor for regular text.

Man I always wanted to write in LaTeX but I don't even know how to start.
If I were to point somebody to start writing code in Java id tell him to download the jdk and eclipse, open eclipse, create a new class and write in there System.out.print("hi"); then press the run button.

Could you please point me like this so that I can write and see a document within the next minutes? The rest is on me.

Find a TeX distro. For linux TeXLive is popular, for windows MikTeX. Install it. This is analogous to downloading the jdk.

Then get an editor that will let you hit play to output a pdf rather than mess with compilation if you don't want to bother with that now. I use TeXMaker which is both windows/linux. This is analogous to downloading eclipse.

Find an intro to math typesetting TeX tutorial. Just google one, that's what I did. Within 3 hours, I had gone through the basic tutorial and knew everything I needed to make a basic document with math typesetting.

After that you just google as needed to learn new things. The learning curve is really shallow for basic use, and it doesn't take much to start producing really nice, pretty documents.

Oh, I forgot, I actually first started learning with an online editor. Saves you the trouble of downloading TeX/editor if you wish to get started quickly.

I used this at the time but it didn't require a login then:

While editors like vim and emacs seem like they would be very useful if you took the time to learn them, I've found myself satisfied with gedit.

Terminal in one half of the screen, gedit in the other does everything I need it to. Options and plugins for gedit add most features you would probably want anyway.

TeXstudio (IDE for LaTeX, my personal favorite, but there are other options) and TeXlive (basic distribution of LaTeX itself, with a lot of popular libraries).

Generic LaTeX hello world:
Hello, world!

From there, Google is your friend. LaTeX has great documentation all over the Internet. Just think about it like learning a new declarative programming language, and you'll be fine.

Wow thank you very much, this is exactly what I needed to know. The web is a really good resource as well, but the jdk-ide analogy is the thing that really makes it, since having installed them now you can start understanding the rest from there on, kind of like telling somebody to compile Java with javac from the command line can put them off, but after having done a couple programs on eclipse then you tell them to read how to do it manually and it doesn't pose any real challenge since you know already why is it needed for and what it does.
Thanks again user and have a good day.


spacemacs thoroughly trounces whatever garbage ide you use

Thanks man I'm new to programming so these things don't click on my head as fast as I'd like, but these examples are incredible shortcuts for me to get started, and having started, learning becomes a lot easier having something to work on.

Give them a go for more than a second. They're both amazing.