chinkshit is shit.
news at 11!
Try to vacuum my ThinkPad of all the dust
Yes they aren't what they used to be.
However you should put the adaptor with the brush at the end of it you retard, pretty much all vacuum cleaners have that.
tfw on a T400 and laughing at all you chiclet keyboard cucks
>Has Lenovo decreased the quality of their machines in the last few years
Yes you massive fucking retard
Sup Forums is just too full of young idiots to remember when they changed the design away from the IBM originals and it all went to shit.
t. Plebian
>tfw on T420 and laughing at all the T400/T410 cucks and the chiclet keyboard cucks
is that a painters brush or some kind of a special one?
It's a special RGB LED gamer brush for cleaning gaming keyboards
only a redditard would do this