Fuck off cunt at least you have NBN. Try paying for the top speed or get the gigabit pack cunt.
Xavier Lewis
Gigabit pack? What's that?
Anyways, I've got the 100Mbps/50Mbps version, but desu it's still pretty shit compared to the rest of the world.
Colton Hernandez
>socialist big government running the internet
Connor Gutierrez
Been hit with downtime in that kinda time range a few times but I wouldn't call it regular. Where are you located?
Benjamin Martin
I'm in Melbourne. And yeah I've experienced some downtime but it's usually been from about 0300 onward, not as early as 2300.
Jace Rivera
What speeds do you really get on 100/50? Are you on FTTN, HFC or Fiber? I'm currently on the 25/5 plan on HFC.
Logan Thomas
Motherfucker you can download a gigabyte every eighty fucking seconds, that takes me an hour. In the span of an hour, between now and cutoff, you could download 45GB of anime, enough for two seasons of something in coalgirls. If that's not gonna last you seven fucking hours then what will?
David Flores
Gigabit internet is literally common as crows in most developed cities in the world.
Justin Hernandez
Um, I think I'm on FTTN. What's the difference between that and Fiber?
Damn, yeah I remember when I had like 600kb/s internet, it took my about half an hour to and hour to download a gigabyte. I guess I'm taking it for granted.
Jace Edwards
FTTN connects to your existing Phone jack like ADSL2+ HFC is Cable internet Fiber is Fiber directly to your house.
Levi Gomez
Fuck the coalition for fucking up our NBN.
Michael Evans
Ah, then yeah I got Fiber.
Joseph Lopez
Either way you lose Libs fuck up the NBN Labs fuck up society but at least you have nice internet to be taught about transgenders and muslims
Brandon Jackson
Pretty sweet, I'm tempted to upgrade to the 100/50 plan on HFC but people are reporting to only get around 67/25, still mutiple times faster, but not sure if its worth it. This is leagues better than my shitty ADSL that only measured 3/0.5
Juan James
>developed cities in the world >Fucking anywhere in Australia NIGGA Even if I only had internet for one hour a day, the rest dialup, I'd take that over this. And I just moved, this is substantially faster than what I fucking had.
Jeremiah Stewart
wait, you get your internet cut off during the night time? lel
Brody Ortiz
It happens sometimes, probably for maintenance or someshit, but I've never had it happen to me this early in the night.
Andrew Bell
That's got to suck, sorry to hear that user.
But hey, at least you still have better internet than 32% of the country.
Nicholas Murphy
Bentley Moore
Even small shitty Asian islands like Singapore have gigabit internet for less than $50 a month
Nolan Brown
I get 5.39 Mbps download & 0.43 Mbps upload. 500GB data a month & cost $90 a month
Joshua Cruz
wew it took 4 years longer than originally promised but got FTTH last year
There's your reason why
Chase Reed
I'm on cable and get 110/3, which is the maximum speed Telstra offer. How long until they upgrade the upload?
DOCSYS 3.1 NBN HFC is supposedly rolling out later this year. Theoretical top speed of 10gbps downstream and 1gbps upstream. It should be able to provide 100/50 plans properly. NBN isn't doing gigabit yet on any tech because their backend can't handle it at the moment.
Daniel Nguyen
>100/40 mbps Unlimited for $59
Nigger r u serious?
Lincoln Watson
Signing up for this as soon as my contract expires
Connor Garcia
This expires tomorrow.
Cameron Adams
Really? :/
Owen Sanchez
What's the difference between Fiber to the Node and "Cable"
Also FTTN is Fiber. FTTP is fiber to the node then to the Premises
Jack Allen
Mexico here ftth I pay 50 USD for 100 /20 how much do you fag down under pay?
Nolan Edwards
Yes. :(
Charles Ortiz
Five minutes to go anons.
Jaxon Cook
Fuck that shit I might break my contract and see if I can switch by tomorrow
Elijah Collins
I pay $120/month for my 100/50 and get 1TB a month. Fuck Telstra desu.
Easton Cruz
FTTN VDSL connects to your phone jack, top speeds of 25/5, but you should get close to that at all times.
FTTN HFC connects to a coaxial port, such as Foxtel. The node is shared across 32 different users in your street (1772mbps max downstream bandwidth atm for the node).
Isaac Clark
I thought I had it bad the lebonese Jew gave me 30mbps when he went ftth then he took it away. Was 20bucks I get unlimited local calls and CA and USA calls.
I feel shit cause I got caught a fiber modem,and the max is still below cable box tier.
Connor Fisher
>tfw when NBN was 5 years delayed and you ended up with a VDSL connection
Eli Watson
>The node is shared across 32 different users in your street Wrong, it's shared between 384 premises max & the node only has 1GB of back haul. Congestion anyone ?
Colton Scott
I can't imagine how horrible the customer support would be
Evan Moore
Also, if anyone was curious what's inside the node cabinet. This is a video I came across on WP.
>how horrible The provider is a multinational with operations in Singapore and New Zealand. It's not some small time fly-by-night outfit.
Juan Murphy
Probably on par with everyone else. It's cheap because it's subsidized by their established companies overseas, and also because it's shit. Had a read through whirlpool and apparently latency is off the charts.
Leo Garcia
Do you live on campus or something?
Workplace internet?
Colton Jenkins
I wouldn't be surprised if all traffic was routed through Singapore before it goes anywhere else.
Luke Gonzalez
Campus internet in the inner city, almost came in my pants when i first realised
Ryan Walker
>tfw 250/100 at Deakin University back in 2011.
Blake Allen
It's NBN retard. They just resell what's being offered by the Government.
Ayden James
Too bad Melbourne is the worst city out of them all
Wyatt Howard
What? That just proves my point.
Brody Robinson
>That just proves my point No it doesn't. They're resellers. What fucking support do you need? If the internet goes out it's the governments fault lel.
Elijah Murphy
The ISP still provides you with the internet connection. If the ISP servers are shit or placed overseas, you'll still get shit throughput and/or latency on NBN.
Dylan Hughes
>tfw NBN goes live in my area this friday
Ian Davis
>mfw moving to Deakin on-campus accommodation next year
I cannot fucking wait desu. The cunts fucking declined my request for this year.
John Wood
>Shit servers >Shit latency They literally have an option for custom routing. Probably the only ISP to offer that.
Nicholas Gomez
>I need my IP changed, resisting dosent work >my internet keeps dropping out can you do a complete reset (toothpick in back is reboot, not reset) >my internet has shut off when will this be fixed >for some reason I keep getting x error when I'm doing y
Hurt durr I'm literally retarded
Jayden Bailey
>multinational ISP having any such problems Yeah keep paying that TPG tax.
Henry Ward
I used to be with a multinational ISP and I had shit latency issues. My mother is still with them
I'm with Telstra now though, so go shill somewhere else and stop defending your shitty ISP.
You're sounding like a friend who is paid to post here
Dominic Cook
>Telstra is better >NBN having latency issues Lmao jesus fuck no
This is telstra's idea of customer support. i.e. get your customers to fix the problems of other customers.
Nathan Williams
Elijah Parker
>I guess I'm taking it for granted
You really are.
>tfw 500 KB/s and no NBN until 2nd half of this year
Owen Kelly
>no NBN until 2nd half of this year HOW ABOUT NEVER EVER
Dylan Lopez
where do you live?
William Myers
>tfw you've had fttp for over a year >tfw you never thought you would ever experience speeds like this
Easton Bailey
Eltham, also known as "Never-fucking-ever-vill" Last time I checked, there was no plan to do anything here in the next 10 years. We only have ADSL, and I'm fucking miles from the exchange. On top of that, someone ran a fucking fiber line in a loop around my house to get to a cell tower, and we can't fucking use it. I always thought FTTP would be faster than this. Why not gigabit?
Christopher Bailey
Anyone else getting terrible speeds in the past few days? Melbourne here on a 100/40 plan, it used to always be fast (90/40 all the time) but now I am only getting 20/20.