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Will my PC run Mass Effect Andromeda maxed settings 1080p?

No, you don't have Ryzen.

What a terrible shop, here's the real true image from the game

>I5-7600K 3.8GHz
Sorry, you'll need at least an i7-7700k running at 5.8GHz to have enough single threaded performance

its using the same engine (frostbite) as bf1 so if its optimized with dx12 it should run well on most systems.

Mass Effect was pretty good.
2 was a joke, beat the final boss, hardest difficulty with one cycle of slow-mo-abilty-thing and a heavy pistol.
Never played 3, did it get any better?

I liked the atmosphere and the story in ME, the ice planet with the caged tentacle monster and wrex were cool.

gaymers please get off my board

made me lol

Sup Forums is our tech support board and it that won't ever change.

>I5-7600K 3.8GHz

fucking go buy ryzen now
fuck my life