How exactly does the mouse interact with the monitor?

How exactly does the mouse interact with the monitor?

So far I'm assuming that the mouse sends (binary) data to the device controller.
Then the OS does interrupts and polling
Then that data somehow translates to binary in the graphics controller for moving the white arrow to a certain place

Help me out here

Other urls found in this thread:

can any of you at least link me to documentation/books for this

just what the fuck is wrong with you?

Why do you have to be fucking hostile?
I am trying to figure this shit out on my own so cut me some slack

Your first mistake was coming here for actual knowledge

yeah, I can see that now

>What is google?

>google is the answer to everything
I wonder what the IQ of this board is

This will explain how a mouse works:

>How can I search for an answer without asking aspies on a Taiwanese animu board?

>I am trying to figure this shit out on my own so cut me some slack
>on my own
Why do you ask interned forum about crossdressing or anyone at all ?
Figure it out on your own :p

>Then that data somehow translates to binary in the graphics controller

Not really, you have a pointer to a framebuffer in memory that you get when starting graphics mode in 16bit mode, you then read whatever coordinates the mouse give you and draw whatever you want in the screen using them by storing the pixels in said pointer.

>How exactly does the mouse interact with the monitor?
it doesn't

1. mouse detect movement
2. mount sends these movements to the computer
3. mouse driver running on computer picks up movement information and tells the OS about it
4. OS decides what to do with the information, what to draw, when to draw it, what it looks like, might apply acceleration, etc
5. once it's decided that it will be drawn, details about where it should be and what it looks like is communicated by the OS, through the graphics driver, to the graphics card, in the case of a hardware cursor. if it's a software cursor, it is instead drawn like a regular graphical element

lol its like when you stack overflow a simple question, and the most voted response is "just google it dumbass"


Lots of ways of doing this. I remember when graphics drivers often came with a hardware mouse cursor. You would upload a mask and an image (usually monochrome or 256-color) into the graphics adapter memory and it would overlay it on the display. This could be abused to draw sprites to the display, too.

>google something
>first result is "nvm found it on google"

In OP's case, lowlevel graphics are pretty hard to find info about.
Like try to search how to get a linear pointer to the monitor's memory, its all confusing shit explaining shit that you didnt ask when the actual code its like a few lines of assembly


for windows, there is the whole thing of windowing on top of it

parent windows getting messages before child windows etc (iow parent windows make decisions on drawing first and pass it on to children)

yes, but if you are a programmer yourself, you should know that when you are not knowledgeable about something, a clear indication is you don't even know the right questions to ask. Someone who has gone through the learning process alone in that specific topic would know what to say in response.

Well thats why hes asking, there are very little resources on the subject and not even a proper book to even get a proper start.
I can understand, it took me 2 weeks to find out how to write the simplest graphics mode driver and most of the time was spent just searching how to get past the beginner's hello world int 10h that outputs to the screen's text buffer but only in real mode.