AMD will release complete source for their Ryzer CPU's PSP and firmware.

Other urls found in this thread:

No they won't.

That's unlikely to happen, they're an American based company.

Wish it would though.

Wait wtf does Sony have to do with this??!?!?

Great. Hacker's will have a field down when they don't have a paywall separating them from proprietary documentation.

AMD couldn't be more of a disaster.


The fuck are they bringing up the PSP in 2017 for?

Wow the NSA is going to be pissed.

Anyone advocating using Intel will be a shill. PSP is the equivalent of intel's backdoor the IME.


Disgusting anti-Trump cuck.

If this happens I'll actually buy Ryzen

>le security through obscurity meme


There hasn't been a single mention of TrustZone in Ryzen anywhere. I don't think Ryzen contains the PSP.

Third party micro code when?

>a field down
Christ, you people aren't even trying now. Open sourcing is good for security, as is proven by any and all cryptographic solutions.

No idea why anybody would bring it up when it was released either.

Useless piece of shit.

It does but enterprise wants it.

yes it does you idiot

Find mention of it. Its not in any material.

It won't happen for a very simple reason: If NSA allowed them, there would be SKU's where PSP was OPTIONAL.

Intel charges for pointless workstation shit through the nose, yet this "feature" is built in even in the shittiest i3

>proof me rong

Pol is that way:

Stopped reading there.

>This though doesn't come as too much of a surprise as AMD stopped providing their AGESA code back in 2014 and there's been no recent communication out of AMD regarding Coreboot
AMD not even coreboot

Does he have a source? Or is he just suggesting AMD to do so?

>stop saying my hero is a cuck ;_;
t. proud cuck

This is not true, they did an AMA where this question was talked about on reddit. They won't open source everything, as they are legally not able to. But they said they are interested in releasing alot of it.

But AMD is the leet hacker cpu

Are you retarded? It doesn't say that at all. He's saying they should, but absolutely fucking won't.

not the playstation portable, silly
platform security processor, amd's analog to intel's management engine

Who fucking cares.

Pence close your PC and go suck Trump off.

Does this mean we don't yet have a foss bios available for ryzen?



He's right you moron.

It's obviously a joke you fucking aspie.


buy AMD, support traitors that sold America's secrets to Russia

Like trump...?

>he believes what CNN says
Putin actually pretends to like Trump, because he hates presidents that stand up for their countries. It's called sun tzu, you'll learn about it one day.


good try intel.

Pretty big hint from Snowden as to PSP and Intel ME's real purpose.

>le security through obscurity meme
you do have to admit it is easier to search for and find bugs with open source, not saying that this is a bad thing since they can all get patched but security through obscurity is a bit more than just a meme

can you read and interpret text by yourself or are you suggesting someone do that for you? ;^)

was that today's history lesson in middle school?
How cute

Great, now pedos and terrorists are going to switch to AMD. We need closed source so the NSA can stop the bad guys. I have nothing to hide so I'm fine with the NSA searching my computer remotely. If you're against this, you're a cuck.

Fuck off you leftist cuck, trump is going to put an end to open sores once and for all.

Real shitty bait.

Get rekt cuck, trump is pro NSA and won't tolerate you degenerates evading the law.

someone didn't take their autism medicine