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Technology #592
Which email provider does Sup Forums recommend that respects my freedoms?
How do you go from this
Cringe hardware thread
Why do you still use a smartphone, Sup Forums...
Omg guys the CIA is gonna get me!
R is cancer
Looking for a simple free video editor
The CIA has the dankest Windows exploits
I just traded my (backup) gaming PC for this thing to some guy on craigslist. What the fuck do I do with it?
CPU-Z Thread
BSD for newbies
Must have apps for android
/fmst/ - Friendly Microsoft Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Gopher protocol
What about self-titled "hackers" makes them cringy edgelords? The smug attitude, the forced "we're so clever" jokes...
Why did Microshit ever release this abomination?
/wt/ watch thread
IPhone Found
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Death of Google Search
/pcbg/ - PC Building General: Proper Edition
/spg/ - Smartphone General
I keep reading that after Firefox 57 it's gonna be difficult to write extensions and developers are already jumping off...
Anime posters must go back to Sup Forums
/v7g/ - Vault7 General wikileaks
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Rust zealot containment thread
If i write an AI trained to hack, and this AI starts hacking people's computers.. would I be guilty of hacking or not?
Losing My Fucking mind
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hipster Rant
How did the "Mac users are homosexuals" meme start?
Best Ultrabook
The only good OS made by Microsoft
Hey /gig/
Tfw web development is chrome development
Signal Video and Opus Audio calling now out of a beta and used by default
How long has it been since you cleared your browser history?
Lol we won...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Anyone else /comfy/ from the leaks?
What's the best virtual machine? virtualbox or vmware?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Say thanks to the European Union for the common USB charger you are enjoying on your phones
Bring my thinkpad with debian to school
/v7g/ - Vault7 General wikileaks
Apple kills Lightining in favor of USB-C
I have a 4790k, Gigabyte Z97X board, and 3 sets of 16gb DDR3 ram
/G im arguing with some complete imbecile on PLEBBIT about wikileaks
Girl on campus with a 2012 MacBook Air told me to upgrade from my "90s" W530
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Ryzen Frame Times
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
First day at new job
My dick
Sup /guys
Could Intel’s 10nm Node Face Another Delay?
Makes phone cheaper
Do you use same text editor that CIA uses?
Where is the RX 490? Where is the RX 580? Where is VEGA?
What went wrong? Why is it dead?
That guy who pronounces JSON as Jason instead of JaSiOn
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What are actual differences between distros...
/v7g/ - Vault7 General
Just one more reason to buy AMD
Since TempleOS is the last safe OS on earth
So it's like a JVM in your browser? ... Why didn't they do this before instead of JavaScript?
I bought a laptop from Amazon and after 2 days of use it started to swell up...
Pajeets on Sup Forums are saying linux is insecure because of the vault 7 revelations
My ram crashes any program when it goes above like 6gb total
Why can't I SSH into this router? Is something wrong with the OSPF configuration?
HP makes shit lapt-
Why did linuxcucks lieded?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Mozilla just declared the end of adblockers
Windows phone a shit. Which smartphone should I aim for to not have some overpriced cloggy slow hipster brick
Buyers Remorse General
You can graduate from a 4 year bachelor's of computer science program without ever learning how to solve problems with...
I need a NAS for my home office - my girlfriend does a lot of photo editing and has to swap data between computers...
Show me you're home server, senpai
What PDF reader is the norm these days besides Adobe?
Workstation Graphics Question
Sup Forums, How does someone protect himself from the CIA/NSA beast?
Why does Ryzen perform worse with more cores/threads in games?
Why isn't anyone talking about this?
What can I do?
Vault7 is the nail in the coffin
/edc/ edc/ -NEW Every Day Carry thread: rate, critique and judge each others edc
This kills the AMDrone
Has NASA accomplished ANYTHING of noteworthiness?
he unironically believes windows users give a shit about mpc-hc
Was Terry right? Fuck, I thought he was a skizo meme shit
IOS vs Android: The Facts
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sup Forums is a board for adults, computing enthusiast and developers
Music player setups ITT
Now that Linux is confirmed CIA software will you be making the switch?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What text editors/IDEs do you use for programming? I've been using Atom for about a month and I love it...
WikiLeaks: CIA Hacking Tools
Is Windows 10 still shit? Is it still spying on people?
Use Firefox Nightly
Jewvidia fucked me over by removing analog support from their cards...
/bg/ Browser General
Guys, is this shit normal? It's happening as soon as I leave my pc idling...
Software Choices
Naples AMD
R5 vs Ivybridge
What are some great or even must-have Android apps that can only be found on F-Droid?
Ok Sup Forums, i just a new PC with the 1700X
What does Sup Forums think of this piece of software which is being released today?
/wt/ watch thread
Is teleportation possible?
Quantum computers finally come out
How come there's no decent tree style tabs for Chrome?
Why does Sup Forums benchmark CPUs with video games?
Where can I legally hire an elite hacker?
10nm processor
Yo im a noob
What are your least favorite things about your favorite language(s)?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Hi Sup Forums
Stop wasting time on the internet
So is Linux an OS or is RMS just a meme?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Simple line-number based password manager
System 76
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Hi, i'm from /ic/ because the sticky said to come here for drawing tablet questions
The future is now
"It's only good for workstations" le meme
Is this why they didn't release Windows 9 and jumped to 10 immediately?
Which one of you came up with this?
How come everyone seems to have i5 2500Ks but hardly anyone with an i7 2600K or 2700K?
DRM in HTML5 is a victory for the open Web, not a defeat
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
What's on your desks, Sup Forumsentlemen?
Will I regret this?
Falling for the early adopter jew
Do you turn your computer off Sup Forums?
TFW my i7-4790k from 2014 is still a solid cpu and won't need to upgrade in a couple of years
HDD wars in 2017
Post your RAM usage
With Visual Studio 2017 launching tomorrow do you think we'll see a new version of the Community Edition?
There's literally no reason to have a laptop bigger than 13.3"
Why even buy a flagship?
Without considering gaming applications at all, which one is the clear winner?
Nintendo Switch painful launch
There are two types of people in this world
Dell P991 UltraScan Trinitron
Ryzen Has Horrible Price-Performance
Why are people here so hostile against female programmers?
MPC-HC Devs admit their project is dying, beg people to help them keep it afloat
Well that's new
He isn't using FreeBSD
Could crypto mining be productive for me, being that I live in barracks on fort drum. Unlimited free electricity...
Whats really the point of 16GB or RAM?
Brute-forcing my neighbor's router to throttle kid's xbox?
Bug in .NET Ping.Send method
Linux is better for lower end and older hardware
FSFE intervenes in munich against microshill politician
Inevitiable W10 Ride
Rate My Rig
What will it take for you to leave windows
Benchmarks with a CPU bottleneck are a good indication of the future potential of a CPU
No dude 4k 60hz is shit compared to 1440p 144hz. the extra hz really matter for gaming
How does Sup Forums pirate their music these days?
Has Sup Forums ever been hacked before?
FBI would rather les loose more than 200 pedos than to make TOR more secure
Which VPN Services Keep You Anonymous in 2017?
Ryzen in one picture
/pcbg/ - PC Building General: Emergency Copypasta Edition
AMD cucks gets BTFO
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
How is Sup Forums's experience with solar power?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hey Sup Forums, redpill me on Linus
Intelcucks BTFO'ed
Linux is free
Why aren't you using Windows 98, the most secure OS?
Are there any 12 grid button mouses out there that don't have grids made of teeth that attack your thumb like the g600...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I know you guys love this question
/cyb/ - The Cyberpunk General
Spend thousands of dollars on PC Hardware
GNU anthem
Where did Linux go wrong?
Enjoy your budget chip for 14 year olds who think LEDs in cases besides power and drive access are cool
Do I pull the trigger or wait for intel's next move?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
You have $1200 Sup Forums build the best pc you can
Offical /g guts threads
Are you sure you want to buy that motherboard you were looking earlier?
Who needs a gamer cockpit/chair?
May I have your attention please
Who /anti-consumerism/ here?
Rust or C?
Post yfw everything is now programmed in javascript
Thinks he's a good programmer
Is there something like Word but lightweight, portable and free?
C-consoles have no applications outside gaming!
What the fuck is the point of a tablet?
What operating system does the Death Star use?
Why do people like 'phablets'?
Why is Ultrawide a meme?
There is LITERALLY no reason for Linux to exist
Should I upgrade my CPU to a 4790k from an i5 4460, or should I replace my motherboard and ram for a kaby lake cpu...
Sup Sup Forums I just got this x1 carbon but it has a password on it, how can I get around it?
I want to code a human level AI by myself, which programming language do i learn?
Is java a meme?
He got a 7600k or 7700k
The final remaining MP3 patents are about to expire
Are we being telemarketed?
Who wants to watch the comfy Terry Davis livestream with me?
ASIC miners
Is Linux the most feminine operating system?
Don't Write Off AMD Stock Just Yet
Spectre x360
Daily reminder that Tor is deliberately backdoored by the devs and open to surveillance by all the three-letter...
Is there any fucking alternative to this piece of shit botnet...
Storing anime
What the fuck Hiro? Why can't i post on Sup Forums
We're gonna stop all those pedos on tor
Finally came into some spending money. What graphics card should I get?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I'm a network engineer at a telecom and I want to start making money off the side by offering services to small...
Bash scripting
In 2024 we will have ~200GB of vram on gpus
Ryzen Gaming explnation
It's happening! Chromefags BTFO!
Iphone se is the only compact phone worth buying
Hello Sup Forumsentlemen, I'm thinking of buying pic related. Am I being memed?
Make open source photo manipulation program that competes with Photoshop
Is gentoo actually a good os or is it a meme?
Live in a family that isn't poor but not rich either and can only rely on my own money for PC and videogames related...
/wt/ watch thread
it's an amazing Workstation CPU user
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Attention Retards And Shills
At what point in your life did you realize that GNU Emacs is the most powerful text editor?
Say sorry, faggot
Bought every piece of tech i want
Ultrabook vs Gayming laptop
Ryzen is Good at 1440p They Said
Grey/Black hat required
It's over
Why is Razer the only company able to make a gaming laptop without overdoing the neckbeard aesthetic
Are you ready to be fucked in the ass by Microsoft's long shaft?
Why does Amazon still exist? what's the difference walmart has an online store
Install Solus
Apple writes bad co-
What are you using tor for?
Is it possible to get a virus by opening a website or an email...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Win10 vs Linux
/csg/ Chink Shit General
He didn't disable the WebCam from the BIOS
Coding noob here
Explain why this is not the best linux distro
1080ti 3DMark Scores
What went wrong?
Kaveri v.s Sandy/Ivy Bridge
Have you ever gotten a piece of technology at a killer price?
Current State of Windows: JUST retro edition
Have you already taste The Technology Sup Forums?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Redpill me on the difference between Ryzen R7 1700 and R7 1700X, is it worth the 70$ price and 30W TDP difference?
Intel shills sure are out in full force, intels "viral marketing" budget is probably bigger than their R&D budget
IIT: Technology USA is way behind the rest of the world
Blunder of the century confirmed
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Forums shits on programming languages
"programming stack" thread
So is this the new official Sup Forums phone?
Does Sup Forums ever dream of a bug out bunker and designing all the computer equipment in it?
Ryzen did it
The best consumer OS in history
Why nobody tested SHA performance on RYZEN?
Security and Privacy General
Is there a smartphone that can run aircrack or something similar?
All the ryzen motherboards are sold out
He has less than 8gb ram in 2017
Linux + Ryzen = Good?
You guys ARE going to tell Trump and his FCC to fuck off when they turn the internet in this this, right?
Why are gaming laptops so ugly?
Hello Sup Forums...
Is nintendo the new apple of "innovation"?
How am i supposed to use linux?
I need a way to gather all of the hoes on instagram. And sort them from most prolific hoe, to least prolific hoe
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Redpill me on unsuccessful and obscure formats. (Betamax, LaserDisc, VCD, HD DVD, etc)
Post Sup Forums approved tech channels
Linux Music Players THAT ARE'T MPD BASED
Ok what's the closest mouse that comes close to this form factor with a recent sensor...
Here's the ultimate redpill
At what age did you grow out of Windows?
Invisible borders
Perfect laptops don't exi
Is floens gonna fix Clover?
Have you tried to stop using the internet and start reading books or watching movies or something else?...
This is an entry level helpdesk position
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How do you deal with guests who hog up your internet after you give them access?
How many of you Sup Forumsuys have actually installed gentoo? I just got the actual system working...
Im done,
You ARE using BSD..r-right user?
Red pill me on 16:10 Sup Forums
How do you guys feel about windows ricers...
Which do you prefer?
Ryzen CPU Value
Battle of the convertibles
Preparing to flash libreboot onty my t400 right now
Best balance of value, features, warranty support, and software support
Just a test
Ryzen is Horrible
How could Microsoft fuck it up so badly?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why is it so hard to learn graphics programming from scratch?
What do you think of "Brave"? It doesn't look like it's catching on, but the idea seems good in principle...
Reminder that the Intel compiler cheats against AMD CPUs:
All these years and it's still the king
You are not training Google AI, are you?
Nintendo switch
Proper debate: Dlang vs C++
So what mp3 player do you guys use?
Flatpack and appimage exist now...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How botnet is Ubuntu these days?
Wait, why isn't the reverse happening?
Can we have a shaving technology thread?
Must have apps
Windows key
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Does McAfee slow down torrent speeds
Minimalist Operating System
Deleteing a facebook chat
Speccy Thread
How long until DDR4 prices recover?
Will Facebook ever be as dead as MySpace?
Look at the state of Sup Forums
Is this shit a joke?
What went wrong?
/wt/ watch thread
AMD considering Coreboot
Google vs Apple
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Smartphones are toys for children. This isn't up for discussion, it's a fact
13 vs. 15 inch laptops
Why are people in the comments constantly calling this guy a genius?
Where were you when AMD won our hearts again?
If Intel 7700k had 8 cores at 4.5GHz it would absolutely DESTROY AMD, AMD wouldn't stand a chance in hell...
In recent talks about the gayming epidemic on Sup Forums
How much would Linux cost?
That taskbar
/spg/ - Smartphone General
ITT: The best processors ever made
Tell me why you like/dislike JavaScript
5820K 2.0 General
/cisco/ Thread
IPhone 8
New Programming Language
Give a friend a recommendation for a water cooler
What did he mean by this?
Are tech billionaires technically rich since they don't own shit
Linux aside, of course...Which is better?
Serious question
Let's face it, if Sup Forums had money you would be using a macbook pro
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Looking to upgrade from ITX to mATX
Did I fall for the meme?
Live in Seattle
Find a flaw
Clementine Music Player
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Motion to remove gaymers from Sup Forums anyone. Also to make Kanna the queen of Sup Forums
What can Linux do that Windows can't?
What am i doing wrong?
/hs&ntg/ Home Server & Networking General
Why would anybody spend more than $60 on a CPU for gaming at 1080p/60fps?
Alternatives to qBittorrent?
/cyb/ - The Cyberpunk General
Name me (((1))) flaw
Apple is no longer run by people like Jobs who only cared about a specific subset of the market with a lot of money...
Whats the best tech to whiten teeth with?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
X220 screen quality
Just got a thinkpad X60. What distro should I put on it?
Designated ryzen shitposting general - /drsg/
Xvideos player and layout are a miles better than Youtube
Are they the best
Be a backend/API dev
Choose your poison
/mpv/ - vo_opengl <-> libplacebo
How true is this?
So what is this meme about ?
"It's only good for workstations" le meme
If there is ONE and only ONE language that you would have to master in order to do everything, which one would it be ?
Name me one (1) flaw
Juste bought a fking $850 4k monitor (Acer B326HK)
Can i remove my phone's front cam and mic ? If i can, how?
Eli the Computer Guy
Remember to check your HD health
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Windows 10 has pretty much been confirmed as the reason why Ryzen is slower for gaming due to a problem in it's...
Is this the best CPU on the market right now?
I'm doing a cyber challenge, and I'm on the first challenge and I'm already out of my depth
Which programming language/technology should I learn if i want to get a job?
Is there a way to tell if this is shopped or not?
Hey /g care to help a guy build a decent 500$ gaming pc?
Where'd everyone from 2009-2012 Sup Forums go? I know some of you are still here. There was a real community here then...
So why aren't you using Ubuntu, user? do you like making your life harder than it needs to be...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Wtf my harddrive is dying? I cant open anythin
Daily reminder that you aren't allowed an opinion on sweet-spot gaming/workstation CPUs if you don't buy 4core/8thread...
Are there any manufacturers that actually design their laptops to last and run well long term?
What are some cool terminal commands?
Touch Typing
Explain to me why this isn't the worst programming language to ever be created
You ARE using a Core 2 Duo..r-right user?
How the HECK do interrupts work. shouldn't they halve the efficiency of any given program...
Why care about botnet if it provides you with services you like...
How many here are seriously computer addicted?!
Which is better, a cell phone with 64 GB storage and a 64 GB SD card...
Smart move?
“two-thirds or three-quarters” of Silicon Valley C.E.O.s are Asian
GPU Thread
Muslim extremist
When do you typically upgrade your cpu lads?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So what's the point of this piece of shit poo/chink product if it's only good for Workstations and not gayming?
Window 7 win again
No homescreen thread
Thumbnails size
Give me one reason to buy a laptop bigger than 13.3"
Where does Sup Forums stand on the augmentation debate?
There's a new update for the software I use frequently?
Why aren't you using the best OS?
Mpv a shit
Really makes you think
So this is the power of zen
Uptime thread?
Best light bulb to light my room?
Best Password Manager
Dual core i7
/pcbg/ - PC Building General: Emergency Copypasta Edition
Ok Sup Forums do I pull the trigger and buy this?
Why can there be an os with the game library of Windows, the aesthetic of mac, and.the open sourcness of linux?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
My current browser is Firefox, now its dying though so im moving on
Any laptop size greater 13.3" is absolutely disgusting
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
What went wrong with Firefox? How did it come to this?
Dubs chooses what I change the network name to
AMD pays shills to put down Intel/NVIDIA while making AMD look good
They trained him for 60 wpm
TempleOS Terry Davis /tosg/
What desktop environment do you use and why isn't it GNOME?
Samsung S8 General Thread
Daily reminder that if you use windows you are literally a low iq subhuman
How do I hack?
I thought Ryzen would crush Intel??
Particularly poor bang for buck
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/wbg/ - Web Browser General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
The fuck, Ryzen is actually faster on Windows 7
/wt/ watch thread
Ryzen gaymen performance is about 10-20% lower than the target competition from Intel, but the price is 30-50% lower
Lets do it Sup Forums
American vs poojeet engineering
In 50 years what will the internet be like
After all these years this still remains the king
GPU or CPU upgrade?
It's Happening
Does anyone use this? Why?
So, stalled torrent just got updated
This thing is fucking huge
I can't notice any audible difference between MP3 V0 and FLAC. Is there something wrong with me?
What does Sup Forums keep on their flash drives?
Which OS is the leanest?
Preorder Nintendo Switch
In less than a year Firefox addons will be restricted to using webextensions like Chrome
AMDfags on suicide watch
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is there a GNU/Linux distro that has Setup Wizards like Windows?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Mouse & mice
Why do most programmers suck at math so much?
It's finally happening. They're taking our memes and trying to make them normie
Speccy thread, post them. Dual booting XP and Xubuntu. (pic 1/5)
/hpg/ headphone general
Macbooks are overpriced
Just got this in the mail today
Consoles (UMPC) are technology
Zen can't overclock on the top end SKUs, but it sure can undervolt! Pretty damn efficient at that too
Disappointed if true, but is there any proof?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why would anyone use this botnet?
Is your drives almost full?
Why can't this shit properly play my 10bit h265 60fps 4k videos?
Old one almost at limit; DSA Eve edition
Hey Sup Forums
Neural net predictive action at work
Stop using firefox
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
File browser can't preview webms
Why doesn't he like yachts?
How do you navigate Sup Forums?
Is it wise to use Nightly as my default browser?
/edc/ - Every Day Carry thread: rate, critique and judge each others edc
Gaming aside, how does Ryzen do with programming, virtualization, emulation, and running Linux?
Hello. I perform live with a band that has a live drummer...
I keep seeing these gaymen RGB lights
Meta Sup Forums
Can silicon valley exist without Indian intellectuals?
So how many times has this happened now?
Desktop Thread
The best mobile browser
Why is DDR4 RAM so expensive now?
Doesn't game
Hey whats up everybody its ur average consumer
Automatic garbage collection
How many distros did you go through before you found "the one"?
What's the most powerful silent computer to date?
File picker
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
* Ad pops up *
Redpill me on cryptocurrency Sup Forums, is it profitable to mine cryptocurrency or is it just an overpriced meme
Do you wipe your laptop before sending it for repairs?
/wbg/ - Web Browser General
Why are normies using this discord thingy? it's like everyone decided overnight to use discord
/hsg/ - Home Server General thread
What is the equivalent to this in terms of sound quality, huge storage, price and most importantly, battery life?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
This ((((girl)))) ruined my life and my fucking career...
AMD Responds to Ryzen's Lower Than Expected 1080p Performance
Why did AMD decide to market Ryzen 7 towards the fucking gaming market when its real strength is in workstation/content...
He's using a solarized theme
Why do Windows users need more monitors than GNU/Linux users?
AMDeus Vult!
So will the R5 and R3 series be better targeted at 'gaming'?
Why do girls always have iPhones and never android?
How does amd recover from this blunder?
What do you do when you want to learn a new programming language?
So, user-kun
Daily reminder to never take advice from Sup Forums anime posters
This picture is literally the state of this board right now
Take Sup Forumss advice and buy some secondhand servers
Why has he turned into an Apple shill
What is your all time #1 absolute favorite program and why?
Ryzen bottleneck gtx 1080 even in 720p
I thought AMD was finished and bankrupt?
Ryzen Power
Apple chooses AMD
SSD Prices
What the hell is the difference, how do I know which to buy?
TOP KEK. They finally sent it
Is this enough thermal paste for a gaming rig?
Shut the fuck up about how the 1800X is a little behind Intel
What went wrong?
Dear Windows users of Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
All the men are using Macbooks and all the women are using Thinkpads
Remember me user? Why don't you finish that 'cool project' you had in mind for me?
Windows 10 UI is fucking garbage
Name a better 13" laptop
Everyone's finished, back to the drawing board
Looking for a Product Key for Microsoft Office 365
Why did both Nvidia and AMD stop making dual GPU cards?
Every day until the last Windows User on this board acknowledges that macOS is the superior OS
Go to girlfriend's parents' house
How evenly is your thermal paste spread out on your processor?
Let us sing a suicide song to Intel's largest revenue pool
QBittorrent 3.3.11 is out. Remove the uBotnet today!
Live streaming now
Is a CS degree a waste of time?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What went wrong?
Apparently Ryzen is sick for servers, those Nipples will be mighty fine
IOS Jailbreak General - /iJG/
If shadows can move faster than the speed of light...
Learning to be a programmer from an absolute beginner's standpoint
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
PC Upgrading March 2017
DAW Thread
Lets be honest, Linux will never succeed as a desktop OS, never
Sup Forums requesting help!
Current state of Windows
Explain this shit to me Sup Forums
Don't worry guys, this time we'll beat Intel
Im trying to record using OBS, but I get black screen...
Who else wants to punch the (((consortium))) that came up with the flimsy usb micro connector?
What the fuck do they mean that ryzen is better in multitasking?
Buy ryzen 7 CPU
X31 best thinkpad evar
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Can Sup Forums recommend an alternative to this piece of shit?
/bt/ - Book General
Hey Sup Forums, I'm not that good with computers...
Headphone purchase advice
The guy that did those "totally biased 1080p benchmarks with a 2050mhz overclocked GTX 1080" did new ones at 720p since...
ITT: Useless tech
You can now filter out gamer manchildren from a position in your company by asking if they have an Intel or Ryzen CPU...
/wt/ watch thread
Password Strength
God tier keyboards are only allowed in this thread
C = Latin
How many days without turning off your phone?
Suggestions for a decent midrange laptop?
Pictures of your smartphone
Phone Home Screens
Why don't we call it systemd/xorg/gnu/Linux?
Why isn't project neon discussed more?
Who even uses this dog shit?
Hey Sup Forums, I tried to install Linux on my new Nintendo Switch and it went into a blue screen of death
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Got mine
Gaming in 2017 is truly the worst
Why do social media platforms steal Sup Forums's memez? Are they not capable of creating their own?
Didnt see a /pcbg/ and had a n00b question. Do all 1070 GPUs perform more or less the same...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Are Sup Forums passes worth it?
What makes retro technology look so comfy?
Hey, what do you think about ReacOS?
So Ryzen is fucking awesome after all?
Name anything more comfy than Ubuntu with gnome DE and docky
What does Sup Forums think of pfSense?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
If one were to build a new PC today how would they not go with an r7 1700 Ryzen?
Girls can't progra-
2017 The Year of the Sony Mobile
The more I hear about this language the more I want to learn it. It seems that every time I ask about something in Rust...
Can we agree that while Ryzen isn't the huge leap in performance it was meme'd to be, it is undeniably competitive?
Uptime thread
Spotify introduces lossless streaming
Do it now
Is there really any good reason to use C over Python?
Remember the day when everyone changed
The 7700k is uncompetitive for highend gaming
1km = 1000m
Ryzen Performance
Why is Apple the only company capable of producing a good trackpad?
Let's see all the amazing things done with javascript:
What are some Sup Forums approved vacuum cleaners?
Tfw you fell for the thinkpad meme
So I just basically threw a beer stubbie at my Dell U2412M by accident and split beer over half the screen and most of...
Are you using KeePass, Sup Forums?
Sup g
Tfw i have to make a cat6 cable on a test and i have like 2 minutes to do it
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
7 year old company
Our queen has spoken she approved ryzen
Daily reminder that a 4 core desktop CPU is already nearly obsolete, and buying one new is a complete waste of money
/guts/ - AMD Edition
Someone grabs one and runs
What happens if the terrorists figure out CRISPR?
What went so [spoiler]right[/spoiler]?
REMINDER that if you buy AMD you are not only getting a shit product but you are also supporting this
Browsing the web without javascript for 2 weeks now
VSCode 1.10 is out
His channel is really bad lately what's up with that?
GNU/Linux is a bit like the Micronesia football team
Thermonuclear Catastrophe And The Internet
AMD Ryzen for workstations and Serious Business™
Attention Retards And Shills
So is uBlock Origin still the best or has anything changed?
Anyone else have severe crippling autism as bad as me?
Intel can't into 4k gaymer
Will Julia ever grow beyond the meme?
Now that the dust has settled, what is Sup Forums's definitive opinion on Ryzen?
Welcome, user!
Are LG phones literally the worst phone on the market
Virus is using my CPU for bitcoin mining
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Standard edition
Where were you when f.lux got BTFO?
Final Word on Ryzen 7
You screenlets are laughable. If one side of your monitor is less than 1200 px, consider suicide...
The ultimate red pill about multiple threads: It's the GPU's job to do it
Rape my desktop niggaz
Give me good reasons why you think a Mac is worse than a PC. Rellevant ones
I don't post here often, and I have searched around but cannot find any answers for this
Something is wrong with the way the games are utilizing the cores which seems to confirm it's an issue with game code...
Sup Forums in 2008
Despite Ryzen meeting everything the industry asked for (competitive IPC, more mainstream cores, ECC support...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Does actually work?
Walk into comp sci class
Browser ricing thread, show us what you got
Buy intel 7600k
So I somehow got this gig teaching middle schoolers to program, what the fuck should I do...
Ban C
So what's the best thermal paste in 2017?
Firefox a shit
He can't compile gentoo in 81 seconds
How does Sup Forums Sup Forums?
Do i get it?
Do you put stickers on your laptop? I only have one
How many bi men just stay in the closet and take meat off the menu because HIV exists? I can't be the only one
For the Intel shills on Sup Forums
You may only post in this thread if you are not subscribed to gamersnexus
Can they recover?
Ryzen & Intel Discussion
Why is installing Arch so complicated?
Guys what do we do now Intelbros
Will the day ever come when LibreOffice is just as good as MS Office?
Why are used thinkpads more recommended than Chromebooks on here? For $210...
Nintendo Switch uses FreeBSD
/wt/ watch thread
How do I make Firefox look good?
So, seriously
He puts stickers on his laptop
Is cat6 ethernet cable a meme?
"hey bro, can i borrow your rout-"
AMD Ryzen DOA; 1800X a mere 7% faster than Intel Pentium G4560
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...