ITT: The best processors ever made.
ITT: The best processors ever made
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Still perfectly fine even for light gaymen
Thats not a Z80...
Have you lost your way to the amd shill thread?
The Big Kahuna.
athlon 64
>you will never be the main programmer in a top demogroup during the late 80s demoscene.
and thank goat for that
What is that?
Intel 5775C
Thanks Kikes and company, for blowing up the original.
Ivy will live forever.
I would like to add the locked i5s to that. $70 can get you a four cores at 4.0 ghz.
Which one is the cpu and which is gpu?
similar packaging
>no thunderbird
step it up
this thread is gay as fuck so I'm just going to dump nice die shots if they're small enough at least
i7 920
note the massive difference in design between the Intel and AMD versions of the 486DX2
some day I'll set up a bench box and see how they compare, wonder if the Intel designs were better at FP like I'd expect
Grandpa here.
This one changed everything forever. Not the best one by far but the most influential.
cyrix version
yeah it certainly wasn't a speed king but a pretty fucking good chip at a reasonable price for typical integer-heavy jobs
Cool looking one
DX4 looks pretty much the same
these ones apparently are just rebranded cyrix 486es but the earlier blue lightnings were fucking fascinating, a shitty 386SX turned fully 32-bit and clock-tripled
For some reason this thing has always felt special and mysterious.
it's a pretty unorthodox design in many ways
everything else I have is >4MB
blog concludes
The design is weird in a cool way but holy shit coding for it was a gigantic pain in the ass.
Have this thing encased in epoxy on my desk. Can anyone identify what could that be? It's made by AMS - Austria Mikro Systeme. Doesn't look like CPU dye?
Replaced mine a while back with an i5-3570k
(nice) but still use the q6600 in the bedroom for movies and some games.
My first good pc, thing was so overclockable
>anything x86
>best ever
i5 4690
Fight me
Qualcomm please.
what is up with slavs putting rug son walls?
Heat retention
Slav here. That, and sound proofing. In commie blocks you can hear someone queef two floors up from you.
it also dampens sound. can be great if your room is "echoey" or if you have thin shared walls with neighbors
You're either a phonetard or another poser who fancies himself hot shit because he wiki-skimmed the RISC golden age and sucked up all of the marketing bullet points but none of the context. Either way you're retarded. Many of the "best" CPUs would certainly be those that had proven themselves practically as well as theoretically and ideologically.
pic related.
4770K beats $500 1800X in most gaming benchmarks. Best CPU.
>AMD vs. Intel gaymer shit shilling is leaking out of containment again
Yawn. Fuck off.
Still using it, 5 yrs later and no need to upgrade yet.
Are you ok, M-A-Dshill?
Upgraded from a i3 540 to pic related. No regerts
>start of the shitty thermal paste forced delidding generation
Yeah, unlike your braindead ass I'm capable of independent thought and discussing technology beyond regurgitating numbers, acronyms and appeals to consumerism to further a feeble-minded "us vs. them" narrative and suck corporate cock.
And I'm a pretty consistent user of Intel chips thanks to an OEM hardware fetish. Now fuck off and take your shitty repurposed Sup Forumsjak with you.
Hell yeah, my dudes.
I have one, but I don't know what makes it so good.
can confirm
Still using one, it performs well. I wouldn't say there's anything too impressive about it though. Just another CPU from "5% each generation" Intel. Had pic related before the 4790K, OCing from 2.66 to 4.0GHz with perfect stability for years was way more impressive. It could even do ~4.3GHz if I pushed the voltage far enough, but I didn't see any point for that for daily use. Was a great CPU, it's still pulling office duty even now.
>31 idle
I'm impressed user.
Is that a graphical glitch?
Did you delid?
It's full of plebs here...
I just picked up a cheap i5 3300, and I mean CHEAP, I was in the market for a 3570k as I'm on a budget and spent the past four months or so waiting for the Ryzen... bombshell.
How comparable is the 3300 to the 3570k? I don't have a motherboard that supports straightforward overclocking but I suppose they're cheap enough nowadays if increasing it's clocks will improve it's usefulness.
nope I just got a good chip from a buddy who works at intel Ireland
I was upset after I bought an i5-6500 and then realised I could have bought a better motherboard and 2500k for around the same price
What your max temp during 100% load, also did you just up the clock and vcore, or did you change anything else?
X2 250 here, still good.
Really powerful and amazing CPU.
The problem was code for it.
Love the Q, still run mine in my old PC. OC'd it to 3.1 GHz (from 2.4) 60 degrees max with the ENORMOUS tuniq tower cooler
If you care about AVX you should not get a Dual-core Pentium anyway.