You can graduate from a 4 year bachelor's of computer science program without ever learning how to solve problems with...

You can graduate from a 4 year bachelor's of computer science program without ever learning how to solve problems with computer logic in any meaningful way.

Just like the entry level math student who can't solve an algebra word problem unless the formula is written for them, you can graduate from a CS program without ever learning how to solve any problems or situations if they weren't explicitly taught in class.
Every successful CS student I've ever talked to has told me that they compound their bare-bones curriculum with self-teaching and side-projects if they actually want a shot at being employable after they graduate.
Why even bother with a CS degree then? Why is this allowed?

I literally got my masters in CS because my parents asked me to and
>education is very important son< meme.
I was working in field before I started attending school.


That seems like a lot of code just to print an X.

function printx(size)
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (let j = 0; j < size; j++)
if (i == j || i == (size - 1 - j))
process.stdout.write(" ");


>You can graduate from a 4 year bachelor's of computer science program without ever learning how to solve problems with computer logic in any meaningful way.


int size = 9;

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
char[] line = new string(new char[] { }).PadLeft(size).ToCharArray();
line[i] = '*';
line[size - 1 - i] = '*';
Console.WriteLine(new string(line));

c# desu senpai

Let me interject here, what you are refering as "c# desu senpai" is in fact "Senpai, C# desu" or "Senpai wa C# desu" how I started calling it recently.

>tfw this is true

For me, all I did was memorize the solutions to the problems -- the steps you have to take. This does not translate to creating your own steps to solve your own problem, which is what you do in the real world.

I was unemployed after graduation. I finally decided to create an app and that got me the problem solving skills I needed to become employed. I'm now earning six figures coding commercial applications.

>education meme

>Why even bother with a CS degree then? Why is this allowed?
Because a lot of shitheads in HR demand to see it and don't consider you if you don't have it. Plus I used to see a lot of internship offers that were explicitly restricted to students, I imagine that hasn't gone away. It's a years-long box-ticking exercise that costs tens of thousands of dollars. Which ironically makes it good preparation after all, since years-long expensive box-ticking exercises are a lot of what most businesses do.

finished masters and been NEET for 2 years
don't fall for the meme

This just in, school and degrees don't magically make you smart. Turns out the student is actually the most important factor in success.

This is the problem we have all over, people think that just getting a degree from such and such University is all it takes.

this desu-senpai
my university is super competitve, but the reality is that many people aren't smart inherently, and aren't good students (myself probably included) but just try to memorize what is needed for the test

Why even bother with college if you can go it solo?
If a BS didn't become the new HS diploma, NOBODY would go to university for anything but the hard sciences and law.

int i;
char arr[size];
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
arr[i] = " ";

for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
arr[i] = arr[size-1-i] = "*";
printf("%s\n", arr);
arr[i] = arr[size-1-i] = " ";

>Why even bother with college if you can go it solo?
Because the people you work under are almost never the people filtering out your resume.

The stupid cunts in HR can't tell a good resume from a bad one, they can only line up requirements and degrees.

Because it's still hard to get by without a degree lots of fields. It's just that a degree isn't the be-all end-all.

Kinda like how in a trade you might get a certification that shows you are basically qualified but that doesn't make you not a greenhorn. Actual job experience is what is going to actually matter. It's hard to get that if you don't have the paper to prove they don't need to teach you how to walk first.

thats your own fault desu

>Go to uni
>Become a stoner in first year
>Become a smoker in second year
>Become an alcoholic in second year
>Somehow graduate
>End up leaving with a fraction of the motivation and drive for success I entered with.

That's because school used to actually be difficult to get into. Tbh it's better to find someone with a certification than a degree nowadays.

Yeah exactly, the value of a degree alone has dropped massively but people still don't realize it.

Now we are sending tons of kids to blow shitloads of money on a product that really is not worth the cost. And yet even still parents, teachers, and administrators are pushing the necessity of degrees. It's honestly criminal the way there are throwing kids into this without a clue.

Honestly the worst part is being hurled into college being encouraged to go by every adult you've ever met.
>oh dont worry user you'll know what you want to study when you get there

Thats kinda doomed to happen. Whatever thing is in demand by the job market is what kids do, or what parents push their kids to do, so we end up with a massive glut of it that drives the price way down. Not just with going to college period, but with specific fields too.

Yeah, honestly I think that going to a Junior College First is pretty much a must. Lets you get a taste and figure things out but for only $80/Credit Hour.

Because everything is done through loans and whatnot people forget they are dropping tens of thousands of dollars on something they are unsure about. That's so horribly financially irresponsible.

If you tried to tell those same people to start spending 40k+ a year without a plan they'd laugh and yet suddenly it's okay to do it to a bunch of kids.

Is that like community college?
CCs here charge $46/unit hour.

Yeah CCs, I was just going off what I recall the closest CC's rate was. Either way it's pennies compared to doing the same at a 4-year.

>$80/Credit Hour
>$46/unit hour

I suppose it depends how many credits is considered "full time" at your particular school. At the technical college/community college I'm finishing my general eds up at, before I transfer to university, 12 credits per semester is considered to be full time.
It costs $151.65 per credit/hour for classes that don't transfer over to a four year school (so classes specifically for a two year degree).
For the classes that are actually transferable (ex. Calculus 1, 2, 3, etc.), it's $197.65 per credit/hour.

Either way, this is cheaper than the local university I plan to transfer to, which is about double the cost per credit/hour.

void printx(int size)
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for ( int j = 0; j < size; j++)
putchar((i == j || i == (size - 1 - j))?'*':' ');

>go to university for cs wihere only 40/600 graduate from first year
>party my dick off first year, cheat my way through easy assignments
>become stoner second year, also start doing hard drugs including psychedelics
>still cheat on assignments
>third year, get a girlfriend and party a little less, while becoming even more of a pothead
>do more psychadelics
>find internship halfway through third year while not knowing shit
>wing it, learn it on the fly because boss is pretty cool and motivating
>get internship extension
>get job offer somewhere else
>get full time spot where i was an intern at
>doing """""school""""" part time
>pay broke ass arts students to write my essays and cheat on assignments still


>unironically using printf to output a character
>unironically using %s to do so

why is this still up

its literally the exact same in every technical degree field, most non technical degrees also

150 usd per month private school on weekends with gov dodation, free health care if you are under 26 and study.
All education on public uni is free and guaranteed by constitution

def printStars(size):
lines = [["*" if abs(size - 1 - 2*x) == abs(size - 1 - 2*y) else " " for x in range(size)] for y in range(size)]
for l in lines :
print "".join(l)

Oh man that sucks, my local CC is $85/Hour flat for instate. And it caps at $1200 total no matter how many credits you take.

and no distinctions between terminal and non-terminal classes.

>trailing white spaces at end of line

truly sickening.

You freaks call yourselves programmers?

Industry quality for sure.

>150 usd per month
that's a bit on the expensive side
80 usd here in poznan

What the fuck. This is 1st week python bootcamp tier.


>This is 1st week python bootcamp tier
Yet no one has even been able to produce a solution without trailing white spaces.

Maybe Sup Forums is just incompetent-tier when it comes to actual, quality programming?

have a nice day friend :)

Will do.

Bachelors is just the new High School diploma. I have a BA in Finance but I work as a software engineer. It's really just a box that human resources checks off when they are looking at your resume and score it.

no whitespace version

def printStars(size):
lines = [["*" if abs(size - 1 - 2*x) == abs(size - 1 - 2*y) else " " for x in range(max(y + 1, size-y))] for y in range(size)]
for l in lines :
print "".join(l)

>be college dropout
>working as a software engineer
>paid as much as the college grads
>boss/coworkers forgot/don't care that I never finished college
>being given more leadership/advancement opportunities than the other engineers at my age/experience level

I don't think it ever stops. 9 times out of 10, when it comes up that I don't have a degree, the first reaction is
>oh, well you should really go back and finish it

The reality is that the important question is almost never "where did you go to school?" and almost always "what have you done?"

If you have a good answer for that, no one really asks or cares about the degree.

Furfag get out.

What country do you live in? Here in Sweden half of every engineer student have job before they graduate and 90% are employed within 2 years of graduation if you graduated from any good university. Of course you can still get a job if you have actually done something to show your potential employer

I'm sure cost of living affects the prices a little too.
I'm attending school instate (Wisconsin).

Why are there so many cucks in CS?
I rather do something much harder like CE or EE or RE just so I don't have to be grouped up with so many cucks

mods b& please


we've been over this.
meet with other programmers. establish connections. it will help you get a job
>access to technology
access to computers with powerful GPUs for machine learning and CPUs for expensive calculations
even non-brainlets can benefit from having a sustainable pace and an area of two to focus on each semester
gotta play the game... unless you are an autodidact genius type that gets noticed without even trying, then you need it. without one, your resume will go right in the trash

>hurrdurr cuck cuckc cuck cuk

You're probably too dumb for any of those things.

I shudder at the thought of the code a guy with a BA in finance writes.

>The stupid cunts in HR

I don't hear these words often enough. Not only are they lazy and stupid, but they are usually awful, awful people as well.

I live in the US. For the area I live in, the numbers are about the same.

It's not that I think the degree is worthless or anything. It mostly just matters when you don't have any significant experience, ie before you have a good answer to the question, "what have you done?"

And even then, most good college grad candidates will have gained significant experience outside of school, either through internships or hobbies. A candidate who just has good grades from a good school isn't really all that impressive. They'll get a job sure, but it'll probably be as a code monkey until they prove themselves.

STFU you retarded cuck.

void meme_x(unsigned n)
int pad = 0;
unsigned i, j;
for (i = 0; i



def printx size
a =
(size/2.0).ceil.times do |index|
s = ' ' * index + '*' + ' ' * [size-2*index-2, 0].max
s += '*' unless index==size/2
a[index] = s
a[-index-1] = s
puts a

Is the point of the meme that the swap function is easy?

The code looks fine to me. Normally this meme has shitty code.

The code is an example solution to the swap problem you novice.

>you novice
Where do you think you are?

Research and then look harder.
I'd tell you to do that in the opposite order but then you wouldn't learn.

wtf are you talking about, that code is broken

The java.util.ArrayList.set(int index, E element) replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.

int temp = a[i];
a.set(i, j);
a[j] = temp;

i and j are both indexes

You're all wrong.

This is the secondary code the OP came up with...

def x(n):
for i in range(n):
x = [ ' ' for i in range(n) ]
x[i] = x[n-1-i] = '*'

ya blew it

def x(i):
row = lambda x: [x, 1, max(0, i - x * 2 - 2), max(0, min(1, i - x * 2 - 1))]
str = lambda x: x[0] * " " + x[1] * "*" + x[2] * " " + x[3] * "*"
rows = map(lambda x: str(row(x)), xrange(0, i / 2))
print "\n".join(rows + ([str(row(i / 2))] if i % 2 else []) + list(reversed(rows)))

x(N) :- xdraw(1,N,N,N), !.

xdraw(L,H,C,N) :- row(L,H,N),
L1 is L+1,
H1 is H-1,
C1 is C-1,

row(_,_,0) :- nl.
row(L,H,C) :- C = H,
C1 is C-1,
row(L,H,C) :- C = L,
C1 is C-1,
row(L,H,C) :- write(' '),
C1 is C-1,

I am the guy you described. I just attended classes and did no self-learning or side projects. I graduated a lousy programmer with a piece of paper.

And then that piece of paper is what got me a job.

So while you degree hating neets waste your life away I am making money and getting pussy with said money (whores).

Get fucked.

>that pic



What's wrong with that swap function?

t. CS student in 4th semester

Im in the same position. I go from time to time to college at night but mostly i just go there to do the tests.
The most interesting thing is, i done Law BS, always worked with software, not im ending engineering with a lot of lazyness, but i never ever was required to work. Working as a subcontractor on big projects also bypass HR so its a plus.

What kind of job did you get without 3+ years of experience?

the real question is why the hell someone want to reorder a fucking arraylist.

>using arraylists

>If only this was true
Kill me now


Was the other way around for me desu

Hey, Sup Forums need some advice.
I really like c++. I completed the basics book "P:P&P using c++ by stroustup". I want to stay at home and read the other books in that c++ stackoverflow book list, and other courses in I want to contribute to OSS projects and then perhaps get a job. I'm afraid that if I don't go to college I'll miss out some important topic. Convincing my parents(check my name) is hard too. What do? Should I just go to college?

Get a decent portfolio ( opensource projects are good for this ), make a good resumé and apply for internships.
You're gonna have to work for free first, atleast that's how it is over here if you don't have a degree.

change the last two lines to

print '\n'.join([''.join(l) for l in lines])



If you actually want to know how to do shit, not just CS, but math, data analysis, etc. Major in Physics.
Hell the inventor of C was a physicist.

>If you want to do X, learn Y.

No shit, Sherlock.

Feel bad for all you fags who couldnt make it after graduating. I went to school with a lot of losers like you

>do little work in the group
>avoid all difficult courses
>do zero programming at home
>no motivation to obtain internship
>poor programming skills and low intrests

You were never meant to be programmers. Go be the IT guy at a school and replace printer ink and other trivial tasks

>Learn about how to calculate the displacement field, and use the Hamiltonian operator
>Make linked list in C++ through my physics intuition.

Unfortunately he's probably telling the truth.

>be me
>parents struggling for money
>can't finish school/degree
>fuck it, i'll teach myself
>learn C then C++
>write a few shareware apps
>only make a few bucks
>write another one that hits a niche
>$45k sales that year
>keep teaching myself
>objC, .NET, SQL
>can't into full time
>do side contract jobs + shareware income
>help one place with mssql
>they just hired a UCR graduate
>fucker can't figure out how to write a loop in god damn
>mfw he has a well paid salaried position because "muh degree"

You have to understand that the world is full of stupid people. Management (and teaching) attract more than their share of stupid people. So at any given time in your life you are likely being judged by a stupid person.

And stupid people can only tick boxes on a check list. They can't actually evaluate skill, talent, knowledge.

At the moment I'm thinking of lying and claiming I have a degree just to see what happens.

>tfw physics major minoring in CS

why not memset(arr, ' ', sizeof(arr)); instead of your three lines of for loop

No one will hire you to do physics because a physics BS means fuck all, and no one will hire you to program because taking Java I and II means fuck all.

>fucker can't figure out how to write a loop in god damn

No serious company would keep that person on the payroll for long. Any company hires and keep incompetent people is a sinking ship.

Anyone that can't implement a linked list is a fucking dolt. All the information you need is straight up in the name. It's fucking list, that's linked together. You ever used lists before? You've used links before? Good, you can fucking comprehend a linked list.

But there's so many fucking pajeets in CS now that literally can't even tell the difference between a toilet and a street that we're fucked.

So, the general consensus is getting a Bachelor at least while keep doing side projects in free time to have more real work experience?
Honestly I never have interest in doing Master or higher education but people around me keep pushing me into that

Do you have your Bachelor's? Do that before you decided about going further. I'm a year away from getting my BS, and I never want to step foot on a university campus ever again. It's not for everyone.