Stop using firefox

Stop using firefox

it's the worst

Other urls found in this thread:

What should I use instead?

still better than google trojan

I use Opera browser

Stop being alive

It's the worst


shut up IA google troll

firefox is good for botting
tried using it for regular browsing, but cant
i guess ill just have to learn c++ and patch chrome to get rid of 1984

No need, someone already beat you to it


He must have horrible eyesight.


>mfw FireFox still hasn't got an official dark theme
>have to download some shady "complete theme" instead that breaks every update and takes weeks to get fixed

even Edge has a fucking dark theme

>Muh dark as my soul them

Man if there was something that could replace Firefox because Firefox perrformance is horrible

- Botnet
- No Bookmark Sidebar (Even AddOns are shit because Chrome doesn't allow AddOn windows to exceed a certain size)
- UI not customizable

- Botnet
- Sync doesn't encrypt Bookmarks etc
- Performance is meh

- Sloppy UI
- No Sync


Firefox Nightly has dark theme.

I hate its font rendering on Windows.
On some sites it's so bad that black text looks more colorful than a fucking gay pride march.

This. Firefox it is, then.

sorry for the off topic but brendan eich looks like a combination of wentworth miller and tom hanks

>it's the worst

is this the hourly google spam post OP?

try maxthon. you can feed the chinese false info

Which version of Firefox is best? PaleMoon? Waterfox? Nightly?

fuck off shill



>you can feed the chinese false info

Wait for FF 53.

I've enjoyed Vivaldi so far but I don't have a need for syncing. Maybe one day they'll fix that.

Where has all this anti-firefox shilling come from recently?

Yep, it is bad but there is worst.

currently using opera
should i switch

People who want to believe they are elitists but don't have the fortitude/skill (Sup Forumsaymers) to tweak something to make it performant will bury their shame in pointless attacks.

I'd have to be using it to stop

>tfw Firefox isn't Chrome


s a g e

no thanks

I always hated Firefox, even when Chrome was just a meme. Feels good to always be right.

>stop using firefox
>use firefox instead

>two different things are actually the same

So does dev edition, atleast it's more stable because of Aurora channel.

There's always Seamonkey.

Write your own, the CSS can still be edited to directly affect the user interface.
What you also might want to do is get rid of the blank space or white blank page flash at 0.1s whenever you create a new tab.

>tfw not sure if Sup Forums shill or google shill
Meh, using FF both in my laptop and mobile. What now.

No. It just works.

>blank space or white blank page flash at 0.1s whenever you create a new tab

webm it pls

Sup Forumsermin



Look at when the browser turns semi-transparent after switching to a new tab. Normally that is just white for about 1ms.

Use Ungoogled Chrome:

What CSS do you use for that?

I got these from weird russian guy who used to post in desktop threads. Try sampling them.

/*remove blinding white 0.1s background flash*/
#appcontent > #content,
#appcontent > #content > tabbox > tabpanels{
background: none !important; /*transparent*/
background-color: transparent !important;

/*hello annoying white flashing again*/
tabbrowser tabpanels,
background: none !important;
background-color: transparent !important;

Thanks! Testing out now. Only able to replicate in "new tab>click dial link" which makes it transparent against the background windows.

Then you need to find the css selector affecting new tabs when you press ctrl+t.

>try chrome after all these years
>mfw there isn't any normal add-on for flash downloads & YouTube
>mfw one has to manually install suspicious ones
>mfw uninstalled after 1min

Install chrome they said
It's better that said

Use youtube-dl.

Last two are optional.

i like your style

Why doesn't someone just make some basic lightweight browser with plugin support from webkit or something so we can all stop bitching about all the shitty browsers out there.

because that makes too much sense while not making enough cents from ad baited content

ok trying out maxthon 5 and this shit is pretty fast
it supports trident and webkit apparently
but everything you do is recorded on a server in bejiing lol

how do I get that waifu in the corner?


Visit the artist page.

Midori is a good browser right?? N-no botnet?

Yea but I need a less creepy one

It seems okay, but I refuse to use any browser where I cannot restrict scripts from running via a whitelist.

You'll have to start looking then.

How do I get a waifu in the corner of my browser?

I-I'm running chrome...

I don't even know the search terms, I'm not a weeb.

gib deez

body, html{
background: rgba(whatever, solid, color, here) !important;
margin: auto !important;
background-position: bottom right !important;
background-attachment: fixed !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
background-image: url("file:///C:/waifu folder/inject_malicious_waifu.png") !important;

thanks a million

While we're on the topic of desktop waifus, do any of you guys know if there are "spritesheets" of many popular anime characters?

I want to make a "desktop girl" kind of program where an anime babe of your choice walks around on the desktop and climbs windows and stuff.

The hardest part is the actual drawings, and I can't draw for shit. It would be great if some kid on deviantart already made anime "spritesheets"

Don't even need to be a weeaboo to search for vectors or rendered images.

You can only choose one.

>anime spritesheets
You mean japanese shit game spritesheets.
There are ripped .gif and .png sets from emulation forums. You could probably find them easily enough on google with the right search term combi.

But I'm also looking for fan-drawn sheets of popular characters from anime and manga that aren't necessarily in games.

I'll look at some spritesheets ripped from games, thanks. I am really just looking for a walk cycle and climbing motions, and a few cute gestures

Something like this?
Investigate filename for more.

Looks like a great starting point for me, thanks

Yea vectors but how do I add them in firefox?

Stylish addon, then write your css that affects Sup Forums. There's an example in this thread.

>maga nep


werks fine though

I too


What's the most Sup Forums approved browser?

Shouldn't they support the botnet so dear emperor can get the info he needs?

Why are there only shit browsers now Sup Forums? You have to choose between google botnet or slow buggy fireshit. All other browsers are forks of these two. Why isn't there a simple, non botnet, non moshilla browser? I don't fucking needs syncing, I don't need pocket, or any of these other bullshit features. wtf.

There's actually nothing wrong with Firefox, no performance issues either. It runs consistently fast for me.

more like botnetwars.jpg

It crashes almost daily for a couple of months now. I still prefer it over botnet, but it is far from great.

All these shill anti firefox threads need to be pruned.

The only issue I had with ff was when I had less ram (upgraded now), it would eat up my memory so much

It only crashed once to 3 times last year for me

Firefox shits the bed when I use it to browse Tumblr pornblogs.

stopped using firefucks since 2011

Huh, weird. Are you using any plugins? I don't think it's ever crashed on me.

Why's she so angry?

We already have bunch of them and they are shit, because webkit.