So I have a seasonal job and I was cleaning out a vehicle and found a iphone 6. This phone had to have been in the vehicle for nearly a year. Normally I would return the phone, however, due to the crazy amount of people that come I have no clue who it belongs to.
How can I unlock the phone without siri?
IPhone Found
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Give it back, Tyrone
take it to the apple store, and they can get it back to its owner
Give it back, negus
give it to the cia, i heard they have some handy shit around.
I missed niggerposting.
Im in a small mountain town in Colorado. Nearest Apple store is 4 hours away
have fun being tracked
give it back dayquan
Give it back, Aqualam
Did you not see, I cannot give it back because I have no clue who it belongs to. The nearest apple store is 4 hours away. Can I ship it to Apple?
Stop making excuses to keep it and find a way to do the right thing like mailing it to the store.
Top keko , everytime
ignore other peeps. what you've come across is a stolen/lost phone. you can't get into it, its essentially a brick. apple stores won't take it back either.
at this point, you can sell it for a small sum (no one touches iCloud locked phones) or take it into authorities.
Thats all I wanted to know, not making excuses to keep it. I hate apple and have my own phone. I wasnt sure if Apple to could even find who the owner was or anything since its been so long. Thanks for being a dick about it tho
Much appreciated. Thanks!
you could unsolder the chip, reflash it and put it back into the phone and you would have a fresh new iPhone
Make a clickbait youtube video destroying it in some entertaining way.
Stop making shit up
eat shit
What kind of chink magic is this? It's all legit except for the programmer and shady looking software they used.
>find iphone in shopping cart at local Kroger at near closing hours
>Don't particularly care to try to unlock it or anything and it's in bad condition, was like the iPhone 2 or something when the 5s was coming out and it had the typical iPhone cracked screen
>Leave it there, go back next day in the afternoon to get snacks
>Still fucking there, but dead and wet from condensation
Surprised no one took that shit, I would have but I mean I don't like iPhones and it'd o ly be a cool paperweight.
Stop being a nigger.
Ask CIA.
Get learning user.
Give it back, M'nngoyo Mbklebe
fuck you tyrone
use one of the new CIA 0days that g0t leaked
call them.
Give it back, Mugabe