/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
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Do any Thinkpads support Ryzen?
No? Into the trash it goes.
What are the trackpads like on them? Tap to click? 2 finger scroll? If so I'm really intrigued.
>only recommended thinkpads are ones from 2005
>resolution less than 720p
>+10 year old hardware
Why hasn't there been a good Thinkpad since 2005?
>no forward and back buttons,instead space waste in arrow keys
because lenovo made thinkpads shit.Intel has done nothing new with the mobile cpu for laptops.They are just sandy-bridges with better auto throttles to save battery life,and better integrated graphics
>no copypasta
Previous thread: IRC: #/tpg/ on irc.rizon.net
Other business laptops are also welcome in /tpg/ (e.g. Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook).
If you're looking for purchase advice, READ THE BUYERS GUIDE FIRST. Then post, stating budget and requirements (e.g. size and performance).
Don't buy anything OTHER THAN T, X AND W/P SERIES if you want the Real ThinkPad Experience™
Recommended models:
T420 - 14", normal size
X220 - 12.5", ultraportable
Why ThinkPad? (also applies to other business laptops)
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap.
>Excellent keyboards - tactile feel and quiet.
>Great durability: chassis uses a magnesium rollcage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels.
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models.
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop.
>Easy to repair, upgrade and maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model. Spare parts are easy and cheap to obtain.
>The best trackpoint (that red thing in the middle of the keyboard). Great for those who type a lot or hate swiping their fingers all over a touchpad.
>Excellent GNU/Linux & *BSD support.
Used ThinkPad buyers guide:
xsauc buyers guide:
EPP discount for new ThinkPads (USA & Canada only, usually 15%+ off):
Helpful links and resources (Wiki, lookup tools and wallpapers):
But it fully support meme magic and chinese two dimnsional girls
does anyone use the mouse nipple? if so, for what purpose?
Yes, I use it for gaymen
because touchpads are shit and the trackpoint is better
>So I am thinking about buying a used T530 that costs $260, is this a good deal for it?
almost, what specs?
you can type and move the cursor without taking your hands off the keyboard
interesting, of everything, this makes the most sense to me
My X1 Carbon hinges snapped in half within 2 years. Never dropped, never abused. Will never buy from Jewnovo ever again. Absolutely trash (sans the keyboard). Ordered a new 15.4" MBP last night; gonna be gud.
I am thinking about buying a used T530 with an Intel i7-3520M for $260 is this a good deal?
who /comfy/ here?
Just purchased a X120e. How badly did I fuck up?
>Looking for ultralight, ultraportable
>Already have T430, sick of hauling it's bulky ass to my work every day just to read bullshit on the internet
>Can't justify having both a T430 and a X220
>Probably going to install minimal Linux like Puppy
Post pics.
Get a 15.4" MBP. Don't be poor.
Can anyone vouch for the Latitude 14?
Not your eyes from squinting.
>not knowing how to greentext
>autist detected
>Windows 10
win10 is for gaymers only, and a thinkpad won't run any games
install linux, macOS or windows 7/8.1 you silly
is it as hot as people claim?
it's the perfect machine for portability.
I used to have a x100e, that's pretty much the same but with a shitty 1 core cpu. Yours is better.
Hot as in sexy
Just won this in an auction, should I sell it for higher and get a x230 with 4gb ram and and i5 or keep it
>Intel has done nothing new with mobile cpu for 12 years
What the fuck?
Even for sandy Bridge, a modern 15w laptop processor will perform better than a 35w Sandy Bridge so shut the fuck up.
Good to know. I didn't know if I could justify the extra money for a X120e when an X100e looked mostly the same. The X120e seemed nicer overall.
Should I or nah?
it's a good laptop, a bit too heavy for my taste
if 290 kangaroo moneys is a good deal go for it
My friend works at Lenovo and he said the retro thinkpad is cancelled
tough luck faggots
Personally wanted a 2570p but the touchpad is just too small imo.
If that's an ssd then yes
if not then nah, too many dollary doos
How about this? I do think the smaller size has much more appeal to me.
Is the touchpad really so small though?
oh of course i'm installing linux, that's just what it came with
you really want a used expensive HP?
x270 just came out, what do you guys think?
I hope the x250s start dropping in price so i can get a FHD one to replace my X220. Maybe I'll do a keyboard swap if I need to
Only if you don't replace thermal paste. That's usually the first thing to to when getting a used Thinkpad
Should receive muh x250 today.
It has an M2 slot that I'd like to fit an SSD into - possibly.
Can someone give me the full gestalt on TP whitelisting in BIOS?
Does it just apply to wireless WAN devices because muh FCC or do they whitelist SSD devices too?
Also /csg whats the best SSD I can slot into that M2 - anyone done this?
Thanks you supreme Sup Forumsentlemen.
It's not much more than a thinkpad but I like the designs from HP a lot more.
Like pic related for example. That keyboard looks so comfy and snug.
>fauxpoint has been removed
>no trackpoint middle button for /comfy/ scrolling and easy open in new tab-ing in linux
Just a reminder
You guys are too poor to afford good computers so you clutch to the relics of a bygone era.
well, yeah, because others were already doing a better job than they were going to bother with.
for me the only one that looks comfy right now is the 2170p which is a powerhouse for a 11.6 incher, cant seem to find anything else quite like it.
Oh my God it looks so cute!
I want one. I'm going to buy one.
Going to try to find a better deal though.
You didn't even use it yet.
What's the best 8gb x2 ram for a x220?
Is there a trackpadless palmrest for the x61t?
Sweet, thanks
i had it for a few years for university, its okay
and really portable with great battery life
end it up selling it to a guy and upgrading to a x230
you probably will pay up for the x230 even if you sell it for higher, so why the trouble just stick with it its nearly the same for less
Going to college this year, my brother has an old ipad so I'll take that for writing notes.
My plan is to buy a rasp pi for kodi and programming.
Do I need a thinkpad? If so, which one? Yes I read the buyers guide but it does not apply as I'm in India.
>Do I need a thinkpad? If so, which one? Yes I read the buyers guide but it does not apply as I'm in India
you should get a Dell Latitude, for obvious reasons.
Intel shills everyone
I'm thinking of getting one but a lot of the options are refurbished. Should I stay away and try to get a good quality used one or do you guys think if it was professionally refurbished it'll be okay?
why do you faggots always use machines made pre 2015? they're old, big and slow
plain and simple, no
Love meme shit, really enriches my life.
not significantly bigger than today's thinkpads, just built better and infinitely repairable
except this is wrong. intel CPUs haven't improved greatly since Core i was introduced and system requirements for web browsing and office work haven't changed since the days of Core 2 CPUs.
refurbished is better as long as it's done professionally.
why is a thick laptop bad if it's well made? footprint matters more. if you can tell the difference between a 1kg laptop an a 2kg laptop in your bag, kys
thickness also gives you more ports like full size ethernet, usb type a, vga and expresscard
Is keyboard swap possible on x250?
processing power might not have gotten that much better, but power consumption, heat and battery life has
yes I can feel the difference between 1 and 2kg laptops
yup, and to top that if you disable the trackpad and use trackpoint exclusively you don't have to worry about accidentally moving the mouse cursor with your palm when you type.
>power consumption, heat and battery life has
I give you that, if you want a 15W CPU, go for an ultrabook. But battery life hasn't improved in any way. Thinkpads still get around 10 hours with the maxed out battery option the same way they did in 2011. Concerning heat, you only get less heat if you opt for a really low performance CPU. Idle temps nowadays are still between 35C and 45C except maybe on CPU with passive cooling and these are on par with shit tier smartphone ARM CPUs
>yes I can feel the difference between 1 and 2kg laptops
Then eat something Mr skeltal
thanks m8. cheers.
you are literally retarded if you actually cant feel a difference
seriously what kind of manlet must one be to feel the difference? or rather, what kind of manlet must one be to be bothered by it? especially if the extra weight buys you a complete array of useful connectors that no modern laptop offers and a completely modular system that can be kept alive longer than anything from its time period.
T430 or T420 and why?
I don't really need the ports senpai, I only use a bluetooth mouse, headphones and that's pretty much it, I don't need all the fancy ports that just add useless thickness and weight...
and at home I have a dock I just connect to with a single cable and get all the connectors I need, 2x displayport, 6x usb and an extra audio out port.
yeah senpai, give me a thinkpad that weighs less than 2kg and has a swappable processor so I can upgrade when a new generation arrives, oh wait, I'd need to change the mobo too, which basically means swapping the whole machine :^)
It's so you don't have to desolder your SSD when it runs out of read/write cycles, not so you can add an Xtreme graphics card and some LEDs.
hm? my SSDs are all 2.5" SATA devices, no need to solder them on
t. using a machine made in 20 fucking 16
2016 is old as fuck
Anything not made by Apple is also 5 years behind.
please stop with this meme
What are you implying? You know that all of their design choices show up in all other laptops eventually. Even the thinkpad succumbed. It's just a gradual process. Soldered processor, soldered RAM, soldered storage.
What's wrong with the X1 Carbon?
How does it compare to the T430?
How does it compare to the HP Elitebook 8470p ?
soldered processors are understandable because laptop processor replacements/upgrades are nearly impossible because the motherboards change so fast as well and new parts aren't no longer compatible
only the most lightweight devices have soldered RAM, that isn't a widespread trend yet, neither is soldered storage, except in some 2-in-1's or ultraportables.
The point is
These changes that no-one likes start with the Macbook, then the Macbook Pro, then everything else.
well, it's not a thing yet so why care now? complain when it actually happens
T430 vs T430s?
Again - What are the trackpads like on them? Tap to click? 2 finger scroll? If so I'm really intrigued.
>minor weight/size reduction in exchange for inferior battery life which limits your ability to enjoy the slimness
T420s vs T430?
The same as with the T430s, except the T420s has
>Largely inferior GPU performance
>Mildly inferior CPU performance, at least with more common CPUs
>Battery life is very slightly worse as a result
>Different Keyboard
>USB3 provided by motherboard not CPU, though I have no idea how this effects performance in reality
Oh also one other disadvantage to slim models is cooling. And to clarify, I don't hate the idea of slim models, if anything I prefer the form factor, it's just that Lenovo fucked up with not being able to pile in batteries so they won't fit a proper niche.
Cool. How to get around locked BIOS?
None of you Chinkfags actually know, do you?
Do any of you actually have Thinkpads?
I know something you don't know
>you should get a Dell Latitude, for obvious reasons.
Is that with an /s/ or nay? Will buy the Dell then
The touchpad has multi-touch so all that shit will be supported, it's more about drivers. The biggest difference to the pad between any laptop is going to be what you get in the way of physical buttons. Thinkpad trackpads are as good as anything in my experience, though it's the trackpoint that's the standout input method anyway.
Figure out exactly what kind of password/lock it is, there's a few. Then just google it and figure out what the limitations of it are and how much of a pain in the arse it'll be to remove it. I've never had to deal with any sort of bios lock but especially if it's computrace it might be better to avoid anything with it enabled.
Some people in these threads are actually prospective first time buyers user. It's not like we could just sustain these threads off of perpetually arguing and circlejerking over our favourite chinkpads, r-right?