Why does BSD have better hardware and software than Linux?
How is an operating system related to "better hardware"?
better software
I dont get it
Are you some Sup Forumstard who is surprised that your console is running an OS not developed by nintendo? The fuck did you expect it to run?
Last time I checked BSD derivatives had a hardware compatibility list.
Nothing personell kid
Why do you use Linux and BSD, what are you trying to hide?
Try again later
BSD use a cuck license that allows anyone to take what they made without contributing back.
It's a natural fit for these proprietary platforms.
>better hardware
>same soc in Pixel C from 2015
Go back to bed, Richard. And stop eating stuff you pick from your toes.
I want one
Does the Switch use BSD? If so, is the point you're making companies like Apple, and Netflix produce better hardware and software? If that's the case, then it's because of private industry.
The GC was the last time when N tried to be high-end.
1) better software
2) better (read: not communist/socialist bullshit) license
very simple
say it with me:
I know you've forgotten since your time here on Sup Forums
but games are about fun
Naisu goalpost.
that's not how that works newfag
PS4 uses BSD too and those are not even the only locked down consumer devices using it.
A company like Nintendo gets all the driver sources when they make a deal with a SoC developer, they can pick any OS for it they want, BSD being quite low profile works great for it.