How botnet is Ubuntu these days?

How botnet is Ubuntu these days?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not much. But where canonical is going is truly autism.

Less than Arch.
$ vrms
Non-free packages installed on X220

intel-microcode Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs
libfdk-aac1 Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library - runtime files
manpages-posix Manual pages about using POSIX system

Contrib packages installed on X220

iucode-tool Intel processor microcode tool

3 non-free packages, 0.2% of 1469 installed packages.
1 contrib packages, 0.1% of 1469 installed packages.

Funny how with open source software you can have a range of how botnet something is, yet with proprietary software it either is or it isn't.

Elaborate pl0x

The fact you have to ask tell me you shouldn't use it. Fuck Os's that down respect your privacy.

That's not such a good answer. The emphasis was in the words "these days". i'm looking for a comparison between versions.

mine says less than that
only VM (virtualbox) extras, "contrib"

>How botnet is Ubuntu
you can literally use it when logged into windows
ubuntu and botnet have merged, and are now one and the same

there are several daemons running which send "performance data" home.
e.g. zeitgeist and shit from amazon. ubuntu isn't really good for privacy if you use it out of the box. (i don't know
whether some of the privacy
decreasing component are removable. without making it necessary to recompile the kernel.)

it's a blackbox, so the BOTNET output is either confirmed is or it's unknown

I'm running 16.04.2 w/ HSE

I like to start with server and then go from there unless you really don't know how to sudo apt-get install firefox libreoffice pulseaudio and then add whatever else you actually use.

also lightdm and i3 work pretty well together

>nonfree packages
>however there are 150 ambiguously licensed packages that VRMS can not certify

gee thanks arch.


just tried it 5 minutes ago

I dunno about the botnet but WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with unity

how can anyone unironically use that shit

I'm so glad MATE exists

Just purchased a Ubuntu 16 server today. SSH'd in and transferred all my Heroku server's over. Painless. Cheaper. Closer to the metal.

it's like using Windows 7's Aero but without the useless shit, I like it

Isn't Ubuntu fine without unity?

I don't like Unity because I cannot stand a left-hand-side taskbar. I run Cinnamon with a WinXP skin on it instead

You can move it to the bottom. Plus none of you faggots realize you can install Ubuntu w/o Unity, and all the other bloated bullshit. XP is disgusting. I hope this bait.

can botnet infect UEFI?

and how to detect/cure it?


and you don't


If you're talking about the amazon shit, it's been gone for years now, and none of the other buntu's ever had it. If you're not, you probably don't know what a botnet is.


Honestly, not much. I'm using Ubuntu with unity on my t430, hooked up to my mechanical keyboard and a 24" monitor and I have to admit that it is comfy as fuck compared to using windows.

I'm definitely going to have to get a better window manager though jesus christ, they should have just fixed gnome instead of cucking themselves.

Ubuntu 17.04 beta 1 is out
search for ubuntu


I don't get the hate towards Unity. If you don't have to rice your DE into oblivion it's a great, simple desktop you can use even without touching your mouse.


About ubuntu/botnet

>Unity 8
Instead of installing Ubuntu when Unity 8 becomes the norm, I'd just rather install Android-x86.
>not using Parabola GNU/Linux-libre instead of Arch

>WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with unity
Absolutely nothing. Just werks. Just install a theme and that's it. No superflous panel configs, extensions or anything required.


unity is one of the most keyboard-driven DEs out there. if you want to use it that way, it works great OOTB. hud and the launcher are killer.

To not start a new thread, is there any difference between installing Ubuntu and then slapping Mate (or other DE) on it and installing Ubuntu Mate? Is everything the same besides the DE?

Tbh I'm paranoid but also stupid and I'm afraid of vanilla Ubuntu having backdoor spyware implanted

Just install Ubuntu Mate so you don't have to worry about removing unity related shit.

Against windows? they're about the same, if not then ubuntu is better.
But by now there are way more choices as far as normie friendly distributions go that make ubuntu look like, well, windows 10 in comparrison.

Lots of default software is different. Just stay on unity.

vrms is a nonfree package you pleb.

redpill me on ubuntu beta releases, should i switch from 16.10 or wait until 17 is stable?


A bit and only applies to unity. They still ship the botnet packages but they're disabled by default as they should have been. Let's hope for unity 8 to not enable bullshit again.

>expecting canonical to do anything right
wew lad