>using pic related
even Mr Stallman said it's better not to use it
>using pic related
even Mr Stallman said it's better not to use it
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck me
lists.parabola.n u/pipermail/dev/2017-March/004771.html
>even Mr Stallman said it's better not to use it
Like we should heed anything that fatass says.
>even Mr Stallman said it's better not to use it
give me a sauce on that and i will fight it with all my might
Stallman is a botnet.
> having a human brain
> not knowing 99% of the tracking is done by websites themselves, not browsers
give that brain to someone that can use it
I know you're posting this in every browser thread on Sup Forums and you're right but don't forget that scentence works both ways around. It would be idiotic to go through all the fuss of installing umatrix and making exceptions for every website you trust if you're still using some google botnet browser that sends a list of all websites you visit to it's servers. We want to be protected against jews in b o t h ways, that's why everyone's being autistic about browsers.
The fuck do I care what fat degenerate communist Mr Stallman thinks?
I use firecucks because it works for me with all the tweaks I did for me, but if I actually cared about browser performance I would switch to chromium in a heartbeat. It actually has competent developers, something that firecucks once had before they got replaced with SJW crowd.
>google botnet browser that sends a list of all websites you visit to it's servers
which is a lie.
I bet he doesn't even know google bundles its tracking URLs on its own search results. Most of the "botnet" it does is irrespective of browser entirely.
A smart person will 900% more secure on Internel Explorer 5.0 compared to an idiot on Lunux Browser X
What's the botnet part of it? I think that a lot of programs that Sup Forums bitches about have default settings that aren't so good, therefore they are shat on. It's not like the botnet is in the kernel (looking at you Windows 10), so where is the problem? I haven't observed Chromium doing anything shady since configuring it in the settings and getting ad block, script block, https everywhere, self destructing cookies, and a couple of other things. Browser is set to never remember history or logins.
Chromium does not do that indeed. I was talking about the browser discussion in general
If Chromium and Firefox are both open source, why should one trust one and not the other?
hi cia
can you share some dank trojans
>splitting a link in half
Firefox is better audited than Chromium
No browser does that. Or at least a non-phone-virus one. Learn to use their privacy settings.
>source: my ass
I bet it's the opposite.
everyone and their mother is forking chromium now
even fucking opera
There were some incidents with chromium in the past, silently installing closed source google software on debian systems. People have been scared of it ever since, google said it was a bug. I personally believe google in this as it would be a very stupid move for them to do that on purpose, but if you wanna be sure just use ungoogled chromium in stead.
>chrome has privacy settings
come on man, if you don't care it's fine but dont start memeing that it's not a botnet
Since you have no real argument against what I said, I'm probably right. Also, open your terminal and type "lspci" and look for ME, MEI, or Intel ME. That's the real botnet. As long as that chip is showing up on your PCI devices, you have a serious problem.
where i said i meant
Even I can fork chromium just to put a different interface, doesn't mean I know shit about what's happening under the hood
We learned today that CIA niggers have zero day exploits for everything including loonix and freebeeessdee. Fuck it at this point, I have no idea what's actually secure and if its worth doing things for a false sense of security.
let's be honest, we're all fucking screwed. you almost can't have secrets these days
The real red pill is nothing is secure. Being stupid and running lunux version X will not save you. Smart people are secure by not doing illegal shit that they don't need to do.
Jerk off to petite 18 year olds instead of you know what for example.
It's not worth doing things for a false sense of security depending on what those things are. Using an AV? Useless. Whining about security when you're literally just watching anime online? Useless. Changing browser all because of security? lmao
Encryption is always good though as a general rule.
To everyone who thinks that Chromium is better than Chrome in any way: lwn.net
tl;dr downloads stuff that literally listens to your microphone
FOSS is definitely worth it, since there's a huge community putting out fixes all the time, and because of the decentralized nature of open source, it would be harder for the 3 letter agencies to bribe or intimidate devs into keeping security holes open. You're also free to study the source code yourself. You have control of every single part of the system down to the kernel, and even lower than that the init system and bootloader. If you're smart enough to remove some screws, connect a few cables, and read instructions then you can also neutralize the management engine in the CPU and flash Coreboot or Libreboot as the BIOS, giving you absolute control over the bare metal and all software running on it.
what if i told ylou that shit goes as deep as your hardware and encryption is an illusion?
What if my microphone is disconnected?
what browser and os would you recommend
That wouldn't be new and I'm not stating encryption is the solution, but rather it'll protect you against higher level fags which is what majority of us probably are most afraid of generally speaking.
Also, hardware doesn't actually exist.
Firefox and Debian (or Devuan if you don't want systemd).
>the year of our lord the current year
>not using firefox
I use firefox.
>higher level fags
what kind of?
police? sure
NSA? you're fucked
tho if NSA is cracking your encrypted files, you're neck deep in some shit
The only illegal shit I do is pirate movies songs and occasionally games. I have a VPN for when I do that. Not to mention I'm also in Canada where the laws are different from the states with pirating.
firefucks is unusable garbage
using the same amount of extensions I use on chromium it becomes slow as shit
High level = police, border agents, thieves
They haven't cracked any encryption unless WL has yet to release that information. From the sounds of it though, they don't really need to as they find a case to build against you if they really want you taken down.
Canada is part of the Monster with Too Many Eyes. Information is being shared. Still, you don't seem to be a high priority target anyways so consider yourself safe through obscurity lmao
it gets recognized as spam if you post a full link
works on my machine ;^)
>smart people
>just do what they say and you will have nothing to fear :^)
>you want privacy so you have to be a pedophile
Get off this board, or at least out off this thread. You're just being an arrogant smartass without anything to add to the conversation
NSA uses quantum computers to crack encryption
Meaning no current cryptography is safe against non polynomial algorythms
is the only safe option to build my own cumputer and use it in Faraday cage, in some cave, far away from civilisation?
no, no, user, they're even smarter than that
It's to not use technology at all and become as strong as possible while living exclusively on bugs.
but physics will protect me, right? i should believe in science, should i?
oh no the government has funded research for decades and decades
Doesn't mean Firefox is "better audited" either
"Intel inside of Intel inside" needs to be their new slogan. Same for AMD since their equivalent to the Intel management engine is the PSP (platform security processor).
i've read some russian article written by some guy who knew his shit about computer architecture
he wrote that it is possible to make any encryption alghoritm vulnerable by compromising the way your procesor works. to write it simple it makes the hashing alghoritm look random but in fact it follows some well hidden rule that, if attacker knows it, makes the encrypted file waaay more easy to crack than it should be
it's safer this way because any nasty thing in an open source program can be easily spotted and boycotted but only some ultra genius or AI would be able to spot the vulnerability in the CPU itself
now let's imagine that NSA goes to intel and AMD and tell them to implement this in all their CPU's for "security reasons"
Except that's wrong. Boards like /x/ are for roleplay, not this one. Learn more about cryptography before posting again.
and you learn more about CPU architecture
What's up with chromium losing features? swf files dont work on it again. They just try to reDL or blankscreen.
Like x86, ARM, RISC-V? Do you even know what architecture means when referring to a CPU? It's the instruction set. That's basically the way that the CPU does things like addressing memory, registers, and data. Fuck right off, retard.
>Like x86, ARM, RISC-V
you should say that you have no fucking idea from the beginning
You can't modify a CPU and have it do magic math. That's not how that fucking works.
no, you moron. they make the CPU in a way that it generates less random code than it looks like. it leaves traces and any smartass who knows step by step how it works can reduce the complexity
>random code
>leaves traces
What in the actually fuck are you talking about? That is not how a CPU works. It does not store things permanently like ROM, long term like nvRAM, or even short term like vRAM. The CPU has cache space where it pulls stuff from RAM so that it can process things faster, but you won't get shit out of that. Once you power the machine off, that gets cleared. As far as "random" data goes, no data going into the CPU is just random or unaccounted for. God fucking damn it, you are the dumbest piece of shit I have ever had the displeasure of speaking with!
the definite proof that you didn't even bother to understand a single word i've said. kill yourself pronto, i didn't ask for your retarded replies
I know what I'm talking about, and you don't. A CPU does not generate "random code", you moron. x86 processors are not spooky black holes that we know nothing about. They operate similarly to every other CPU on the face of the earth. Learn how computer work before calling me retarded, you retard.
>i've never heard of entropy, random pool and related things
>b-but i know my shit!
why are you still alive?
>entropy, random pool and related things
Also not what you think it is.
you surely know, mr "i know exactly how any intel processor is build"
I don't, but what I do know is that CPUs are not magical like you think they are. If you can modify an off the shelf Intel chip to prove new mathematical discoveries, then go claim you awards and money right now.
Oh wait... you're full of shit.
Just dropping in to remind you the only information you have contributed to the discussion is "some russian guy said"
Mr. Stallman also says it's okay to fuck kids.
Even giving him the benefit of the doubt on the Russian hacker guy, all of his arguments are batshit retarded and not based in reality.
>he still doesn't get it
that's true and i can't really prove it. not without actually deconstructing a CPU and checking step by step what it actually does. something that's pretty much impossible. all that's there for me is to believe that RNGs are safe on both software and hardware side
Disabled by default, can build without it, and even when enabled it asks your permission to use the microphone before it transmits audio to Google.
Try harder.
>>he still doesn't get it
Of course not, since what you're saying isn't factual. You might be able to push these lies with stupid normies, but I'm drunk and I have a Wikipedia tab open, nigger.
>i can't really prove it
Told you so.
>not without actually deconstructing a CPU
Which you can't do without specilized chemicals, machines, and training.
>and checking step by step what it actually does
Which you also cannot do because you need a very strong microscope to view all of the insanely tiny silicon transistors that take years for dozens of Intel engineers to map out.
>something that's pretty much impossible
But here you said that anyone could figure this out and see it.
>all that's there for me is to believe that RNGs are safe on both software and hardware side
If the number generator is predicable, or someone can use it to reproduce the same results over and over (which is what would be needed for a backdoor like that), then it's not fucking random. If it's not random, someone would have noticed something is up by now. This would also compromise the integrity of certain hardware like management engines, which are supposed to be a baked in botnet that can never be disabled.
lol, that "I know about CPUs more than you" guy that is in every single Sup Forums thread about cpus, doesn't he know Sup Forums is not hiring hardware engineers?
>someone would have noticed something is up by now
That's not entirely true.
How do bugs make it past code review?
This has been out there for over a decade. People have been looking into this kind of stuff for a really long time. It would have been found, at least in some CPU models.
first of all:
should be dropped but just out of boredom:
>Told you so.
all you did was some sperging
>i can't do things without laboratory
wew. i didn't know that
>But here (You) you said that anyone could figure this out and see it
learn to fucking read. i said that someone who ALREADY knows, can figure it out
>If the number generator is predicable...yada
first of all: it's never trully random. secondly, you're not able to tell if it was generated randomly or not
>someone would have noticed something is up by now
again: learn to fucking read. it's not possible to notice for any normalfag, nor a big company, nor a group of scientists. peeking inside CPU is only for the biggest companies with mwell equipped laboratories
maybe do something productive for once and make your own ALU. draw it on paper or make it in minecraft. learn how it works and see where you can fuck it up. but for now you have no fucking idea how CPUs work except for some wikipedia diagrams full of colored rectangles and arrows so feel free to stop posting any time
Two things. One, it could be recognized as spam. Two, it prevents the site from knowing where you came from (can't see referral site).
>there are people here who don't believe in conspiracies
>on Sup Forums
The layers of irony are real
>Two, it prevents the site from knowing where you came from (can't see referral site).
oh shit, that's cool
Yeah, 8/pol/ does that so they don't get tagged as someone from 8/pol/ (which can prevent polls and such from working properly or be used to do statistics on).
8/pol/ wouldn't look good on a resume
Did I misspeak? I meant that they can filter out any inputted data by people from 8/pol/ as well as do statistics on how post-wording affects clicks.
I don't really browse 8/pol/, I just find them interesting.