>not a dead project
Pick one
What does Sup Forums use now that MPC-HC is clearly dead? VLC is literally cancer tier, and Mpv really doesn't work in a Windows environment.
>not a dead project
Pick one
What does Sup Forums use now that MPC-HC is clearly dead? VLC is literally cancer tier, and Mpv really doesn't work in a Windows environment.
It works fine for me... no reason to switch to anything else.
They are still working on the project but I can't understand why they haven't made another official release... a bit stupid, in my opinion.
>it works for me
> nothing else works as well
pick one
> This motherfucking gay thread. Again.
I use MPV on Windows just fine. I had to add a little registry entry that would allow me to right click folders to play their contents with MPV, but that isn't strictly necessary (and I think folder playback is actually being worked on so that the player itself can handle it). Other than that, though, it works really well and I have no complaints.
What the fuck is wrong with vlc? It handless 10bit flac mkvs on my shit machine very well. Are you autists jerk off to config files or something?
>1.7.11 will be released shortly.
I use MPC-HC.
Hi MPVfag, I'll use VLC any day over MPV.
MPC-HC has always been getting nightly updates that are stable.
K-lite gets updated quite often thought.
>MPC-HC is clearly dead
They're clearly releasing a new version today.
What is a nightly build?
KCP. It just werks.
What kind of autism does it take to make a "MPC-HC is outdated" thread every fucking day
>mpv doesnt work in a windows environment
lmaoing@ur life
Epic meme arrows friend
>If I make the thread every OTHER day, people won't catch on..........................
>Mpv really doesn't work in a Windows environment.
Yes it does
Lincucks on suicide watch.
MPC-HC status and the future
As you may have noticed there was not much traction in the MPC-HC project in the recent months. We do apologize if you felt bad about that. Unfortunately, we were not able to provide as much development time as MPC-HC deserves. We believe MPC-HC is a very capable player and we want to keep it rocking for much more years to come. Sadly, currently, we don’t really have the manpower to do so. But this does not mean we want to give up here. We consider this release as a new starting point and hopefully, we will slowly but steadily make MPC-HC great again.
If you care about MPC-HC’s future, please contact us. Report issues that you want to be worked on and most importantly send patches if you can; even small changes help us move forward.
Must be some weird shill for another failed video player, so he mocks the standard and then posts his shit version later on in thread.
1. Use Linux
2. Use VLC
3. Pick your video codec
4. Profit
If all else fails, try fucking around with ffplay, the command line video playback device for ffmpeg.
MPlayer & mpv > your shit
I love this guy. I swear I'll never use another video player.
>latest nightly
>OP, get the fuck out
It already does everything, so why switch to something else that's "updated" because it has to catch up?
Also, nightlies are still active.
They released a new stable just an hour ago
>a media player
try for yourself to set up vlc side by side with mpc or mpv and see the difference
perpetual development is not a desirable thing
development has to finish at some point
>you need a video player that was updated yesterday in order to watch videos
seriously this, what the fuck is your problem op
>k lite
Do you even codec bro?
more like K-AIDS
Can you elaborate?
Open sores can't fathom actually perfecting and finishing software
>16 months to go from 1.7.10 to 1.7.11
>no significant improvements
>addendum literally says they don't have the manpower to actively develop the project
You can't improve perfection
Not according to the developers.
>hopefully we will slowly but steadily make MPC-HC great again
that's fan service
>devs saying they want to improve it but don't have the time
Yeah, sounds like it's perfect to me.
k-lite brings me back to the days of kazaa lite
oh such innocent times.
Enjoy your shit quality Delphi garbage retard.
look at the cpu usage
How does Ryzen handles NNEDI3
Winamp with FFmpeg
stay mad with your shit rip-off cuck
Can you please delete this image of me?
Let me suck your BBC first.
Except that I'm happy with it, and I'm on Windows, and I would never use madvr, because it's an utter crap and only retard would use it.
>something stops being worked on
>suddenly unusable
Why do people seriously think this way?
Clearly the end of the directshow reign, it's sad but hopefully alternatives exist and are now better than mpc-hc + lavfilters and available on major operating systems.
I haven't updated my MPC-HC since 2015, still plays all my Chinese cartoons flawlessly.
Who the fuck regularly updates their video player? The only reason I would update is if something doesn't work.
Was like KMPlayer before it got aids
>great again
That shit meme, why MPC why.
What the fuck, have you tried it, ever?
I won't lie.
I've been using MPC-HC for at least two years now. I host a movie streaming website and I use MPC-HC. I used to use VLC but it gave me audio glitches and sometimes random green screens so I needed a quick fix. I haven't had any problems with it and I don't see a point for it to update if it just works. But I've read in other threads there are beta builds so it's still getting updates but they aren't critically needed.
lest we forget
Yes, it just works.