R5 vs Ivybridge

I'm taking bets that the R5 won't beat my i5-3210m from 2012. Any takers?

>Protip: it won't

Were the Intel shills just told "Sup Forums likes memes"?

In other words, you know you're about to be ass-blasted.

Hahah funny maymay OP.

I love my 3770k. Won't switch to AhMeD products, lol.

AyyMDcuck BTFO'ed

Woah i just witnessed shill

> fuck yeah meme
> current year

what's next? a yao ming meme?

>AMDrones have no defense
>Must resort to insulting image macro OP used to post

i3-3250 master race reporting

le troll face XD

AMD is a total failure. The only benchmarks the memesters have are server farms and other pure multithreading. Guess what faggots, most real users don't use their PCs that way and even if they do in most cases a GPU is better for that job.


So I'm right.

Thanks Drones.

Just wanted confirmation.

Stay classy.

>shilling corporations

>refuting OP's claim

AMD can't do anything right, there is literally 0% chance that R5 will be good

Very poor showing in this thread, memes of poor quality, outdated and virtually worthless.

OP trying to justify using his shitty old laptop and asking people to do his homework for him.

not that's a rarity around here

I hope Intel will at least send you a 4th gen mobile i5 or something for your shilling efforts.

Actually I think it might be a different socket. Too bad then.

You say 'beat' but you haven't specified a metric to compare the two.

So no, I'm not going to place a bet, since you'll be moving the goalposts all the way into my wallet

silly intel shill-san, any Ryzen will obliterate your poorfag mobile dual-core i5 in both ST and MT

i'll take that bet. How does it have to beat it in order to be considered "beaten"?