Tell me why you like/dislike JavaScript

Tell me why you like/dislike JavaScript.

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you can actually get a job by learning it

I like it because it could be gone for the most part in roughly 10 years.
I also like it because it's not the worst part of the browser eco system.

I don't hate javascript.

I hate how and for what web"""""""""""developers"""""""""""""""""" using it. I hate the fact that people who have literally no idea what they are doing are using it. I have how my old laptop can run World of Warcraft but cannot load certain webpages.

I only dislike it when it's non-free.

Thank you mr skeltal

>new framework every week
>css/html programmers/former homepage-designers without knowledge how anything works and no motivation to learn because
>there's framework for everything, also there's a framework for writing `there's a framework`
>node folders 1000 levels deep, some say, if you reach the deepest level, you can meet the devil there
>cute brandy names and fancy logos, the legacy of css programming, to cover the shitty code underneath
>they often invent paradigms that existed for ages in sane languages and champion it like it's the latest fashion
>dozen of alternative standards just to avoid writing vanilla at all cost, if you want to fix something in source code, better learn brownscript, clojewscript, thaiscript, loss, pastcss, soss, and yellowsnowscript
>fucking children everywhere
>every dev has a twitter acc to wine and post memes on
>leftpad drama, express.js drama, drama everywhere
>`just use jqueery/react/redux`, it's so wonderful
>faget personalities ie tan abramovich, bj holowaychick, also that outspoken nigger guy
>every day yet another fag writes a blogpost on midium about js fatigue
it's a mess

people who use it have jobs, but no matter how well I can write Fizzbuzz in a real language like C, no one will hire me

I don't necessarily disagree with the language, I disagree with how it's used. If you're making anything but a website and using it, you're doing it wrong. If your website has 100 scripts, you're doing it wrong.

dynamic typing

Fuck consistency and transivity:

'' == '0' // false
0 == '' // true
0 == '0' // true

false == 'false' // false
false == '0' // true

false == undefined // false
false == null // false

null == undefined // true
'\t\r\n' == 0 // true

Fuck sanity:
typeof null == 'object'; // true
typeof NaN == 'number'; // true
NaN == NaN // false

Here's a great idea: automatic semicolon insertion!
// guess what this function returns, I dare you:
function f() {
foo: 'bar'

If that didn't blow your mind, how about this:
(Number.MAX_VALUE + 999) == Number.MAX_VALUE; // true
(Number.MAX_VALUE * 1.1) == Number.MAX_VALUE; // false, Infinity

Speaking of numbers, all numbers are 64-bit, except if you plan to do any bitwise operation at all, in which case they're silently converted to 32 bits, than back to 64 again:
Math.pow(2,31) == 2147483648 // true, as expected


Neuveritelne, I hate JS now.

progrider is down send help

gunna use this to save my breath next time somebody asks

You forgot also the oneliner packages with unit testing, issue tracker and continuous integration.

If there is nothing that's next to the return *on the same line*, it'll consider the return as a return void.

Node doesn't nest dependencies anymore

I dislike it for all the usual reasons but it has some cool stuff like prototypal inheritance, lambdas and the like. Either way there are other languages that are similar to JS but a lot cleaner and more consistent, such as Lua, which also has PI and functional elements. I'm glad the ubiquitous language of the web isn't a boring and rigid one at least. It's a good way to learn other paradigms.


it's a good tool but in the wrong hands it can do a lot of damage, and most of the wrong hands are on js because those idiots can't write c or anything else

the problem is all those idiots who get a programming license with their cereal, those stupid bootcamps and klosstards, shitty employers hiring just anyone, IT quality standards having gone down the drain, etc