Security and Privacy General

What security and privacy measures have you taken, Sup Forums? What tier of tin foil hattery are you on?

>uBlock Origin with fanboy's trackers list
>Privacy Badger
>HTTPS Everywhere
>Full disk encryption with either LUKS-dmcrypt or BitLocker (depending on OS)
>Encrypted Android
>2-factor auth for both Microsoft and Google accounts

How about you?

Fuck off, kiddo

nothing, I use windows 10 and windows defender with google chrome lol

The fuck is this

Has Neo-Sup Forums evolved past LOL CONSUMERISM into LOL NUTHIN TO HIDE territory now?

>all machines have Libreboot or Coreboot as BIOS
>disabled or deblobbed management engines
>Debian as main OS on everything
>everything has FDE with LVM/LUKS
>all cameras, mics, and speakers disconnected internally (I use USB accessories when needed)
>one machine is for very sensitive data and has no networking hardware at all and the CPU is a model without a management engine
>OpenWrt router
>use the Tor network whenever it's practical
>adblocker, script blocker, and https everywhere browser extensions in Firefox
>don't use any Apple or Google services
>smartphone is a Galaxy S3 running Replicant as the OS
>I pull the battery out from 5PM to 9AM
>iPod classic 5 for music
>no social media accounts asside from kik and a couple of small forums
>different passwords for everything

Rate my tin foil power levels.

i go with all g recommended security memes

Replicant better than Cyanogenmod/LineageOS? I've always liked their privacy tool that limits privs on apps.

I use it because it's free as in freedumbs, and these devices that are supported have not shown bad modem isolation. You can read more on their website.

finally a use case for Ryzen!

> 2k17
> No postquantum encrypted connections
> Stay vulnerable pleb

If you are already have ublock origin with fanboy's ultimate then you don't need privacy badger.


What does that even mean

Privacy Badger heuristically learns to block more and more stuff instead of relying on a centrally-maintained static list.

>learns to block more and more stuff
That sounds really gimmicky and retarded. I would have more faith in the list but whatever.

I'd sooner trust the programmers at EFF than actual retards from Sup Forums

If you want something like Privacy Badger that isn't gimmicky then use Disconnect me.

>It won't block all trackers but it'll block all them after a while forsure XD

The point is Privacy Badger's list grows as you use it. It's complimentary to any static list you can find for that reason alone.
Disconnect is literally a static list. You can just add that with uBlock.

>Use a ThinkPad that was stolen
>Hard drive removed
>network card removed, only ever use USB network card
>No cell phone
>I've set up an antenna that can access routers in a 500m radius and then repeat that signal for me to use for wifi
>Operating system is tails with separate USBs acting as storage
>Facebook, Twitter, instagram and Google+ accounts set to private


You must be new in this branch

*Inanimate Sensation starts playing*

You mean "Fanboy+Easylist-Merged Ultimate List"?
There are three fanboys under social and Fanboy’s Enhanced Tracking List under privacy also

i wish firefox started their own email service

i dont trust outlook


No, god no. We dont need see the Mozilla losing money in another project.


Recommendations for 2-factor authentication apps?

so what email service you stop the gubbament from spying on me?

pls help

Get fuck out Sup Forums(or /lefty/). Security and privacy was always a funny thing to Sup Forums.

I've graduated form using passwords to using pass phrases.

what email service would stop the gubbament then?

>Get fuck out Sup Forums(or /lefty/). Security and privacy was always a funny thing to Sup Forums.
Yeah, that would be why more and more people are using Linux.

most of neo-Sup Forums now uses windows 10 and doesn't care about privacy at all, so there you have it

>I pull the battery out from 5PM to 9AM
that is some next level security

For free?
MAYBE the protonmail, tutanote and openboxmail.

Because is funny thing, faggot.

>Microsoft and Google accounts


>Because is funny thing, faggot.