Perfect laptops don't exi

Perfect laptops don't exi...

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That's not the macbook pro with retina display.

Look at all that empty space, what a waste

thinkpads are a fucking meme

>chiclet keyboard
Yup, perfect laptops don't exist.

>not a late 2016 15.4" MBP

poorfag detected

What are you, gay?

Well, it's from Lenovo who creates BOTNET INPUT OUTPUT SYSTEMS.
What does that mean, btw?

>tripfag weeb cruising for dick on 4chins

Colored me surprised.

>replying to him
fucking reddit

>What does that mean, btw?

It's the same stuff you'll find on a Macbook, and any other laptop, even Chromebooks. They're pretty cheap shit.

Anyways, a great thing about old ThinkPads (and some modern Dell enterprise laptops) was that you could take out the keyboard in it's entirety which made it great as you could replace it.

They also made the laptop sort of spill proof, as if anything got into the keyboard, you could just pull out the keyboard easily.

>not the 2015 13.3" Macbook Pro with Retina Display

Not everybody uses the same gay '@' reply script you do.


fucking retard it's to not give the person a (you)

>Good little goy! Keep shilling those Cuckbook Pros for those shiney shekels

>t. Basement Korean


>spill coke on my think pad
>it dies
Thanks Sup Forums

>named after some murrican food stuff
>and some modern Dell enterprise laptops
reminds me, do their clit mouses still melt when exposed to sunlight for a couple of years?

But W520 is exist

>doesn't have ryzen
Garbo Tier

I honestly think it might be the HP Spectre x360.

Could someone tell me if that is going to be able to game all right though? Mine I was going to buy says it comes with NVIDIA 940MX dedicated graphics with 2GB of ram.

that's not an x220

you failed

Actual perfect laptop coming through

>a great thing about old Thinkpads was that you could take out the whole keyboard and replace it

It's like you didn't even try. I bet you believe that Thinkpad chiclet keyboard is the same quality as what's in most laptops these days, too.

>portable hotplate


Sure it gets hot but it's not anything unbearable, it's not like I use the thing naked or anything

>melts steel beams
>not anything unbearable
ok kid

>muh retarded hyperbole
>valid argument
ok kid

If you're like most people and only use your laptop for media consumption, then the used thinkpad meme is a terrible one to fall for. They're thick, heavy, and have shitty TN screens. You can buy new laptops that are thinner, lighter, have better battery life despite having smaller batteries because more efficient processors, and higher resolution IPS screens for under $500.

The only reason to buy a used thinkpad if you're using your laptop for watching anime and shitposting on Sup Forums is that you're a fucking klutz and need a magnesium roll cage or whatever because you drop your laptop so much.

I'll take a used high end laptop over a cheap new one any day

Why? So you can flaunt it as a status symbol? Why suffer with a 1366x768 or at best 1600x900 TN panel when 1440p IPS screens can be had on laptops for under $500?

try again

Do you mean it should have a numpad? Do you really want it to make it into the worst laptop in existence? Numpads don't belong on laptops.

Only shit typists would gimp themselves over something like this, pre-chiclet shitpad keyboards aren't even that much more to write home about.

No,it's because I'd much rather have high quality old hardware than low quality new hardware.
>1440p on a laptop
Dumb. 1280x800 is more than enough, I'm spoiling myself with my next laptop being 1400x1050.

Why the fuck would you use a laptop exclusively to do something a tablet or phone and a TV with a streaming device can do infinitely better in 2017? You're really no better than thinkhipsters just buying them to fit in and jerk off to nostalgia-bait aesthetics.

I really don't get why people hate the precision keyboard so much. The key mechanism is exactly the same as before, it's just the layout that has changed. In some parts for the better, in some admittedly for the worse. I miss the dedicated volume buttons on models newer than the 30 series but that's it. I think assigning more Fn functions to F1-F12 makes for better ergonomics. Also it's easier to clean the the build quality of the new keyboard is worlds ahead of the old one. Well, at least it's ahead of Lenovo's old keyboard. IBMs remain untouched of course.

Because going past 120PPI is retarded. Do you really want scaling aka be forced to use Windows 10?

It's still fucking TN. In 2017. Enjoy your eye cancer.

Typing on a touche screen isn't the best experience. Cheap laptops have keyboards, which make shitposting on Sup Forums way better than using using a tablet. I have a desktop for all my serious work.

No, it's IPS.

>using Windows on a laptop when the main justification for using Windows, gaming, isn't valid on laptops
Not all OSes are as shitty as Windows with scaling family.

The used thinkpads I looked at were TN.

Oh, this is about resolution now? 1600x900 is a pretty good resolution at 14". It's even on the high side if you ask me. Just look at how small text already is at that pixel density.

They offer IPS options but the limited viewing angles of TN panels are actually beneficial when working in public.

The only OS with decent scaling is Mac OS. Windows 10 works pretty well in that regard but Windows 7 doesn't and there's not Linux DE that works acceptable with scaling.


What's with all the bashing TN panels? People seem to forget what ThinkPads are made for. Seems like 90% of ThinkPad users on this board really want a shitposting and anime machine.

Gotta agree to . TN panels help keeping your shit private in public.

>TN is actually a good thing
>shitty resolutions are actually a good thing
>being this afraid of higher DPI screens
Does this text look small to you? It was taken on a 12.3 inch screen. Your post is pure post purchase rationalization.

This, there's nothing wrong with a good TN panel. It's not like I use my laptop at extreme angles. Hell, the form factor actually prevents that. You need to be sitting in front of the screen to use it.

You don't understand how PPI works, do you? I'm currently looking at this at a 24" screen so I have no way of knowing.
But consider this: To me this looks upscaled. The main reason why you would want a higher resolution is because you want more screen space. On small laptop screen you're gonna upscale everything to match the size of a way lower resolution so there's no reason for higher resolutions in the first place.

>What's with all the bashing TN panels?
Colors look awful. Even disregarding the mental gymnastics about viewing angles (people can still make out whats on your screen, it's just shifted in colors), everything looks way better with the proper colors of an IPS screen.

I got my T530 a few years ago and have been very happy with it. It's a solid computer. Only thing I don't like is it's relatively heavy but it's not really a big deal for me. I got it for $800ish I think on black Friday awhile back.

I replaced the screen later on with a 1920x1080 model myself. It was a lot cheaper that way. I think Lenovo charged around $300 to upgrade to 1920x1080.doing it myself It only cost me $90ish and about 20 minutes of my time to install it.

>posts screenshot from 12" screen
>"does this look small to you?"

kek, the retard. This is like taking a screenshot to show someone your damaged screen

oh god you shouldn't be on this board. you... you really shouldn't be on this board.

>The main reason why you would want a higher resolution is because you want more screen space.
No, it's to make everything looks sharper.

>On small laptop screen you're gonna upscale everything to match the size of a way lower resolution so there's no reason for higher resolutions in the first place.
I don't follow your mental gymnastics. My screen is 2400x1600 and it's set to render things as if the screen was 1200x800, so everything is nice and sharp. There's no reason to be using a lower resolution screen over a higher resolution screen except for battery life, but 5 year old computers use more power hungry processors so that's not even a relevant point.

Except you can judge the scaling by how far apart the elements on the screen are.

>Typing on a touche screen isn't the best experience.
So? You only have to do it once to find whatever shit media you want to consume. Get a bluetooth keyboard case if it bothers you that much.
>Cheap laptops have keyboards, which make shitposting on Sup Forums way better than using using a tablet.
Ah, so we're just going to move the goalposts and add new use cases to save face. An IPS or TN panel isn't going to make a meaningful difference for that anyway unless you're a simpering little bitch that crumples at the slightest inconvenience, but then again most people who whine about displays in laptops usually are.

Now here's a screenshot with scaling turned off. You can clearly tell the difference.

>My screen is 2400x1600 and it's set to render things as if the screen was 1200x800
Exactly what he was saying. That's called upscaling, you fucking retard.

Oh God, that touchpad looks disgusting!

If you use the trackpad you're doing it wrong.

why are thinkpads so ugly?

>No, it's to make everything looks sharper.
Why do people care about this so much especially for information processing devices? God fucking help us if you can see a pixel if you look really close, I mean it's $(date +"%Y") and my childish fantasies tell me the numbers must always get bigger and marketers tell me I must worship them!

It's a waste of energy and system resources for nothing. And scaling looks like fucking trash.

He said that upscaling was bad because apparently no OS handles it correctly. I'm arguing that not all OSes are as shitty as Windows.

>So? You only have to do it once to find whatever shit media you want to consume. Get a bluetooth keyboard case if it bothers you that much.
Bluetooth keyboard cases waste battery and make tablets thicker than most laptops and convertibles. They're also usually pretty shitty. Having a real keyboard is nice.

>An IPS or TN panel isn't going to make a meaningful difference for that anyway
Why would you want a display that's washed out when you're using it to watch videos?

the screen on that shit is just painful to look at let alone try to read something.

>He said that upscaling was bad because apparently no OS handles it correctly
He said you're going to want to upscale everything because otherwise the text would be tiny as fuck, which is just what you're doing.

>laptop has trackpad
>trackpad is so shit it's basically there just for design and aesthetics
OP was right, there is no perfect laptop.

The laptop would be better with no trackpad, it's there for those who have yet to embrace the TrackPoint.

>Why do people care about this so much especially for information processing devices?
Because it looks nicer?

>and my childish fantasies tell me the numbers must always get bigger and marketers tell me I must worship them!
There's a difference between being a consumerist whore and wanting the most bang for your buck. Why would I want to use a lower resolution screen when higher resolution ones with better colors and viewing angles are available and affordable?

>It's a waste of energy and system resources for nothing.
But you're arguing in favor of 5 year old laptops, which have less efficient processors, so that is a moot point. I probably get better battery life than your chinkpad.

>And scaling looks like fucking trash.
I'm not using Windows.

>Bluetooth keyboard cases waste battery and make tablets thicker than most laptops and convertibles
They usually have their own batteries and don't make things thicker to the point that it actually inhibits practicality. If you're going to be carting your shit around you'll want it in a protective case anyway.

>Why would you want a display that's washed out when you're using it to watch videos?
Because I'm not some tasteless, uncultured faggot trying to make up for it by playing pretend media professional, and like most normal people I watch videos for the content in them, not to critique my monitor's color reproduction. You're either brainwashed by shills or exaggerating a trivial issue to make your point seem like it carries more weight than it actually does, and you should stop it.

He said that upscaling looks like trash. I'm arguing that if you're using an OS that handles it properly, it looks better than 1366x768.

Trackpoints are inferior to a good touchpad+touch screen

>>On small laptop screen you're gonna upscale everything to match the size
>My screen is 2400x1600 and it's set to render things as if the screen was 1200x800

>They usually have their own batteries and don't make things thicker to the point that it actually inhibits practicality. If you're going to be carting your shit around you'll want it in a protective case anyway.
Most of those cases have shitty hinges than actual laptop or convertible hinges. Why does it trigger you so much that I prefer a convertible over a tablet? I can use my convertible like a tablet when I want to, and like a laptop when I want to. I get a better hinge than a tablet with a case.

>Because I'm not some tasteless, uncultured faggot trying to make up for it by playing pretend media professional,
Except I'm not doing that. It doesn't take a professional to tell the difference between a 768p TN panel and a 1440p IPS one. If I can get a higher end panel for the same price as the 768p one, why should I go with the 768p one?

Good trackpads are nice but TrackPoints are better.

>Because it looks nicer?
Not to a significant amount to justify throwing a tantrum over.

>There's a difference between being a consumerist whore and wanting the most bang for your buck.
That's pretty much what being a consumerist whore is all about, you have to maximize your consumption somehow. If you really were the virtuous man of frugality you're trying to paint yourself as and gave a shit about that retarded slogan you wouldn't be buying marked up new equipment anyway, nor would you be whining about such trivial fucking shit instead of getting the job done.

>But you're arguing in favor of 5 year old laptops, which have less efficient processors
That's not the efficiency I'm talking about, I'm talking about wasting system resources that could be devoted elsewhere in the name of imperceptible prettiness.

And don't try grasping at straws with the energy bullshit, if we follow your example we'll waste far more money upgrading to the latest and "most efficient" long before it can actually pay for itself than if we used our brains and stuck with what worked, mobile chips always sucked fuck all power to begin with.

>I probably get better battery life than your chinkpad.
I use a new Dell and I'm not here to shill for chinkshit, I'm just here to laugh at your dumb sheep ass.

Whats your point? Everything is the size it would be at 1200x800, but it's much sharper. I was told that scaling "looks like shit", when it doesn't if you're using the right OS. Do you have an argument against that?

Maybe you should learn how to type instead.

*This* is a rageworthy chiclet keyboard.

I never made such a claim so I couldn't care less if anyone provides an argument for that.

This is about the perfect laptop. If there are any flaws, it's not perfect. user finds chiclet to be a flaw, so the laptop is in his opinion not perfect.

>Most of those cases have shitty hinges than actual laptop or convertible hinges.
Moving the goalposts with more trivial whining. Typical.

>Except I'm not doing that.
You're whining about "washed out" colors while watching shitty amateur phone camera videos, that's exactly what you're doing.
>It doesn't take a professional to tell the difference between a 768p TN panel and a 1440p IPS one. If I can get a higher end panel for the same price as the 768p one, why should I go with the 768p one?
Why are you suddenly moving the goalposts yet again bringing resolution into it? And what fucking system out there even offers a high-end 1440p IPS panel at used 6 year old shitpad price points?

>Not to a significant amount to justify throwing a tantrum over.
I simply made a comment earlier in the thread that I prefer more modern screen technology, and the Lenovo shills came out of the woodwork to tell me there's nothing wrong with spending as much money as I did to get an inferior screen. Several year old thinkpads still cost more than what I paid for my laptop.

>That's pretty much what being a consumerist whore is all about, you have to maximize your consumption somehow.
I probably paid less for my laptop than you did for yours.

>If you really were the virtuous man of frugality you're trying to paint yourself as and gave a shit about that retarded slogan you wouldn't be buying marked up new equipment anyway, nor would you be whining about such trivial fucking shit instead of getting the job done.
But I want the warranty from the manufacturer, and I don't want 6 years worth of someone elses cumstains on my laptop. If I can get that at the same price of your several year old chinkpad, why shouldn't I go for it? My laptop get's the job done just as much as yours does, it probably costs the same, and it has a better screen and is thinner and lighter. Again, why should I want a worse value?

>That's not the efficiency I'm talking about, I'm talking about wasting system resources that could be devoted elsewhere in the name of imperceptible prettiness.
But it is relevant. My laptop uses less electricity to do the same tasks as yours.

>I use a new Dell and I'm not here to shill for chinkshit, I'm just here to laugh at your dumb sheep ass.
Why did you buy a new Dell over a used thinkpad?

>Moving the goalposts with more trivial whining. Typical.
It's not trivial. It's convenient to be able to use the screen in more than one or two positions.

>You're whining about "washed out" colors while watching shitty amateur phone camera videos, that's exactly what you're doing.
Believe it or not, I'm not watching cell phone videos.

>Why are you suddenly moving the goalposts yet again bringing resolution into it?
Because OP brought up an old laptop that has a lower resolution screen than modern laptops.

> And what fucking system out there even offers a high-end 1440p IPS panel at used 6 year old shitpad price points?
I won't tell you because I don't want to be accused of being a shill, but I've given you enough information to find out what laptop I'm using.

>and the Lenovo shills came out of the woodwork to tell me there's nothing wrong with spending as much money as I did to get an inferior screen.
Sounds like a pretty one-off anecdote if you scored a 1440p laptop for under the $200-$300 most of these shitters pay for their stuff, I wouldn't blame them for calling you out for trying to shit on them based on such unrealistic expectations.

But my point isn't shilling for Lenovo, I just also happen to align with them in the idea that mindlessly jerking off to big numbers in the display of a small portable is pretty dumb, even if you're watching movies.

>I probably paid less for my laptop than you did for yours.
It was a gift, so I didn't pay anything for it. What does that have anything to do with what I said anyway? I'll probably be using this damn thing for 5-6 years and you sound like you switch off every 1-2.

>But it is relevant. My laptop uses less electricity to do the same tasks as yours.
No, it's not really. Mobiles use fuck all in general especially in these days of diminishing returns, in the years it will take for that shit to pay itself off you'll probably have upgraded once or twice using the same retarded justification.

>Why did you buy a new Dell over a used thinkpad?
I've spent much of my life using the latter, I was offered something from a limited range at a limited price point and I wanted something with a lighter build and a different look.

>It's not trivial. It's convenient to be able to use the screen in more than one or two positions.
You can certainly do that with the solution I described.

>Believe it or not, I'm not watching cell phone videos.
Point's the same no matter what you're watching, so feel free to fill in whatever you want.

>Because OP brought up an old laptop that has a lower resolution screen than modern laptops.
I'm not OP nor do I really care what he posted about, resolution had nothing to do with my own points.

>I won't tell you because I don't want to be accused of being a shill
Or because you're full of shit or you know it was just a one-off good deal that isn't easily repeated. If there was someone out there selling $200 systems with a 1440p IPS display and good guts to drive it you'd be hearing about it all day long here.

>Sounds like a pretty one-off anecdote if you scored a 1440p laptop for under the $200-$300 most of these shitters pay for their stuff,
I only said "under $500" earlier, because a lot of thinkpads like the ones in OP's picture can be found for as much on ebay, and the advice I always see on here is to buy them and upgrade the ram and SSD and possibly the battery. But there is a deal to get my laptop for $350 right now, so it can be had for non upgraded chinkpad range.

>But my point isn't shilling for Lenovo
Then why are you defending their overpriced garbage? Are you a consumerist whore who thinks bigger numbers = better when it comes to specs like thickness?

>It was a gift, so I didn't pay anything for it.
My previous laptop was actually a $2,500 macbook that I got as a gift. I sold it so I could use the money on more practical things and bought this gookbook.

>I'll probably be using this damn thing for 5-6 years and you sound like you switch off every 1-2.
My OS gets updates for a long time, who knows how long I'll be using this.

>Mobiles use fuck all in general especially in these days of diminishing returns
But more efficiency = better battery life in a smaller form factor. I don't want to carry around a thick device with a huge battery in order to get the same battery life as my device that's very thin and light. If they're the same price, why should I go with the thicker one?


Had the best keyboard they ever made. Every version since they have ruined it more and more.

>You can certainly do that with the solution I described.
I'm sure the company you're shilling for makes excellent tablet cases.

>Point's the same no matter what you're watching, so feel free to fill in whatever you want.
I have an old laptop with a 1366x768 TN screen. It doesn't take an expert to be able to appreciate the difference. If I can easily afford the better screen, why should I go out of my way to use an inferior screen?

>Or because you're full of shit or you know it was just a one-off good deal that isn't easily repeated.
Nope, I'm talking about the regular price.

>If there was someone out there selling $200 systems with a 1440p IPS display and good guts to drive it you'd be hearing about it all day long here.
Not all chinkpads are that cheap. The ones that are that cheap need to be upgraded to be useable, or are covered in cum stains. I'll give you one last hint: there's only one laptop (that I know of) that's the same price as pic related with a 12.3" 3:2 aspect ratio screen for under $500.

>that's the same price as pic related ... for under $500.
Wow, I need to go to bed. Sorry about that.

Plebs, the whole lot of you

it's actually pretty comfy desu, think I might get the usb version for my desktop.

I bet you browse plebbit faggot

Perfect laptops don't exi...

>tfw bought T61 with 80gb hdd and 2gb ram and 1280x800 screen for 70€
I don't give a shit. I can upgrade this later on


Sadly there are no real alternatives.

XPS 13, fucking retard.

Still doesn't make it perfect

That's also 16:9, you goddamned mongoloid.

Can any laptop be called perfect? Perfection would be infinite processing power, infinite screen resolution, infinite battery life all in in a laptop that is as thin as it can be while still being comfortable to use.

So obviously perfection isn't meant literally here but rather relativly.

Even if we go by perfect as of today's technology, 16:9 is an instant disqualification.


It's still a great side computer. I'd kill myself if I had to use it for everything. Compliments things nice and it's cheap.