

Seriously though how do we fix pic related and improve Sup Forums as a board?

>every site is clearly being paid by intel
I read that post and it was clearly sarcasm

You turbo autists really can't stop, can you?

>some autistic Sup Forums trash actually made this in his basement

try to fix yourself first.

>Triggered AMD autism force marches in in a death squad.

Being part of the worst fanbase on Internet might be shameful but you don't have to add to it.

This sums it up pretty well.

Just had another fanboy claim the 1700 would do 4.5 ghz on air , even though people get 4.1 ghz on the 1800x on water cooling.

But ofcourse everybody was doing it wrong according to him.

The amount of delusion in fanboys has reached new heights since the release of Ryzen

Lmao beautiful timeline

I have no idea, I'm pretty sure AMDtards are braindamaged, maybe we can give them some medication?

>ignoring my comment
You're worse than the AMD shills

Oh, so you're I never realized how much shilling was done by so few people
Budget must be tight with those intel price cuts which never happened :^)

>namefag calling anyone a shill


>Being suicidal over release of a CPU.


>using the inferior image

>it's not easier to be a shill while anonymous
>claiming that the 7700k is cheaper because of price drops
>claiming that Ryzen is so bad Intel had no reason to drop prices
It's almost like you two argue for pennies a post

Your shitposting doesn't change the fact Ryzen is DoA for 80% of the market. Maybe you will stat making phone calls begging to buy Ryzen.

That last reaction. I know that one.

It always ends in that phase, somehow they move to that phase quicker with gpu's, I remember it only took a couple of days with the Fury X and the Rx 480

This is true

Nice work OP. Really show the problem of AMDegenerates

* stop posting about gaymes
* stop shilling hardware companies for free
* kill yourself
in no particular order

t. triggered amdrone
Maybe if your lot didn't constantly shit the board macros like this wouldn't exist. Really makes you think.

fix what? its a god damn epic cpu.


